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Aithne's story part 30 - New Beginning



Aithne slipped from the bath and dried, then put on the clean robes that waited near the bath cabinets. It had taken some time to find out where the laundry was done, but once she had found it, she had taken over that duty as well. As with the food, Urag cared little about what the robes he put on looked like. Also like the food, Aithne cared in his stead; his robes were now always free of stains and pressed. She made sure of it.


When she stepped out of the suite into the Arcaneum, she forced herself to walk without the mincing step the pain that suffused much of her body would have preferred; her back and feet were already complaining from the weight of her belly, and she was still raw from the night before.


She did not hide her pain because she feared reprisal if she showed weakness, as it had been in the days with Borkul, but because she wanted to show Urag she was worthy of him. And, in honesty, maybe there was a little bit of fear – she did worry that, if she allowed Urag to see her in pain, he might refuse to have sex with her again. That was not a chance she was willing to take. He had only allowed it twice more (well, three times including last night) in the past few months for fear of permanently damaging her or her baby.


It kicked as if in response to the thought and she smiled and took a moment to cradle her belly, which had grown to a comically ridiculous size and made doing...well, anything a nuisance.


She passed by Urag’s desk and dared toss him a smile and felt a warm flush when he looked up from his papers and smiled back. She almost skipped in response but managed to keep her composure as she picked up a loose book, glanced at the title – one she had already read, she was sorry to see (she was almost done with her current book and would need a replacement soon) - and headed for the shelves where it belonged.


She heard voices in conversation – the first guests had already made their way in. She rounded a bookshelf and found two young students pouring over a book. The table they sat at was littered with scrawled notes on crumpled paper and a pair of matching pens


“…but didn’t the book say that mana increases exponentially?” A dark elf girl with dark hair flipped randomly through the pages of the book.


The other, a pudgy human boy, shook his head as he watched. “I’m not sure.”


Aithne glanced at the book in the girl’s hands and smiled in recognition - it was Fundamentals of Hierarchical Mana Storage, which she had just finished reading three nights before. Lucky timing!


“It says mana increases exponentially when the leyline is forced into conjunction with a catalyst, such as an energized gem. But it only lasts until the catalyst burns out. Which is why they stopped using living catalysts.” Aithne stopped as her mind caught up to her mouth and she found the students staring at her. She felt a wave of embarrassment rising. “It’s a simple equation,” she added in an unsuccessful attempt to relieve the tension.


The girl frowned. “Can you show me?”


“Um. Of course.” Aithne set down the book she had been carrying and picked up a pen, then pulled one of the papers toward her and started writing as she spoke. “It’s just M equals the cubed root of C times…”


“No, I meant in the book.”


“Oh! Yes, sorry. Here, let me just…” she finished the last of the equation and pushed it toward them as she reached for the book. “Here, you really need this to understand what the book says. I don’t know why they didn’t include it in the first place.”


The boy glanced at the equation as Aithne flipped though the book and shook his head. “I don’t even know what that means. I’m never going to get this.”


“You will,” the girl responded, laying a hand on his. “We both will. We’ve only been here for a little while. I’m sure she’s been doing this for years.”


Aithne shook her head as she got to the chapter on mana manipulation and turned the book around. “No, I’ve only been here…seven months? Somewhere in that range. Here.” She tapped the page, then frowned as she realized they were gaping at her. “What is it?” She looked down at herself, suddenly feeling self-conscious. Her doubts kicked from where she had been trying to hide them and fear rushed toward her.


So brash, a slave talking to these free students as if she was their teacher! The fading memory of Borkul stormed back into her mind and she cringed at her own audacity even as the rational piece of her tried to assure the panicked emotional herd that all was well and she had not broken any rules in this new order.


The fear was only assuaged when the girl shook her head as she reached for the book. “Nothing. It’s just, we’ve been trying to understand this for almost two years, now, and you…” She shrugged. “You must be really smart.”


