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Mama Fiona's Lusty Ride - Episode 2: Getting settled



Mama Fiona's Lusty Ride

Episode 2 - Getting settled

Fiona couldn't help it. It seemed like getting side-tracked was going to be a recuring theme during her quest, and she just decided to go along with it. After getting rid of a bunch of raiders and a Deathclaw that popped out of thin air, Fiona escorted the traveling scavers to her old home. Codsworth was delighted to have company at long last. 

During her fight with the raiders, she captured new "recruits" for her "rehabilitation project". Some of them looked strangely a lot like Skull, probably some fashion statement or something. Fiona and her new friends went on a little field trip so they could get to know each other better. Her and Skull hung out around Concord for the night, before returning to Sanctuary. She got to know her a bit. Aside from the fact she tried to kill her when they first met, she was actually a chill chick, and the two really hit it off. They fooled around a bit when the three other were asleep.



As she was helping with the Sanctuary cleanup, she noticed the raider women getting it on. 
Seeing as the raider women were very overtly sexual, she had an idea.


She'd start building funds for her search for Shaun by capturing hostiles and making them turn tricks. If the money could help the Sanctuary folks in some way, it would be a nice bonus. After helping set the place up a bit, she left, with two of her new "collaborators". Skull and the other who still hadn't said a word. Fiona turned to her before they left.

-Hey, ponytails, I hope we get along okay, my name's Fiona, but you can call me Mom if you want. What's your name ?

The raider seemed startled a bit but quickly regained her composure. She let out a long sigh. 

-I'm Sam. Nice to meet you I guess.
-I'm going to need something from you darling.

Sam let out another long sigh and turned around before answering sticking out her butt and spreading her cheeks with both hands. 

-Okay...which hole do you want to use ?

Fiona laughed so hard she thought she was going to puke.

-No ! No honey, I'm fine, Skull and I already hooked up not a half hour ago, besides, what are you, sixteen ? I'm into people a bit older than that I'm afraid.
-Hey shut up you hag ! I'm twenty years old okay ?
-Don't take it the wrong way kid, I just need a quatermaster is all.
-A what now ? Is that a sex thing ?
-Jesus, you raider chicks have a dirty mind. Preston got me a Brahmin from the nearby farm to carry my equipement, I need someone to tend to it, guide it, I think it should be you. 



-You can look through my old clothes if you want something better than those rags you're wearing...do you even wash those ?
-Sh...Shut up !....Yeah I guess I stink a little.

Sam got dressed. When she was finished, she turned to Fiona with a smile.

-How do I look ? 
-Nice, lets go kid.
-I'm not a kid !
-If you say so k....Sorry, darling.




So Skull, Sam, Dogmeat and Fiona left as the rain started to pour down on the warm floor that let out a familiar smell.  Skull was wearing Fiona's old swimming suit which may or my not have been the cause behind her pregnancy. Her old life seemed so far away at the moment, like a bad dream that starts to fade away in the morning.


Except for the fact her son was still out there, kidnapped. He was a baby when he was taken, but how long ago was that ? Gunshots echoing not far from where they were pulled her out of her thoughts.
She turned to Skull who was already looking at her.



-You hear that too ? I thought it was the Psycho talking for a minute.
-Let's go investigate.
-Dude, you are WEIRD. Yeah, let's run TOWARDS the gunshots. Can you...go on ahead first ?
-You are such a chicken. I thought all you raider chick were tough as nails !



-How DARE you. Fine, lets go, smartass.

They readied their weapon and arrived in the middle of a fight between feral ghouls and a bunch of soldier looking fellows. Skull and Fiona's arrival turned the tide of the battle, and pretty soon the pack of feral gouhls were little more than piles of flesh and bones. The man who seemed to be the leader of the troup approched Fiona slowly.

-That was close. I am Paladin Danse, from the Brotherhood of steel.
-Fiona. Charmed, I'm sure.



-Aside from saving your fine ass you mean handsome ?

Paladin Danse blushed and Fiona could hear the woman behind him chuckle.

-Please answer the question civilian.
-Just passing through, thought you could use the help.
-These raiders with you ?

Danse pointed to Sam and Skull.

-Didn't your mom ever teach you not to point ? It's rude. They're EX-raiders thank you very much. Part of my new "rehab program". Some of her fellow former Raiders can be found turning tricks at Sanctuary if you boys and girls ever get horny...
-Yes, yes, I've heard enough, thank you.


The woman behind Danse seemed very interested at the mention of prostitutes, but Danse was beet red and seemed keen to change the subject. 


-Don't get snappy with me now, we all have needs. You seem tense, handsome, some action COULD help with that.
-Yeah you're right, I'm sorry... You're not wrong, I AM stressed.


Fiona clenched her ass cheeks. She knew what he was going to say next, and it saddly wasn't "Hey Fiona, want to ride my power fist ?".


Fiona let out a long sigh.

