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Was that really necessary?!



Since his last fall with the gypsy lady my Prince turned to normal but he changed too. Not in the negative sense, but positive. He became more mature and serious. He didn’t change toward his colleagues, workers and friends, but he changed in private life. His failure with gypsy lady caused tripled pain in his soul; first, he failed himself breaking the promise he won’t break any Hotel, rules. Second, he failed our boss saying that he will cause no problems, and third, he failed us saying he won’t have sex outside the marriage and our “fantastic 4”. It almost broke him. The man who strictly lives according to his principles and who keep high ethical standards like him, hardly recovers from such things. But thanks to our love and support he recovered. The result of his recovery was elimination of unimportant things and activities from his private life and tripling his caution when talking to the females he might be weak to. He spends a lot of time with us; sex in the first place for we are sex addicts, then various other activities related to his and Ivy’s job. Don’t get me wrong now; it doesn’t mean he has no fun, but he found fun in more “serious” things and activities then secondary and less important things. His job and our marriage are his top priorities. He is involved much more into parenthood, Ivy’s pregnancy and Ivy’s training in more diplomatic approach and speech, marital arts training and music and singing. He simply grew up mentally and emotionally over the night. His emotions are harder, his mental condition is stronger, but he is still very gentle and romantic with us. Ivy and I can feel his love, concern and care for us in his touches, kisses, hugs, speech, look; just name it. Indeed, his failure made him stronger, but it almost broke him. Without support and love of our family, friends and loved ones (me and Ivy), knowing my Prince, he will break.



We spoke to my Fran about two things: the group sex in Saturday and “Ivy’s therapy” attempt to cure my Prince from weakness on dark skin skinny girls. He was very thrilled about the first one, but he wasn’t thrilled about the second one at all. As the matter of fact he resented my Ivy for cruelty although my Prince defended her saying that she only wanted best for him. He (teasingly) asked my Prince:

- Does it still hurt you?

Prince: No, it doesn’t. Why?

Fran: I have healing hands ….

Ivy and I blasted in laughter while my Prince looked at him sharply and said to him:

- … which I will break if you continue to babble!

After we stopped laughing he shortly thought about solution and he came up with new idea that my Prince “ewwwd” on. Namely, he suggested to my Prince to watch the worst venereal diseases on black girls’ vagina on the net. We all “attacked” him and rejected his proposition because we know how much my Prince is disgusted on dirty and unhygienic body and body parts. Do you think that he will eat grapes, whipped cream and bananas with honey from our asses if Ivy and I don’t maintain high hygiene and enema?! My Prince and Fran are rare males that we know who keeps top hygienic habits. None of them ever smell badly or on sweat. Just like Ivy and me and our “fantastic 4”. So, since both “versions” doesn’t work for my Prince, we kept the old decision: Ivy and I will watch on him, especially her for she is working with him and she’ll help him to resist temptations and he will avoid visiting porn pages with ebony/black skinny girls. (He deleted two porn pages he had with that content).



My Prince found out that the boss covered half of his expenses for cleaning lady and that he “rewarded” him and Ivy for doing jobs for our business partners, but he couldn’t complain because my boss profoundly explained to him why he did it. He could only smile and comment:

- You are very slick, dad. Veeeeeeery slick.

But he thanked him for being nice to him.



So, we spent Saturday mostly on the beach. We swam, fucked in the sea, played shark game and I studied. Our parents did grocery shopping for us because they also needed to buy snacks and beers for tomorrow’s match. We cleaned our house as always, made the lunch, but didn’t eat at all because it was extremely hot. We drank a lot of liquids. But we prepared small feast for our “fantastic 4”. When they arrived at 20:00 we started as always: Ivy’s gangbanging until she is fully satisfied. I had lesbian sex with girls using our toys. Then we had various sex combinations and it ended with Fran’s sex with Matija and Peter. This time our group sex was shorter then usually. We had only two small breaks because my Prince felt very hot and although heat makes him horny, when he came third time, he wasn’t interested in sex any more, but tensed. Then he went to our beach and swam in the sea for he couldn’t sleep. My Ivy went after him while we took shower and withdrew in our rooms. Fran slept with me on the balcony. I’m not surprise that my Ivy follows my Prince everywhere. It’s not only the “habit” because they are 24 hours together, but she loves to be with him all the time and she never gets tired of his presence. My Prince is the same. He likes to be with us. It isn’t that I don’t like to be with each of them separately, but I don’t have a such strong "need” to be with my Prince or with Ivy every single second as my Ivy has to be with him. Indeed, their relationship is very special and unique. The three of us has special relationship with each other; my Ivy and Prince, my Prince and me, and me and Ivy. We are all addicted to each other, we love and are loved as we need, but she is extremely addicted to him. Unlike before, she doesn’t make problems when the job obligations separate them for few hours. She is a bit sad, but when they meet she is extremely happy and cheerful. She pins on him like a tick. My Ivy never loved any male, even Nick, as she loves my Prince. And I’m glad she does. We both will die for him as he will for us.



