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Alice's Tale - Chapter 1: Origin



Alice was a twenty year old Breton woman living in Riverwood.




After her parents died when she was four, Alice lived alone. However, the people of Riverwood took pity on her, and helped Alice with things like food. Despite her tragic childhood, Alice did very well for herself. She earned the trust and respect of her peers by helping them whenever they needed assistance, like whenever Alvor needed help at his forge.




Alice also worked as a bard in The Sleeping Giant Inn, taking turns performing with Sven. However, the patrons seemed to like Alice a little more.




When not working or helping, Alice practiced her magic. She didn't practice boring spells, though. She liked ones with more power to them!




If there was one thing about Alice that was nigh-undeniable, it was her beauty. Her luscious curves made her lusted after by most people, though she turned them down. Alice would know the right person when she met them.






Alice did have one thing about her that made some weary, though. She had an... obsession with vampires. When relaxing at home, Alice would read books about them. She became an expert on vampires, knowing all about their history and abilities.




Alice loved vampires. In fact, she wished she were one. At night, she would lie awake, fantasizing about being an immortal blood-sucking demon.




All of her research wasn't just a hobby. Alice was looking for a way to fulfil her wish. It wouldn't be long before she got what she wanted...


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