“Or we’re really dumb.” The boy buried his head in his arms.


Aithne shook her head as her heartbeat started to slow. “You’re not dumb. I just read. A lot. And I just happened to finish this one a couple days ago.”


The girl sighed as she skimmed over the open passage. “I’m going to have to read this more carefully.” She flipped open the front cover. “When is it due?”


As if on cue, Aithne felt an odd pop somewhere inside her, then felt warm liquid dribbling down her legs. She cast widened eyes downward and watched clear fluid begin to pool beneath her and, as her mind froze up, she said, “Now.”


“Now?” The elf looked up. “But I just got it five…oh. Oh!” She jostled the boy. “Hey! Um…help! Go get help!”


Aithne waved her hands, trying to forestall the yelling. “It’s fine, just my water breaking. I just need to…”


“What’s going on?” Urag’s breathless voice, bearing just a tinge of anger that made Aithne shiver as she turned. “Did someone hurt…”


He stopped and stared and Aithne was certain this was it; the straw that would erase everything that had been built between them. He loved his library more than anything, and now she had…


Iyåsweh! Colette, we need Colette!” He waved a hand at the students as he rushed to Aithne’s side. “Quickly! Go find her!”


The students jumped up as Urag took Aithne’s shoulders in gentle hands (she couldn’t stop herself from jumping at his touch) and began leading her toward the suite.


“I’m sorry about the floor. I didn’t…”


“The floor?” Urag snorted. “Who cares about the floor? It’s just stone. Let’s get you into bed.”


“I’ll be…” Aithne stopped talking to clench her teeth as something like a massive cramp wove through her pelvis. “Ah. Ouch.”


“Contractions starting already? Okay, here we are.” Urag opened the door and eased her in, then closed it behind them. “Okay, into bed. No, stop protesting. Colette will be here soon. Just breathe.”


He pulled up a chair and sat beside her, then reached out and took her hand. It was more comforting than anything she could have imagined. 


“I knew we shouldn’t have…” Urag began but then stopped, and Aithne felt it too - the wave of teleportation magic buzzed behind her, and she turned her head in time to see Colette appear. It reminded her – she needed to find out how to teleport to places that didn’t have a design to focus on. Now didn’t see the best time to ask, though.


“Ah,” Colette smiled and sat on the edge of the bed opposite Urag. “I see it’s time. I’m sorry about popping straight into the suite, Urag. I know you don’t care for that.”


The orc waved a hand. “It’s fine. This is a special situation. What do we do?”


“We wait. It can take anywhere from twelve to twenty-four hours from the time the water breaks until the actual birth.”


“That’s it? Don’t you need, I don’t know, hot water and towels or something?”


Colette laughed. “Here’s a secret for you, my dear Urag: those are just things to give men something to do to keep them busy so they stay out of the way. I tell you this deep womanly secret because I know you have other work you would rather be doing. Don’t worry,” as he began to protest, “everything will be fine. Go back to your Arcaneum before the students begin to take books without permission.”


Urag’s mouth snapped shut and he eyed the door at her words. Aithne heard something like a growl from him, which caused a flutter of lust inside her that was quickly subsumed by another contraction.


“Fine.” Urag stood, still holding Aithne’s hand. “But you tell me the moment…”


“Yes, of course. You will be here for the birth, I promise.”


Urag stood still for a moment longer, then looked down at Aithne and gave her hand an awkward pat. “I’ll be right outside. You let me know if you need anything. Anything! You hear?”


Aithne smiled up at him and nodded. “I understand.”


The orc nodded as well but stood for another couple of strained seconds before dropping her hand and stomping to the door. When he opened it, Aithne saw that the entire area on the other side of the doorway was crowded with people. Many necks craned to peek at her before Urag yelled something and slammed the door shut.


Colette laughed lightly and Aithne turned to her.


“I have never seen him act so…affectionate.”


Aithne blinked. “Affectionate?”


