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A word on "Dragon Blessed"



So for the few readers that blog may have had...I'm posting this up. This is the blog where that story will now be housed eventually


Basically...I was very disappointed with some of the earlier chapters of that blog namely the prologue and stuff where I shoved in forsworn backstory) When I got to later chapters I started to enjoy it more (and got more to where I wanted the plot to go) but damage had been done already (IMO most of it irreparable)


Dragon Blessed itself...as I begin to understand how I wanted it all presented shouldn't of even been the blog title but just a subset of overall stories I was going for. (Dragon-Blessed is really only Ludis story)


And as I got a better feel for how imaging works...Loverslabs and IMGboxes (VERY IRRITATING) image restrictions ect...I began to better understand (I think)...how I should really have been presenting it on the technical side as well (or at least...HAD to present it as LL is going to force these restrictions..these images ultimately have to be reduced down to a low res version of originals)..I have some test images below of improved prologue screens just to be sure this now works like I want it to and loads properly and quickly)


Ultimately...those blog entries I am now marking up as "experimental".


And so...starting this whole thing over. Not going to be a massive amount of weeks between the first few entries though as I still have a lot of screens I can use (and by and large...the overall events that occur are still the same). Will be back at newer stuff very soon I think


If anyone was actually reading...please forgive me as I go through the old chapters and renovate in this new in next couple of weeks/months...still think it wont take too long to get to the next chapter that was planned as mostly this is all the same screens. Some extra scenes will be added in or taken out as needed though (so that it wont be the exact same thing already read) In fact I'll try and make sure if anything is added or taken out its only for the better.


For now...I have some additional screens from the prologues which I should finish the improved version of very soon...just making sure this imgbox stuff works like I want it to (isn't slow AF...still looks like vertical images ect)...


EDIT: It looks like its finally worked... and three images at least loaded fast. still dumb all the concessions I made to get these images to work (making  them standard HD res but split in half...but what can I do...

The full res stuff can just stay on my local PC


Will see how this works when there's much more images...



UPwEUmMx_o.jpg T04pjkI9_o.jpg bLrHOjEA_o.jpg Y8HrMBcq_o.jpg SVdYKFQX_o.jpg NeBAZgxK_o.jpg



Also...here's links to all the old stuff in case anyone still wants any images from it...


Prologue- Blood Empress

Chapter 1- Glory Seeker

Chapter 2 - Cursed Blood

Chapter 3 - Storm-Blessed

Chapter 4 - Storm-Cursed

Markarth Side 1 - Briar-Heart

Chapter 5 - The Words

Riften Side 1 - Corruption

Chapter 6 - Gram


Edited by dryuya


Recommended Comments

On 4/7/2024 at 3:12 PM, ObeyMrWalrus said:

I've really liked the story so far
you've done a great job on the latest chapters


Thanks...yeah I learned a little bit about the tools...structure and how to just in general do this better after first few misses.


I suppose some would just go from there and refine...but I felt if early chapters looked that bad I needed to fix first before moving on. Its ultimately a pet project/hobby for my retired bored self anyway (and Skyrim modding being one of the things I learned pretty well over the years...figured it was actually possible to make a comic from it)...so if I'm doing just want chapters to have a consistent look.

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