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[DISCONTINUED] Autosave [0.18a] 1.1.0

2 Screenshots

About This File

Update: this function is now available in the base game! Please update your game to 0.19 and have a great day!


Adds autosave functionality to X-Change Life. This behavior can be disabled if you want, or it can autosave over any save file you prefer. Autosave will not begin until Day 5 to prevent accidental save overwrites if you're testing out new mods. Autosaves take place at the start of each new day using the [advance_day_post] tag, and will only happen once per day so that you won't get annoyed with unnecessary slowdown.


Should be highly mod compatible since it uses passage tags for all new functionality.


Please report any bugs either using the thread here on Loverslab, or in the #mods-bug-reports section of the X-Change Life discord server. Thanks for the support!

Edited by datdude69
Base game inclusion!

What's New in Version 1.1.0   See changelog


Supporting now for 0.18a and the upcoming 0.18b

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