Today was a crazy day. I spent the morning in working on my theses; my luvs went to the Hotel to check up some people and do some small interventions/conversations/security preparations for afternoon’s match and our moms came to cook for us. Croatia played final match against France for World championship. If you think that it went without incident in our family, you’re wrong. Our dads are fanatical fans of our national team. They came with Fran and our moms dressed in all cheering props and brought beers and snacks. Our dads said to my Prince that it would be nice of him if he will watch the final match with them. He doesn’t have to support Croatian team, but he is not allowed to support France either. Although we protested saying it’s not fair, my Prince accepted as respect to them. When France scored the second goal my Prince sarcastically smiled because our commentator glorified our team as better and blah blah justifying our player who played by hand in 16 meters saying it was accident and that judge should forgive it. But it was obvious that our player used his hand to stop the ball. My Prince hates such things but he didn’t want to comment it out loud. Marko saw his smile and angrily said that it was mistake inviting him to watch the game with them for he is a traitor. (Marko is also very biased when our national team plays). My Prince didn’t answer him, but he gently moved my Ivy from his lap, left the room and went to our beach. My Ivy and I were pissed off. I gave her the head sign to go after him and I stood up and said very sharply to Marko:

- You are very unfair, dad. We had several discussions about this theme and you still always turn against our husband when it comes to the soccer. Why can’t you just let go?! You know very well that my Prince was right and you still attacked him! …… This is unacceptable. The match is over for you. I want you to go home and watch the game at your house. There will be no more game watching in our house!

I quickly switched it off. Our dads were in shock. They started to protest angrily calling me names until Zdenka madly said to them:
- I had enough of you two! …. Where the hell your heroism and patriotism suddenly came from?! Where have both of you been when Croatia separated from Yugoslavia? You didn’t want to choose either side for you didn’t know who will win! …. And when there was referendum about Italian language as official and mandatory language in elementary and high schools in our and Istrian district you didn’t vote too for you were afraid you will lose your benefits that you receive from Italy if you vote for knowing that our government is against it … Shame on you! Both of you. You attacked poor child for he has his opinion and was right?! You two don’t know what is fair and honor!

After her speech they were silent and walked out of our house with them. My Fran stayed and when we were alone he said my Prince was right and he supported my reaction. He asked me if he can stay and continue to watch the game. I kissed him on the cheek and let him stay, I joined my Prince and Ivy on the beach. On my surprise they smooched and giggled. My Prince wasn’t angry at all, but my Ivy and I witnessed again that national pride is the source of quarrels and hostility. In general, if you do not support your national team most Croatians will judge you as not true patriot. Same is with religion in our country: If you aren’t Roman Catholic, you aren’t true Croatian. We haven’t noticed that paradox before we met my Prince. He doesn’t care about nationalism. He considers himself as the citizen of the World. I kissed them both and I told them what I and Zdenka said and did. They both kissed me and we laid by my Prince and we cuddled, smooched and giggled. Ivy said that she’s gonna have serious talk to her father tomorrow although my Prince asked her not to. She said she will shut her dad’s mouth once for all and won’t let him disrespect my Prince any more. Anyway, we started to swim and continued with exercise. Croatians lost the match in the meantime; France crushed them. While my luvs practicing martial arts, I finished this diary and my Fran is in the kitchen preparing nice cold salad and beverages. He will stay over the night.


Recommended Comments

It's hard to be perfectly tactful when dealing with behaviors related to identity. But that wasn't a major incident, and I even believe Prince was in fact relieved not to watch the second half of the match. I also think it's a good thing you're searching for some kind of therapy for him, that's always one step in taking control over one's addictions. K5RIBNNq_o.gif


The result of his recovery was elimination of unimportant things and activities from his private life and tripling his caution when talking to the females he might be weak to.

Malicija : « I saw that : he doesn't hang around LL anymore, uh. Tell him I don't resent him, no, 'cause I know it would be very hard for him to control himself when I'm here. :classic_sleepy: »

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It's hard to be perfectly tactful when dealing with behaviors related to identity.

> I believe that Zdenka said what she said to shut them up, not to judge them. We are all "tired" of their national pride that makes them disrespectful toward my Prince.



