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Vargr - Chap 67 Alice through the looking glass





I know what you're asking. could it be less lewd? The answer is "Of course it could!" but where is the fun in that ? (In all honestly, I already cut one short. May god forgive me ?)




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Don't say it..

Gukahn just created a scenario he can't bullshit his way out of.. Let the oh so hated fightscenes begin \o/

And before you asked why I focused so much on the paintings, It took me over an Hour to get these fucking things on the wall after it took me about half an Hour to make that place usable. and yes, this is the freaking room you get the elder scrolls from! X_x I did all of this ingame.. I lost half my mind but you know me, If I wan to do something, I do it xD

And I really wanted to lewd  the place ?


R.I.P Yorpers the Character. May he be reunited with his Slaves in.. Where ever the fuck programs go when they die. 


short question:

About the threesome. Are you okay with this? more pictures in one Pannel I mean, to safe some space or would you rather have them Big?





Recommended Comments

Umh ... well, the messed up shit part II ... and like most parts two, more action ... in a way. Alien ... Aliens ...
It had a couple "interesting" developments. And I liked some of the paintings, where does that DOA Group fuck come from? ^^ Aaaaaanyway, you really cut some lewd? That seems hard to believe in all honesty, both considering you and considering how much there still is. ?


After MagAI you aren't into helpful AI's anymore it seems, at least not until they could extract a price. Honestly I'm not sure Yorpers was correct in assuming that A. is the lesser evil, the destruction he will bring is just of a different nature. ? To say nothing of Alice ...

Ah well, how about a poll on what cheap excuse you will use to shorten the fight scene as much as possible? ^^


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14 minutes ago, Talesien said:

Umh ... well, the messed up shit part II ... and like most parts two, more action ... in a way. Alien ... Aliens ...

It's almost done. Almost ? I do enjoyed making part One. Part two was a little.. I had to stop myself from doing something when Mom did the Fist thing

(We absolutely don't need to see something like what I was thinking of. We really don't)


15 minutes ago, Talesien said:

And I liked some of the paintings, where does that DOA Group fuck come from? ^^

Rule 34? Like all of them really.. I just tipped a few random things in it's search after I got sick of stable diffusion pictures ? But Anna inspired me to make a Char, so there is that ? 


17 minutes ago, Talesien said:

you really cut some lewd? That seems hard to believe in all honesty, both considering you and considering how much there still is. ?

The Bot and "ruby" had a full lewd scene, Yorpers the Dwarf was supposed to have a lewd with her and Piggy and Mom was supposed to also have another Scene with the redguard.. So yes I did cut quite a number of planed things ?


18 minutes ago, Talesien said:

After MagAI you aren't into helpful AI's anymore it seems

Come on, you can't tell me that it wasn't obvious I would do something like this after I showed how the AI can change it's shape, do you? ?

19 minutes ago, Talesien said:

I'm not sure Yorpers was correct in assuming that A. is the lesser evil, the destruction he will bring is just of a different nature. ? To say nothing of Alice ..

Let's be real for a bit. The World, especially it's female inhabitants, would be so much better off when he were to disappear.. and we were SO close >,< So close! Ruby would've been a true hero ?


20 minutes ago, Talesien said:

Ah well, how about a poll on what cheap excuse you will use to shorten the fight scene as much as possible? ^^

OH I am having an excuse.. But not to shorten it x,X i knew exactly how this is going to end, I just have to find a way to get to it.. None lewd. That's gonna be a challenge :classic_ph34r: shoot me.. Please shoot me


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4 minutes ago, ERPModEnjoyer said:

i need memory refreshment who is that red head that try to kill arlan?

Did you read the chapters where he meets Alice the very first time?
Arlan also met the red head in those entrys and did to her the same thing he did to our green haired piggy ^^

Edited by Gukahn
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man you having to drag those painting around with positioner pains me X.X really wish the CK worked for you.


I see one failproof way to at least stop part of the fight?






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6 minutes ago, yorpers said:

man you having to drag those painting around with positioner pains me X.X really wish the CK worked for you.

Yes feel my pain.. I couldn't even put all of them I had on the wall because I got sick of doing it x.x


7 minutes ago, yorpers said:

I see one failproof way to at least stop part of the fight?

... Not fair. Wet redguard Tiddy's can save the World..

