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Howdy folks,


So this is kind of a public apology (but not really) to the people expecting things from me (especially those in PM's with partially finished mods) but also just kind of a quick update on where I am as far as working on things and time to mod and all that.


Good news first: As of today I have much more free time to mod, well, for the next 3 weeks or so (probably; that's a whole can of worms I'm just ignoring until it becomes important), it might be a day or two less and it might be a few weeks more. This means I have more time to mod (And to celebrate I fixed some of the last bugs in Suited For Skyrim. Not all of them of course, or this would be a different kind of post) and/or goof off (sunk a lot of time into Warframe lately. probably not going to stop doing hat any time soon).


Segway to apologize for the excessive use of parenthesis making that last paragraph hard to read...


Bad news: Instead of getting a bunch of work done on S4S or the other partially finished project in my life I spent the last hour or so researching, testing, and tweaking a spell for a completely different project. This lead me to the realization that my favorite part of modding is actually just solving very complex problems via papyrus. Now, if you knew me in real life this would come as no surprise to you as that's exactly why I enjoy programming in general. I still enjoy making mods, but the moral of the story is that if you're one of the people who've contributed to the 400+ requests in my thread (!) or one of the people on the other end of the 15 or so private messages for brainstorming or ideas (if you're one of the more recent/active ones not all of those are active, some are just requests) you're just gonna have to be okay with me occasionally wandering away and finding some new complex idea to work on.
I'm like an annoying puppy. who is very good at programming.


P.S. Shoutout to Varithina for being the only person to follow my blog, I see you fam, and I appreciate that.

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Honestly, mate, I never expected anything different to happen when you opened up that thread, way back then.


No one person can create for everyone. The mods you have completed, and whichever mods you choose to complete looking forward, help bring a smile to people's faces.

And in that, you are doing God's work.


So I hope you enjoy your modding, and don't burn yourself out too much,


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