“Of course. He is doting on you. It’s adorable. I don’t know what you’ve been doing up here, but it appears to have made an impression.”


Aithne shrugged. “I’ve just been rea…mmmph.” She paused as a contraction squeezed through her. “Reading. A lot.”


Colette raised an eyebrow. “He is letting you read his books? You have made an impression. No, no need to try to explain. Let’s concentrate on what is going to happen. I can help ease some of your pain but I can’t do too much – I don’t want to relax your muscles or they will stop pushing, and that would be bad. I’m afraid even Restoration magic won’t be able to help during the actual childbirth.”


Aithne nodded. “I understand. I have been through…a lot of pain. I am used to it.”


“Oh, honey.” Colette set a cool hand against Aithne’s forehead. “I know, I remember how you looked when we first met. You have been through so much already. But this will be over soon, and I’ll make sure you aren’t in pain as soon as it’s done.”


Aithne blinked as Colette began to stroke her hair. She was surprised to feel a tear roll down her cheek. Where had that come from? She took a deep breath and tried to relax into the pillow. She had been through every torture imaginable; this was just childbirth, something women all around the world did every day. Surely it couldn’t be that bad.


It just went to show how, even after months of slavery and torture, one could still be naïve.




“Push!” Urag’s face was right in front of hers; Aithne had never wanted to punch someone more in her life.


“I AM PUSHIIIEEEAAAAAGH!” She felt like she was being split in two. The hot irons jammed up her vagina and ass had been more painful, but not by as much as one might think.


“We’re almost there.” Colette’s voice was as calm and steady as ever. The bitch. “Just a couple more.”


Aithne panted, trying to regain her control. If Borkul could see her now, he…


She blinked as something shifted. The room faded. Not away; it just became…translucent. She was dimly aware of the feel of magic, and of movement. She squinted, focusing, as shapes began to take form. Then she gasped. Or tried to gasp. Wherever this strange place between worlds was, she didn’t seem to be breathing, so she could not gasp. But she gave it a good run anyway.


There he was – her old Master. There was no mistaking that giant frame, nor the rage that burned in his eyes. He was nearly naked, wearing only a loincloth, and gripped two pickaxes. He appeared to be fighting someone and, judging by the bleeding slashes and blackened scorch marks that covered his body, he did not appear to be winning.


Even as the thought entered her mind, Borkul was thrown back by some unseen force, smashing into a wooden pillar then collapsing to his knees. Another figure came into view, moving so quickly, it seemed he…no, clearly a she, a naked woman covered in tattoos bearing a pair of swords that shone like lightning…just appeared. The swords swung and new gashes appeared on her former Master. One split the skin above his eye, the other gouged a long cut down his chest. Then the woman turned and disappeared again. A moment later, as Borkul struggled to stand, white glowing bolts like arrows appeared, imbedding themselves into his skin before disappearing, leaving more scorch marks.


“That’s it! One more push!” Colette’s voice coaxed Aithne away; the vision began to fade. She fought to keep it, to stay. She had to see…


Borkul shuddered, but he was Borkul; though his blood had created a pool around him, he lurched upward, nearly gaining his feet, before thumping down once more. He looked up and, for just the briefest second, Aithne was sure he saw her - he stared directly into her eye with a puzzled expression and seemed about to say something, but just at that moment, a bright arc of light cut through the air and Borkul's head detached and fell to the ground in a spray of blood. Then everything turned dark.


“There we are!”


Colette’s voice and the sudden squall of a baby brought Aithne back to reality like a slap in the face. She gasped for breath as she tried to reorient herself. Urag sat beside her, clenching her hand and staring down at her with a worried expression.


Colette was smiling as she wiped the baby with a cloth. “There, all done. Would you like to hold him?”


Aithne blinked as the tattered remains of her vision danced in the back of her mind and nodded, arms already extended. Colette brought the baby to her, and she got her first look at her son.


