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[Idea] another alternative for the death alternative

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Would it be possible to design an alternative to death where a captor leaves you staked out in the woods to die?  " let the gods decide your fate".  Maybe another assailant will wander by maybe an animal will try to eat you or for you bestiality fans do some other nasty things.  Maybe you get found to slavers or maybe you find a way to escape.

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40 minutes ago, epwizard said:

Would it be possible to design an alternative to death where a captor leaves you staked out in the woods to die?  " let the gods decide your fate".  Maybe another assailant will wander by maybe an animal will try to eat you or for you bestiality fans do some other nasty things.  Maybe you get found to slavers or maybe you find a way to escape.

I'm pretty sure it would be possible, one would have to create such events though (scripting and such), but shouldn't be too difficult depending on how complex you would want the encounter to be. I usually open up mods in the Creation Kit and add and/or modify them if they have the source of their scripts provided, and if I remember correctly Death Alternative has support for this kind of modding :D

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Could be a scenario similar to Death Alternative Captured... (in that some of its scenarios rely on sitting around and waiting for some events to trigger, that is, including using the "Wait" function).


By the way, speaking of Death Alternative... are there any mods out there other than SD+ that make use of its "Death" event, instead of "Blackout" event?

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