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In heath and sickness …



It was very unusual to be on the work without my Prince. Not only to me and Ivy, but many workers who used to see him, talk to him and needed his help. Although his team did a great job replacing him and doing his part of job, people got used on him and the asked when he will be back. Although formal and official visit wasn’t arranged some people came to see him at our house after the work in Friday. We host them the best we could and they said many good words and encouragement to him wishing him quick recovery and soon coming to the work. I don’t know how many towels we changed but there was a lot since he constantly has to wipe his face, neck, chest and back. He felt uncomfortable to shake hands with them or to hug them although he didn’t stink, but was only wet from sweating. Many of them didn’t care and they friendly hugged him. He was very touched. When they all left he said to Ivy and me that he was pleasantly surprised they visited him and we spent the evening in our routine and enormous sweating made him quite nervous but he didn’t give up from his evening routine and wild sex with us.



Yesterday morning after our routine our parents came for morning coffee with us. I asked them about peppermint leaves that Darhvinia suggested and Zdenka said she will go to the drug store and bought it for him. Our dads wanted to go to the grocery store for us, but my Ivy thanked them and said she and her husband will do it. We were all surprised she wanted him to go with her since he sweats a lot, but she said:

- I love my husband in good and evil, health and sickness and I’m not ashamed of his disorder, but proud he is my husband. I don’t give a damn what people might say because they mean nothing to me but my husband means everything to me.

Although my Prince didn’t like her idea to go with her, he went for he wanted to please her. So they left, my mom, dads and me cleaned the house and we prepared my Prince favorite drink: mineral water with “tones” of lemon. When they all came back and Zdenka bought peppermint leaves we heard Ivy story from the shopping.  She bought all the groceries on the credit card and the cashier lady returned the change in lot of ***Lipas (Lipa is the smallest money value: 100 lipa = 1 Kuna). So she returned about 15 Kuna in Lipas. My Ivy wanted to get rid of it and she took my Prince to the nearest café for mineral water and she had cappuccino. When she wanted to pay the drinks in Lipa, the waitress didn’t want to take the money and they quarreled until my Ivy invited her boss and told him that according to the law, they have to take Lipas as the mean of payment since it is Croatian monetary value too or she will call financial inspection and sue them. So they took the money. Zdenka brought the peppermint leaves and my mom and she smashed them in small pieces and put it on my Prince body. He started to fell cooler but very soon he got some itching rush on the body. He just discovered that he is allergic to it. We washed his body and he felt better. How, we put our last hope into the injections that supposed to come in Monday. Although injections supposed to reduce his extreme sweating to minimum, the heat still makes him nervous, so he will take some appeasement pills that makes minimal addiction and he will take them only in extreme situations. He continued to sweat a lot, but my Ivy and I showed him how much we love him. We exchanged sittings in his lap regardless of being wet from his sweat. We weren’t disgusted by it for he didn’t smell badly at all; he was only wet. We could see on his face how much he was glad we did it. It will be much harder for him if we will behave opposite and avoid him. When you love someone you love him in all “states” and “conditions”, not only when he is doing well.



When they left, I worked on my theses and very soon Adriana and Nick called asking if they may come to talk to us about the wedding. When they arrived, Adriana couldn’t hug him, shook hand with him because it disgusted her, but Nick was very opposite. He didn’t mind it at all. We talked about few rehearsals we should have in August due to their wedding. We told them we will do it if our job obligations will let us do it. Anyway, plan “B” was that if we don’t manage to come, they will make the detail plan of the wedding ceremony and give it to us on the time. We had a great time and my Ivy wanted to show to Adriana how much she loves my Prince and she constantly kissed him and hugged him sitting in his lap and being very wet from his sweat. She told her:

- Adry … loving your husband has no expiration time and isn’t conditioned. You either love him regardless of his sickens or physical disorder or you don’t. True love knows no boundaries.

Adriana bent her head and I could see she was ashamed. I was very proud at my Ivy. When they left, we swam in the sea, had excellent sex and then we returned to the house. I studied my materials before Fran arrived to watch “the diaries of Bridget Jones - the edge of reason” with me on TV. My luvs studied martial arts theory and they talked about their parenthood.



My Ivy is mentally growing each day becoming more and more reponssible and mature. She will always be a bit of “crazy” and wild but she will be a great mother as she is a spouse. So, it’s Sunday; 2:30 in the morning. I can’t sleep because it rumbles and it’s windy. My Prince finally sleep. I’m working on my theses and I wrote this diary during the short break. The point of this diary is to show you that love overcomes all problems. It doesn’t weaken or reduce when your loved one is sick or in troubles. On contrary, it grows and glance in fullness for it doesn’t have the “temporary” effect and it doesn’t change according to the circumstances. The best model of the true love are Ivy's and my mom who stayed with their husbands in "hell" and "heaven".


Recommended Comments

That's the spirit you guys ;)


And yeah Prince is not gonna smell because he is really health and in shape an also watches what he eats.:classic_biggrin::mrgreen::thumbsup:


One more thing.... Do you guys use air conditioner in your house??

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Thank you. Yes, we do have air conditioner but my Prince is getting sick when we turn it on. For some reason it doesn't suite him: his joints hurts him, his nose is running and if he doens't move from the room or if we don't switch it off, he gets high temperature. We have air condition in our car but we never turn it on because of him. We scroll our windows down.

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17 hours ago, EvalovesEP said:

Thank you. Yes, we do have air conditioner but my Prince is getting sick when we turn it on. For some reason it doesn't suite him: his joints hurts him, his nose is running and if he doens't move from the room or if we don't switch it off, he gets high temperature. We have air condition in our car but we never turn it on because of him. We scroll our windows down.


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