-Yeah, let me catch my breath a little here handsome.
-Great, tell me when you're ready.

As she entered the building were the rest of the party was, Fiona heard slapping sounds, punctuated by moans.



As she approched she saw Skull staring at two of the soldiers from before, getting it on. The man let out a loud moan as he came inside his colleague. Fiona could see her vagina drip hot jizz on the floor as she got up and left the room. The man got dressed and turned to Fiona with a frown. 

-What are you looking at civilian ?
-You're not exactly hiding darling.
-Whatever, I don't care what you think.
-Am I sensing hostility here ?




-Whatever slut.
-Nice. You kiss your mother with that mouth ?
-No...But I do kiss yours with it though.
-Into necrophilia are we ? You do you buddy. She's a size-queen though, so you might have to...compensate somehow.

Rhys opened his mouth but when he seemingly couldn't find a retort, he just left letting out a loud groan.

Fiona turned to Skull and Sam. 



-Hey girls, how about we teach these army wannabes what a REAL badass looks like ? 
-You got it Mom.
-They ARE condescending as fuck aren't they ? let's bust some heads Boss.


And so they headed out into the wasteland with Danse.On the way, they found a couple of settlers who were captured by a small group of raiders. After helping dispatch the raiders, Danse made clear he didn't care about the settlers. 



Fiona just couldn't leave them there, so she sent them to Sanctuary, after giving them clothes. As they approched their destination, Danse turned to Fiona. 

-I need you and your team to be discreet once inside.


- I'm just offering up advice, you'd be wise to take account.
-Just cover my ass, you can watch it jiggle too if you want. I don't mind if you stare.

Danse was wearing a helmet, but she could still tell he was blushing. He said nothing and entered the building. Fiona and the gang made quick work of the synths in the building, and pretty fast, the mission was over. Danse thanked the crew and offered Fiona the chance to join the Brotherhood. She politely declined, if this "Brotherhood" accepted new applicants so easly, she didn't want to be associated with them. She would be happy to take their money though, if they were to pass by Sanctuary Hills at some point.

The sun was slowly rising as they continued their journey through the Commonwealth.


As she peered into the horizon, she asked herself if she'd find help in Diamond City. It wasn't like she had any other leads. She asked Preston back in Sanctuary, but he wasn't vey helpful.


As they approched Diamond City, the gang found a captive settler, in the clutches of super-mutants this time. Of course, Fiona freed her from her captors after feeding them all a facefull of lead. The adrenaline from the fight still making her heart pump like crazy, she approched the settler, laying her hand on her right butt-cheek. She didn't seem to mind, smiling as she stared back. Fiona leaned in and started kissing the settler. Their tongues intertwined as she started fingering her. Skull handed her her Vault-Tec Strap-on and she slowly penetrated the Settler who moaned loudly, her juices now dripping down her leg. They ended up on the floor, Fiona ramming her hips inside the ecstatic settler who was now moaning at the top of her lungs.


Fiona felt she was about to cum so she got up off the settler who kneeled eagerly in front of her. She jerked the strap-on a few more times and ejaculated all over her.

As she was getting dressed back up, she told the settler she could go work for her on the Sanctuary Hills settlement if she had nowhere else to go. 


After a while, the gang finally arrived in front of the city. The gates seemed closed, but there was someone in front. As she approched the scantily clad woman, she couldn't help but overhear her conversation. 



Piper finally seemed to notice Fiona. She smiled at her and started whispering.

-Hey you, you looking to get inside the city ?

Fiona started whispering as well.

-Inside the city or inside your pants, whichever comes first.

Piper blushed and Skull giggled.

-I mean yes, yes, I need to get inside the city, you got a plan ?



-Oh...OH! Yes...Yes ! Exactly. I have....um...stuff....to trade !
-You hear that Danny ? The mayor will be pissed if you don't let her through !


Piper flashed a smile at Fiona, visibly struggling to maintain eye contact with her. As they both entered the gate, Fiona couldn't help but check Piper's thick ass as it bounced with each of her steps. For someone seemingly so shy, she sure had a peculiar way of dressing. She didn't mind though. She could've had way worse in the way of first impressions of Diamond City. Maybe luck really was going to be on her side. Only time would tell...


To be continued...





Just so you know mama, I'm down to fuck whenever. Except on my period. I would LITERALLY murder you.




Shit Skull...I'm almost...there....then it's your turn....


Fiona ? You....wouldn't happen to be horny right now...? Checking your ass just makes me...damn. Nah I'll wait, I'll wait.





Edited by madzubat


Recommended Comments

Someone is really fixated on pretty women's butts.

Soso - "Raider Reform School" version "Mama"
well - you can also "dominate" others with your mouth


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49 minutes ago, Miauzi said:

Someone is really fixated on pretty women's butts.

Soso - "Raider Reform School" version "Mama"
well - you can also "dominate" others with your mouth


Pretty butts in general ;)

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