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A small addon for the cum addiction system in Cum Swallow Needs or Sexlab Survival.


At high cum-hunger levels, you'll be forced to beg any man you meet for his hot, sticky spunk. At lower levels, a dialogue option is available instead, so you can at least ask.




Cum Swallow Needs and Sexlab Survival have four levels of cum-hunger: Peckish, Hungry, Starving, and Ravenous.


-At Peckish or Hungry, a dialogue option appears with every man, where you can ask him for cum. Since you're the one asking, he'll make you pay him!

-At Starving, you'll be forced to beg men for their cum, once an hour. Again, you'll have to pay for it- but even more than if you were Peckish or Hungry.

-At Ravenous, your thirst for cum consumes you. The only interaction you can have with men is to beg to suck their cock, and you can't refuse their demands- no matter how outlandish they are!


The demands men can have at Ravenous level are:


-All your gold, as long as you have enough to be worth their time!

-Your clothes (and your boots)

-Any interesting item you might have, with no limit on how special it is. Careful, you're such an addict you might give your Daedric artifacts away for a fix!


Each NPC has a 24-hour cooldown between begs. Once you've begged someone (whether successfully or not) they'll refuse to let you beg them again for a day. Of course, if you're feeling Ravenous that won't stop you trying...


There's also a small chance that a man will just take your payment, and tell you to push off! Can you blame them for taking advantage of an addled, desperate, cum addict?


An optional feature is blocking interaction with women as well as men at Ravenous. This is turned off by default- since women can't give you what you need, you can get completely stuck if you need to talk to one!


The following options are available in the MCM:


-Disable any of the four cum-hunger levels' dialogues

-Disable any of the three possible demands for Ravenous-level begging


-Scale the amount of gold taken at Peckish, Hungry, or Starving begs

-Set the minimum gold required to pay for a Ravenous-level beg

-Set the chance that a man will take your payment but not put out in a Ravenous-level beg (down to 0% to disable)


-Enable Ravenous-level begging at women


Also, any begging will add Bimbos of Skyrim bimbo corruption.



Known Issues:


-The Scale Gold Prices slider in the MCM won't display it's value properly the first time you adjust it. The value is stored and functions correctly, it's just the display that's wrong. After the first time you adjust it, the display will be correct.





Requires Cum Swallow Needs OR Sexlab Survival.


If you're using Cum Swallow Needs, get the version labelled Cum Swallow Needs. If you're using Survival, get the version labelled Survival. The in-game MCM also displays which version you've downloaded. If it doesn't work, and you come ask me why, and it's because you've got the wrong version, I will make fun of you.


Skyrim LE, SE, AE, doesn't matter. The mod is just some basic scripts and dialogue, so it will work with any Skyrim version.






- @forpyor for requesting this addon!

- @Dasha117 for making Cum Swallow Needs.

- The ghost of @Monoman1 for making Sexlab Survival.

- Anyone and everyone who's tipped me with my Ko-Fi tip jar!



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