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About This File

Requested by @grenadenpizza


Visibility does a very simple thing: adds a detect life and dead effect to DD blindfolds.


Update takeaway: Sliders added to MCM to control range. Should work, please test and report.


This version comes with all of the following features:

  • Detect Life (modified to include Daedra and Automatons) and Dead Effects
  • An MCM to include toggles for both of those effects
  • MCM to control range of effects
  • A very very lackluster release post
  • A disappointing lack of screenshots


Beta Disclaimer:
This version may also have some bugs, and may not apply properly to blindfolds outside of the original DD. If you notice any odd behavior (Effect not working, weird ranges, certain things not lighting up, effect lingering after blindfold unequipped, or ending while the blindfold is still on, and these are just guesses off the top of my head the CK probably has something dumber tucked away for me/you) please report it quickly in this thread including useful info (meaning which blindfold you were wearing, what the problem is, and nothing else unless asked. Load orders and Papyrus logs probably won't be all that helpful here).


What does the future hold for Visibility?

  • Bugfixes probably
  • A separate Detection effect for Daedra and Automaton
  • Probably anything and everything you guys suggest in this thread.
  • A less lackluster release post
  • Screenshots (you can help by uploading them in the thread for me to steal use)

What's New in Version 2.0.1


  • 2.0.1:
  • Addition of a new script to ensure the effect is removed when blindfolds are unequipped.
  • 2.0.0:
  • Updated MCM and effects, range should now be controlled via MCM sliders.

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