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Blender export white arms and just wrong textures

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The issue is a texture problem, could you look at this please: https://ibb.co/gcG1bT

I'm trying to add Bounicing breast to it which works actually since the torso part is fine.

The arms are messed up and the visor is actually supposed to be transparent from the type 6 armor compilation mod seen here: https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/130/images/45505-4-1330240172.jpg

I just edited the meshes so the textures shouldn't mess up right? I did not delete any vertices or faces I literally just sculpted and scaled and such. In fact I've already converted two other armor pieces which did work but this one is different.?


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Two problems:


1.) Blender export shaders


First take a look at your nife file.

You´d better use nifskope for that.

You will see, that the skin parts have a different shader set active; as the clothing parts

Here are two examples with the correct shaders marked



Here is the body part:




Here are the pants:





But when you export something with blender, the programm will automaticlly choose one shader set for all parts of the file!


See here:






So after you did your work with blender, it´s the easiest way to open op your export file with nifskope again, and check all shaders.

You can change them with nifskope and a easy drag and drop menu with small checkboxes.

( Don´t forget the blown off body parts! )




2.) NiNode position within the nif file


Nearly every nife file for FO3 / NV has more "NiNodes" within the file.

Its like a root system.

Take a look at this:



I marked all Nodes with 1 to 6 as a position





Now, within the G:E:C:K, some armors and clothes are often reused.

They just get another painting through the kit and look in a different color.


See here:





Your enclave scientist clothes, for example, uses the same model like the radiation suit.

Just some new paint.


The G:E:C:K ist not very clever with this.

it just repaints the given position.

Often, exported armors are re-organized by the programm.

Just take Nifskope and put all parts back in the original position.

You can do this by pressing "control+ArrowUp" or "control+ArrowDown"


Then all ingame repaints will reappear on the correct position.


Take a notice!!!:

The G:E:C:K always show the positions up and down INVERTED to nifskope (I have no idea why!)




(Just one last advice by the way!  : Bullet holes and blood is only applied to certain position within the nif! I don´t know by which rule, but most of the time position 1 works for blood effect! You know sometime, some armors just have no bullet hole effect! Thats simply because the NiNodes are in the wrong position. This happens even to some vanilla armors!)


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Oh wow that's a lot of info, thank you. Yes but the arms are not skin so I thought that it would be ok to use the same settings as the torso part, the visor however I have no idea. It's supposed to be transparent so probaly a different shader... I'm not familiar with GECK like at all though, I would really appreciate some guidelines how to fix this, thanks!


Edit: Well god damn it, GECK immediatly crashes on startup... I remember using it to edit some mods a year or so back...

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Refering to your posted image, I´m very sure

Arms and Visor are caused by problem number two.


If this is a "selfmade" conversation of a downloaded community mod...

then I would say; you should better get your GECK running again.


That´s the faaaar easiest way to correct the texture issues.


The other option is to put every part of your clothing back into its original place

(Hoping, that there is no mod, overwriting the data! )


Here´s the original:






And I think, bullet holes where bugged on vanilla armor here.

That´s why I changed mine!



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Holy balls... It actually worked!! Thank you! I for sure didn't expect it to be so easy. Very cool, and also for anyone who has GECK crashes, I found the solution online, the probem was I was using Mod Organizer, so do this: Uncheck all of your mods in your load order (not the left list, the right one with esps and such). But backup your load order, I recommend backing up quiet often too, yes there is such a feature. It should open without crashing.

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