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Wow.... Is it me or is this chapter long like Big Dick Biiiig Dick?! Well Hard Work is always appreciated around here like Biiiig Dicking it guys yes Bii- Ha ha ha yes you get what I mean. But yeah... 

 post-208368-0-13065000-1442225009_thumb.jpg     :mrgreen:?;):thumbsup:



Jay-Omms: Hey it's a blue Arlan...ScreenShot762.png.f98d3fedcbc032c36f426435a4dfaa3b.png

Video blew age restricted but you can still view it. The Master says so. :sweat_smile:




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10 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Did you read the chapters where he meets Alice the very first time?
Arlan also met the red head in those entrys and did to her the same thing he did to our green haired piggy ^^

yea i read you like from first episod, but arlan fuked so many girls at this point. End when you change storly line everything  is up side down for me still. 
Oh ok So she that girl from realm, i always wonder what happen to her. Glad to see her back. I hope he try it again and arland again will show her place xd

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9 hours ago, Jay-Omms said:

Video blew age restricted but you can still view it. The Master says so. :sweat_smile:

I like the second video :classic_angel:


49 minutes ago, ERPModEnjoyer said:

yea i read you like from first episod, but arlan fuked so many girls at this point. End when you change storly line everything  is up side down for me still. 

Not your fault, rather mine. It's the authors responsebility to remind people of certain Characters when they return after a while. Sorry for that ? I will try to get better at this.


49 minutes ago, ERPModEnjoyer said:

Oh ok So she that girl from realm, i always wonder what happen to her. Glad to see her back. I hope he try it again and arland again will show her place xd

Mh.. I will not make any promises about that. ?

For now I have to concentrate the fighting, what happens afterwards I can't tell ?

Only know that I will miss wet redguard Tiddy's ?

(But I might have an Idea about another pair..)

Edited by Gukahn
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> I liked this episode and commend your choice of the girl in your banner. She's hot.

> About threesome: I prefer FF/M variation

> And, all the compliments for the porn wall. It was great.

Edited by Evaloves4
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Threesom: 10/10 its okay to all i hope :)


Ghukn you can always suprise me new ways to make things happen :D :D :)


quality as usual premimum :) :)


if you rise higher than this and give more sex scanes too, welll you might need put some warnings out side ... some cases mmaybe less "resistant" readers need replace they pants, not only your characters :D :)


story is great too :) and i have no idea how going this thing end.... i not shocked if this comabt end up mother board get "cured" by Arlan and ""fixed"".... but some of Arlan cum may give MB some sort circuit XD :)


i hope i see more redguard tyts in action :)  ( plus ffm scanes too both good :) )

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On 9/7/2023 at 3:24 AM, Evaloves4 said:

> I liked this episode and commend your choice of the girl in your banner. She's hot.

Thank you^^


On 9/7/2023 at 3:24 AM, Evaloves4 said:

> About threesome: I prefer FF/M variation

I was more interested in knowing if the one collage with 4 pictures in it was okaish or if you guys would like them to stay in separate Big pictures ? 


1 hour ago, Nonseen said:

Threesom: 10/10 its okay to all i hope :)



1 hour ago, Nonseen said:

Ghukn you can always suprise me new ways to make things happen :D :D :)

Uh I hope I got it right for the conclusion of this fight then ?

I'm now in the middle of doing a distraction before ending the new chapter.. Might be to your liking from what I read ? definitely is to mine


1 hour ago, Nonseen said:

if you rise higher than this and give more sex scanes too, welll you might need put some warnings out side ... some cases mmaybe less "resistant" readers need replace they pants, not only your characters :D :)

Well you know, chapter 69 is approaching and I've been thinking of doing one of two things for that..  I think with Option One we got more variety suited for that Number ?

So yeah.. 69 might break the record..  


1 hour ago, Nonseen said:

. i not shocked if this comabt end up mother board get "cured" by Arlan and ""fixed"".... but some of Arlan cum may give MB some sort circuit XD :)

It would be grill her last remaining "Brain cells" xD  I've done something to her allright.. But nothing funny. You will see when it's done :classic_angel:


1 hour ago, Nonseen said:

i hope i see more redguard tyts in action :)  ( plus ffm scanes too both good :) )


Soo my To do List right now might be:


The Imperial Girl with the Tats

Cum inflated Character that stays that way for a bit longer (With cum and pee.)

More Redguard Titty's (I got that covered alright. I made a few and will use a few next entry also.)

More Threesomes/Groupsex.

And for myself: More Monster stuff and males for said Groupsex.

And starting Dawnguard of course.. But first.. We got a family of red heads and their maids to meet.. Oh boy.. ?


And of course  a good number of Sidequests because I like them ? Arlan and the  not so little red riding hood anybody? ?


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