The resemblance to Borkul could not be denied, from the bright green skin to the contours of his soft head. Certainly his wails were loud enough to do justice by his father. Aithne shook as she gathered him to her body. The warmth of her skin seemed to calm the baby; the wails subsided to low intermittent whimpers.


Colette held out a pair of shears and gestured. “Urag, would you care to cut the cord?”


“Hm? Oh. Sure.” He made a brief gesture with a finger. “Lyoṇ.” The cord fell into two pieces between the spot Colette had tied off. When had she done that? Aithne shook her head, trying to clear the last vestiges of her…vison? Had it been real?


Aithne shrugged at her own internal question; she didn’t care about that right now. She didn’t care about anything in that moment but the tiny life in her arms.


“I meant with the shears, fool.”


Urag shrugged. “I like my way better. Can I see him?”


Aithne shifted so the baby was on her other shoulder, facing toward her Master.


“He’s an orc!”


For some reason, his surprise surprised Aithne. She didn’t know why, but she had always just assumed the baby was Borkul’s. In retrospect, it didn’t make much sense - she had been forced to be with a lot of partners. The baby could have been from one of hundreds of different men of all species. Still, she had never doubted.


“Yes.” She smiled at her Master as he reached out tentative fingers to stroke the baby’s head. “Will you help me name him?”


His look of surprise doubled. “Me?”


“Yes. I don’t know much about Orcs, but I would like to give him an appropriate name. Besides, you are my…it is your right.”


“I…um…I mean, yes. Of course.” It was the first time she could remember seeing him befuddled. He continued to stroke the baby’s head with one finger while tapping his chin with his other hand. “How about Chtonji Åch? It means ‘new beginning’ in Orcish.”


She beamed and looked down at her son. “I love it, thank you, sir. Welcome home, Chtonji Åch gro-Shub.”


Next Chapter


Previous Chapter


Start at the Beginning

Edited by jfraser


Recommended Comments

I can't really express how impressed I am with your writing.

You have to make money doing this - somehow.

Lord of Thrones has nothing on this.

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18 minutes ago, fred200 said:

I can't really express how impressed I am with your writing.

You have to make money doing this - somehow.

Lord of Thrones has nothing on this.

Thank you for the kind words. I do have a book I’m supposed to be working on instead of these. ;)

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Great chapter!? Assuming that the events of Aithne's vision took place simultaneously to her giving birth this was truly the end of one thing and the beginning of something new.

Also: A doting and befuddled Urag sounds... very wholesome. And entertaining. For everyone except him. Sooo... he had best work on his pokerface. Otherwise who knows what nicknames his students/fellow-mages might come up with.?? 

Edited by HM1919
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Hmmm. Quite the intertwining with this one, the birth and the death, the father and the son. I understand now there was another reason you wanted my associate and myself to read Sian's latest chapter. :classic_wink: I found this form quite poetic and symbolic, also constituting an elegant reminder of who Borkul was (even if not sure it was the same dimension's ?) and alleviating the description of the birthing itself. You've got the pacing right as well, and knew how to induce emotion as well as humor. A well driven and beautiful chapter ! :D?


17 hours ago, jfraser said:

I do have a book I’m supposed to be working on instead of these. ;)

Really ? Well then those are perfect training then ! At what stage are you from completion ? I'd like to write one myself as well, since the current gray area of screenshooting wouldn't make it safe to publish my comics. But IRL goes first, and has gone first for the two last years... 




ldyMRSUy_o.png « It was a very nice chapter, yes ! Aithne's got a baby, and a father, and it's very a new beginning ! Smiley_ayuluna_HFR.gif

                Which makes me wonder if the story's finished . 'cause it looks like Aithne might need a mat leave now. :classic_mellow:»


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17 hours ago, fred200 said:

Well personal request - do both!