I also think it's a good thing you're searching for some kind of therapy for him, that's always one step in taking control over one's addictions. K5RIBNNq_o.gif

> He wants to improve the quality of our life. I think he is more aware of that need that us because of the baby he and Ivy plan to have soon. You should see him. He is very happy about it and can't wait to be a father. :)



Malicija : « I saw that : he doesn't hang around LL anymore, uh.

> He didn't stop coming to LL. He likes this community, but he just follows his priories at the moment which are lot. Since the World championship is over, he will be involved in the music again. He practice a lot and the heat is his enemy so he spend lot of time cooling his body.



Tell him I don't resent him, no, 'cause I know it would be very hard for him to control himself when I'm here.

> LOOOOOOOOL. If Malicija will be dark skin girl, he wouldn't resist her and he'll be here, on LL, whenever he can. ;)

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Prince's change reminds me of the things I have to do.? I have some congas in my room and my brother-in-law is trying to get a good music program looks like we will be making music sometime in future.?:classic_biggrin:


Ah the two big boys are at it again :classic_laugh: they seem to get possessed by some angry spirits when it comes to soccer of their home country.? My sister has another baby on the way she's two months in already and brother in law is gonna have to work double time now.??

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4 hours ago, Jayomms said:

Prince's change reminds me of the things I have to do.? I have some congas in my room and my brother-in-law is trying to get a good music program looks like we will be making music sometime in future.?:classic_biggrin:


Ah the two big boys are at it again :classic_laugh: they seem to get possessed by some angry spirits when it comes to soccer of their home country.? My sister has another baby on the way she's two months in already and brother in law is gonna have to work double time now.??


- Our dads represents most of Croatians who are boasting about being Croats. During the civil war, many of "patriots"hid or ran away and our dads found all possible excuses why not to go in defense war. What pisses us off is that they are pretending that they will spill the last drop of the blood for the country. There is one controversy: Prince's father wasn't patriot and he never boast with his (German) nationality /background although he grew up in Croatia. When civil war started he wanted to join the "revolution" but they didn't accept him saying that he might be more useful as psychologist and humanitarian aid organizer. So, according to prince and his uncle, that was what he did. He accommodated refuges, clothed them, feed them and counseling them. My Prince is very alike. he never talks about his nationality but he has many friends from different national background and he will protect us in the case of the civil war. So unlike those who speaks a lot about their national pride of being Croat but in reality behaves opposite, my Prince is silent but helps and cares for people. :)


Is the second baby planned? I kind envy to your sister. Can't wait to be a second mother to Ivy's baby and have my own one afterward. Sorry to hear that he has to work two jobs to provide for the family. The three of us have very good salaries and our parents will help financially as much they can and they can for although we aren't rich, we have a lot. :)

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Similar Pride problem with Puerto Rico. Most people will act tough and say Puerto Rico this and  Puerto Rico that. And I wouldn't say anything of Puerto Rico like that and pretend to be tough. Someone once thought I was acting tough but looking tough and acting tough are two different things. It's funny when people make assumptions and are totally wrong and far from the truth.;) So yeah....:classic_laugh:


My Sister's third child and no none of them were planned Mama's not too happy about it every time cause my sis is not financially grounded at all and never was and she's 30 now with only one official job under her belt. I've already been through 20 jobs by her age ?

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On 7/18/2018 at 7:00 AM, Jayomms said:


My Sister's third child and no none of them were planned Mama's not too happy about it every time cause my sis is not financially grounded at all and never was and she's 30 now with only one official job under her belt. I've already been through 20 jobs by her age ?

- Uh, oh ... none child planned ant third on its way?! Woooow. I can't say that I can understand how you mother feel abut for I'm not mother yet, but I guess it surely isn't easy for her.


You see, my Prince and you are alike. He worked various jobs during the summer season even when he was a high school student. They were mostly low paid and dirty jobs. I didn't have to work after the faculty. My parents doing financially well; they always bought me what I wanted, but I wanted to have "my money in my pocket" ;)

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12 hours ago, EvalovesEP said:

- Uh, oh ... none child planned ant third on its way?! Woooow. I can't say that I can understand how you mother feel abut for I'm not mother yet, but I guess it surely isn't easy for her.


You see, my Prince and you are alike. He worked various jobs during the summer season even when he was a high school student. They were mostly low paid and dirty jobs. I didn't have to work after the faculty. My parents doing financially well; they always bought me what I wanted, but I wanted to have "my money in my pocket" ;)

Yeah...most of my family is struggling financially:(....but we're surviving,:wink:

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