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Making of...Leather & Lace Part II

Wicked Loveth


View the film here


It's wonderful to be back up and running again!


While uploading Leather & Lace, I noticed it's been 40 days since my last film. 40 days! That's crazy. I try to keep about 2-3 weeks between films and I'm kicking myself for slacking off. I think I have a good excuse this time though.


My epic project is finally out of the design phase and I can start filming at any time. I mentioned in my last entry that I got sidetracked by Movie Night at my house. We were watching Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (the English version) for the 50th time and as it came on I thought, "omg! I have to use that song for a video." The opening theme of the movie is a remix of Led Zeppelin's iconic Immigrant Song and it's pretty short at 2:50. Thus, Leather & Lace was born.


In reality, lol, I thought it would be a great opportunity (since the song was so short) to really hammer out the details in the game to get the quality of my videos up to scratch. I almost succeeded and I think I would have completely succeeded if I didn't have computer issues.


Production | Design



My ideas are usually fully realized before I start filming. This is very important and I didn't realize just how much until very recently. Before you begin to film a Sims movie be sure that your idea is fully realized. Think out the characters, the location, the "sets", the exteriors you need, all of that before you start because a project that should only take a week at most could end up taking close to three weeks. It's always a good idea to film all that you need (this is includes different angles of the same scene) before you start editing.


With Leather & Lace from the moment I heard Trent's version of the Immigrant Song I knew two things about it. 1) I was going to use my callgirl sim Lace Love and it would take place in the back room of hot night club. I also knew I didn't want to build anything, I would be okay with redecorating lots but I didn't want to build anything if I didn't have to--and I didn't need to! I just needed a night club and an apartment.


I found the perfect one, it looks great on the outside for exterior shots and it looks fantastic on the inside for those interior shots of Lace walking through the club1. You can find the original club here:


Now, I didn't have to build the backroom behind the club, I could've just built a lot underground that could serve that purpose. I would actually recommend that--especially if you're not going to use the ambient noise in clubs/bars etc. but here's what I did to it.


I expanded the space behind the stage and the bathroom and built a sexy backroom fit for the owner of the club.


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Production | Art





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As you can see from the screenshots I had a stylized look for this one. I wanted bright, bold colors, lots of shadows and very graphic. What I love about the Sims 3 is the lighting. It could be better but I really enjoy how you can set a mood with the different colors. I kept Llyren's back office quite dark--as sort of a high-end lair for vampire--but used the lights to give him some flair. I only used magentas, purples, and blues. These colors worked best with Lace's cotton candy pink hair.


I wanted to give it a movie feel by adding credits and a title. I had waay too much fun with that. lol






Llyren: As I said in the previous entry, I can't take credit for Llyren. I got him off a site and edited him until I liked the way he looked -- and I love it. He's so sexy lol. I darkened his skin (I have a thing for dark skinned vampire males), changed his hair, gave him tattoos and a pair of jeans and he was perfect.


Lace: I removed her tattoos and gave her a more glamorous look. I like to think this film depicts Lace's first encounter with Llyren, before she moved to the desert and drastically changed her look (tattoos). Fun fact: Lace likes to move when she feels like she's getting too famous. She has no problem with celebrity clientele she just really hates the paparazzi. When she starts being recognized by the pap, she generally moves. In Llyren's case, he still calls her every now and then and will fly her back to the city for a week.


Vampire Lace: No, Lace did not become a vampire. In all that mindblowing sex, Lace passed out and dreamt of herself being a vampire and staying with Llyren. She'd never do that -- at least not yet. When or if I retire the character, she just might settle down with Llyren and life out the rest of Simeternity as his lover.


Victim 1: Can't take much credit for her either. After my friends were kind to send me their Simmies to star in my epic project I didn't want to disappoint them -- it's been so long since I had that casting and I'm ashamed that production has taken so long -- that I used Maraas' Suzanna in this one as Llyren's victim in the beginning of the film. I changed her skin tone (found a very lovely Vitolgo skin online) and gothed her out. I'm quite pleased with how she turned out.


Bodyguard/Chauffeur: Just a generic Sim guy. Nothing special about him.



The story of this film is pretty straightforward, it's just another day in the life of renowned Callgirl Lace Love.


Fun Facts


I take some inspiration for movies in terms of cinematography and camerawork. Maybe you can see the references {{giggle/snort}} Let me know in the comments.


Enjoy the movie guys!


Cheers ~ L


Recommended Comments

Thank you for the film!  I really like the glamorous look of Lace.  Look forward to more films with her.


Thanks! I normally use Lace in play rather than work but she might make an appearance sooner as opposed to later. ^ ~


Brilliant work.. thank you very much


Thanks, Alfakyn-elda!! ^_^

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