42 minutes ago, Tirloque said:

Hmmm. Quite the intertwining with this one, the birth and the death, the father and the son. I understand now there was another reason you wanted my associate and myself to read Sian's latest chapter. :classic_wink: I found this form quite poetic and symbolic, also constituting an elegant reminder of who Borkul was (even if not sure it was the same dimension's ?) and alleviating the description of the birthing itself. You've got the pacing right as well, and knew how to induce emotion as well as humor. A well driven and beautiful chapter ! :D?


Really ? Well then those are perfect training then ! At what stage are you from completion ? I'd like to write one myself as well, since the current gray area of screenshooting wouldn't make it safe to publish my comics. But IRL goes first, and has gone first for the two last years... 




ldyMRSUy_o.png « It was a very nice chapter, yes ! Aithne's got a baby, and a father, and it's very a new beginning ! Smiley_ayuluna_HFR.gif

                Which makes me wonder if the story's finished . 'cause it looks like Aithne might need a mat leave now. :classic_mellow:»



"I understand now there was another reason you wanted my associate and myself to read Sian's latest chapter."




The book is at the "sent to agents but really shouldn't send 'book 1 of a proposed trilogy' because no one wants to bet on three books from a first time author" stage. So I need to compress the ideas for the other two books use them to finish the current book. Some day.


i've been working on it off and on (much more off than on) for thirty years.


I have also thought about editing these stories to remove the Skyrimness from them and posting them on something like Kindle Vella but, sort of similar to your comics, these stories (especially Aithne's) would not go over well in a setting such as that.


What I really need to do is write short chapters like these with a more...approachable subject matter and post them on KV. I just haven't got around to writing that story. Maybe someday!


Incidentally, I have chapters from these four stories written and ready for consumption up until sometime in February but I have begun the inevitable slide toward being interested in other things instead, as happens from time to time, so the writing has slowed quite a bit. I have a few months to get it back, though! ;)


Your comments help - knowing people seem emotionally attached keeps me motivated to continue to write. 


That sounded manipulative, didn't it? sorry! I don't mean that in a "keep commenting or I'll stop writing" way.  XD 






Edited by jfraser
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23 hours ago, jfraser said:

"I understand now there was another reason you wanted my associate and myself to read Sian's latest chapter."






23 hours ago, jfraser said:

The book is at the "sent to agents but really shouldn't send 'book 1 of a proposed trilogy' because no one wants to bet on three books from a first time author" stage. So I need to compress the ideas for the other two books use them to finish the current book. Some day.


i've been working on it off and on (much more off than on) for thirty years.


I have also thought about editing these stories to remove the Skyrimness from them and posting them on something like Kindle Vella but, sort of similar to your comics, these stories (especially Aithne's) would not go over well in a setting such as that.


What I really need to do is write short chapters like these with a more...approachable subject matter and post them on KV. I just haven't got around to writing that story. Maybe someday!

In your case I would go for your book one, but end it on an "open" ending. Open enough so that you can follow it with two others, closed enough so that the book one is sufficient. So you have the potential, but without the unsatisfactory -to be continued- effect. The same way Marvel or DCs starts some protagonist's movie when they're unsure if they're gonna follow or not. Smiley-thinking-48-pinmig.png



I'm glad it's quite advanced though. Comic or book, I am yet to begin mine. Time will tell when and if I do.   ^^ You at the other hand, showed us that you have the necessary skills, so all you need is get the attention. :classic_wink:

23 hours ago, jfraser said:


Incidentally, I have chapters from these four stories written and ready for consumption up until sometime in February but I have begun the inevitable slide toward being interested in other things instead, as happens from time to time, so the writing has slowed quite a bit. I have a few months to get it back, though! ;)


Your comments help - knowing people seem emotionally attached keeps me motivated to continue to write. 


That sounded manipulative, didn't it? sorry! I don't mean that in a "keep commenting or I'll stop writing" way.  XD


ldyMRSUy_o.png « That's very not a problem.

                Plus, we're so expert at reading that you gonna ask us if we forget, yes. :classic_cool::classic_happy: »


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