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A shitty day






DAMN! There's nothing good on TV today! What kind of rotten programmes are these?!

Raah! I'm going out for a bit and getting some money to go and eat at the restaurant. I have nothing in the fridge...







What?! What do you mean no more money? But I need money to eat. Come on, give me some money.





You'll give me money, you stupid device! Or I'll dismantle your filthy skull! Don't mess with me! I am Muay Thai. I could smash you to pieces, you piece of junk! ?




*swarming wind*
Hmm, smells so good...I'm hungry...but I don't have any money on me... ?




But I know where I can get some. They'll give it to me for sure. They like me. They can't resist me.




Eh. Emmanuel, give me some money.




Em: What?!




You heard me right. Give me some money. I'm hungry and I have no money.




Em: Are you kidding?! The other time, we already passed you some.
And the money at your place?


It's for my Muay Thai lessons.


Em: You've got a nerve coming here every time to borrow money from us when you've already got it!


Damien: Don't mess around, Emmanuel. You forget that she can knock your head off with one punch or kick. She's an expert in Muay Thai.




"If you come and suck me off, I'll give you 300 septims."


Shhh. Shut up! This is no time to be pissing me off!




My name? Atanéa. Atanea will suffice.
I've lived here for a long time.
Fort Knox is my town, it's my home.
Almost everyone here knows me.
I like to tax people.
I know I have money, but that's for my Muay Thai classes.
Yes, I practice a martial art.
So if you're looking for me, you can feel it coming.
I have a temper and I get angry quite quickly.
Those who are looking for me have very bitterly regretted it.
Some have ended up in hospital, others...well, that's it.
I get my way almost all the time.
Either I use force or I use my charm
I've used something other than my charm
But the lucky ones are rare to have this privilege
Anyway, I am Atanea.
Either you're nice to me and you don't risk anything
Or we end up in the hospital!


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