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Update: I'm Not Dead

Just letting everyone know that even though I'm quiet right now, I'm mostly fine. Although I am having a bit too much life frustration to have the patience or energy to work on any mods at the moment. I don't know when I will return to it. I am hoping for some time soon though. Just dealing with lawyers, court hearings, the holidays, mom having a boyfriend, not being used to feeling like a third wheel around my own mom... all of that plus a dad who will not stop being an asshole by texting me lies... it's very draining.


I was watching a Toy Story marathon today on TV and I realized something very, very sad. At the end of the sequel, Woody and Buzz promise to never leave each other behind as the best of friends. I thought I knew they had done that and my memory was confirmed then. This should be something really happy and at one time, it was. But then came Toy Story 4. Woody pretty much up and leaves Buzz, his BFF/brother from another mother, for Bo. I started to cry. I kind of wish that hadn't happened... I'm too tired of people around me that I love treating me that way to want to deal with watching it happen in my animated stuff, too. So for all the feelings I've been having, I've put up an image of Jessie just missing Emily.


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