Test and Bug report from Pahe based mod: Working Slaves
Test and Bughunt report for a pahe based mod: Working Slaves
Found errors:
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "QF__0600FACB", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF__0600FACB to WSPlayerWorkplaceQuest01 (7D00FACB) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "WSBelethorScroll_QF_060125DB", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script WSBelethorScroll_QF_060125DB to WSBelethorScrollQuest (7D0125DB) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "QF__0100CF8B", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF__0100CF8B to WSHaltedStreamCampQuest (7D00CF8B) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "SW_QF__0100CF8C", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script SW_QF__0100CF8C to WSHaltedStreamCampStarterQuest (7D00CF8C) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "SW_QF__0100CF91", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script SW_QF__0100CF91 to WSSilentMoonCampStarterQuest (7D00CF91) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "QF__0100CF92", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF__0100CF92 to WSSilentMoonCampQuest (7D00CF92) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "QF__0100A9BD", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF__0100A9BD to WSBilegulchMineQuest (7D00A9BD) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "QF__0100C4BA", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF__0100C4BA to WSNorthwindMineQuest (7D00C4BA) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "WS_QF_Q_01005E51", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script WS_QF_Q_01005E51 to WSEmbersahardMineStarterQuest (7D005E51) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "QF__06011B17", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF__06011B17 to WSPlayerWorkplaceQuest03 (7D011B17) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "SW_QF__0100CF86", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script SW_QF__0100CF86 to WSKolskeggrMineStarterQuest (7D00CF86) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "QF__06010590", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF__06010590 to WSPlayerWorkplaceQuest02 (7D010590) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "QF__0100CF85", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF__0100CF85 to WSKolskeggrMineQuest (7D00CF85) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "QF_WSTestbead_01005E40", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF_WSTestbead_01005E40 to WSEmbersahardMineQuest (7D005E40) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "SW_QF__0100C4BB", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script SW_QF__0100C4BB to WSNorthwindMineStarterQuest (7D00C4BB) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "WS_QF__0100A9C6", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script WS_QF__0100A9C6 to WSBilegulchMineStarterQuest (7D00A9C6) because their base types do not match
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Cannot open store for class "WS_QF_06014BEA", missing file?
[01/09/2023 - 10:48:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script WS_QF_06014BEA to WSBelethorScrollQuestStarter (7D014BEA) because their base types do not match
This error report come from user named: Ultima1990
he give a very good error report about the situation:
Fallowing the report i started analyze the uplodaed bsa a a found out lot of fille realy missing, and found no reason for this.
All my test evrythig worked well nothing go wrong. I tested very extensive my work, spent more time testing than making the mod.
Used Creation Kit built in archive file maker ( or bsa maker) to make the bsa file i upload with scripts so no script left.
So at first glance no reason for errors.
After i finished the work with this mod i saved all my source files, then cleaned up all skryim directory.
Cleaned up means literaly deleted evry sub folder then copied back one of my backup i made before starting making this mod.
This point to test out the user report i installed the mod as user do, and tryed out.
First attempt resulted same errors as user reported.
This point i started check the quest files and scripts, it seemed lot of script file to precise Script Fragment missing.
This point realized what mistake i made: My file come 2 version: ESL flagged esp and normal ESP.
During the procces of making the mod i used normal esp only. All script file made for this version not the compacted ESL version.
In the final stage i compacted the original mod then made the esl flagged version, plus added to this the script files.
To both version i used the same BSA.
This point i made a mistake: it seams Script Fragment Files named after form id some how. As i compacted the esp, the data form id changed, with it the requiered script names.
This change i not noticed.
Other problem: the creation kit only add script files to the bsa file that compiled AND used in the mod. If a script NOT compiled but used in the mod not added to the BSA.
To make things more "funny" no error message made about any of this.
Final nail to the coffin: if bsa not contain the script that needed a mod to function but exist in the script files becuse compiled during devlopment for some reason.
Well skyrim as expected make good use of it. I not sure how i managed to exclude this scripts but happened.
I write this all down to help other users and mod autohors to avoid this mistakes i made, help users detect this type of truble and may report better way.
i neded up digging my backups a final version that saved before the compacting take place and digging for fragment script files.
After this done needed re compile all the scripts and re run all the checks.
Same time becuse my faulty realise made some quest dead in the water, and after fixing unable to work... well i needed find a solution.
Lucky to me i have already one, but to understand it i need tell few things how my mod works:
My mod goal is: detect if any of the sepcified location get cleared. If this happen and location change event tiggered by player a starter quest run.
This quest only one porpuse: start a ocation specific quest that handle the local slavery operations. All of my quest alow "store" on location 30 slave.
This slaves removed from pahe, and my slavery handler operation take control ower them. Using aliases to force them do nothing.
During the planing of the mod my important goal to make mod very compatible with other mods. I have no knowlage yet how to use MCM menu.
Currently no need for that any way. I wished to add option stop all quest and reset evrything if something go wron or player wish stop run my quests.
To make this possible i made early on a special quest i call it mainquest. This one started if any of the location specific quest started.
The main quest give player spells to handle slaves and keep track all the runing quest plus make possible shut down all of them in one go.
To archive all of this i use form lists mostly. This way very easy to configurate what quest need shout down.
Same time this main quest capable on quest start up start quests that pre defined.
in my fix i used this main quest shut down function to fix evrything that broken.
Sadly alone this one not enught becuse the quest all started but the start up procces incomplite becuse the script fragments that played this a vital role missing.
This meant i need make a new script that checks any of the location cleared and start the refered quest to that location.
This script added a note that player can make any tamming rack for easy to avible leather strip.
This one combined with the existing restart option that come with any conqured work place made possible not only stop but forcefuly start the quests.
Here is why my solution work, and how work:
as mentioned using 2 quest to start a location work place: first one is started by change location event.
this one using own script and importantly script fragment to start the real quest that player sees.
of corse my bugged version missing the script fragments so cannot start the secund quest that normaly started.
Adding force start the secund quest fixed the problem: my secund quest started and as started checked the main quest running or not.
If not running start the main quest, main quest on start up restart all story quest (curently only one belethor quest)
During my test both tested with buged version saves and new version all worked well.
After all this testing to make sure my new version safe to use i made a bugged version save. Tested with falrim tools (resaver).
Then applyed my new version do the procces saved agin and tested with falrim tools.
Only after this test proven to be okay uplodaed the new version. (of corse this time i made sure no scriptfile left outside of bsa in my script inventory )
In testing persective i learned the fallowing things:
-before testing any mod best to clean up any lefotvers from any work/mod (even my own)
-before realise a mod need to clean up my skyrim directory just to be safe then order a mod manager to install the mod i planed to realise to check out obius mistakes like this one i made.
-always assume something wrong and check evrything agin. becuse soemthing going to wrong and missed in the first check...
-script fragments are prone to be "lost" if a mod get compacted. so if a quest mod intended to realised as ESL flagges ESP plan ahed of time, and soon as possible start compacting.
-saving script sources essential
-saving separate places esp files essential especiali before compacting.
-before any game testing wise to unpack the bsa files in a very separate directory using Cathedral Asset Optimalizer (CAO) this one can be used check the contents are SE compatible
After realise soem users sent reports littile things.
during this time i re checked some part of the script and detected 2 minior errors....
Thx for your time dear reader!
I hope this help others not make mistakes i made.
If any of you have any advice or suggestion what i can done better pls let me know! I wish make my self better mod maker.
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