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Sexy Chainsaw-Fucking Bubba Won't Leave My Brain



The more time passes that I am not at least decent at modding my Sims 4 game, the more pent up tension I'm gonna feel from this, I just know it... and I can't do a thing about it outside of Sims because I'm living with my mom and having to share a bed with her until we can get me moved into my own place. Sucks.


What also seems kind of sucky was that the other night, someone told me that my Texas Chainsaw Massacre main OC was probably in vain. I have only seen the original film plus a few remakes of it and none of the sequels so I didn't know that Jedediah's dad seemed to care so little about continuing the family line. Apparently, he told Jedediah "sex or the saw", indicating that possibly Bubba may have shown attraction to someone at one time??? But he chose the chainsaw because his dad was probably super stern about it... But my OC, Rosette Irving, might still be on the accepted side. I mean, she is also a constant source of human meat whom they're not smart enough to kill. She has a complicated curse put on her that could probably be solved by most people but I wouldn't figure the Sawyers would figure it out so instead, she's just chained to a wall inside Bubba's work room, always waiting to get another limb hacked off while another one grows back.



... Yes. After that thought process, I don't think I have to go with the "family rules". The dad would be glad I think for them to have a permanent source of meat and although he might often remind Bubba that that's all she is, that probably wouldn't stop a few crazy moments from going down... and it most certainly wouldn't get in the way of Anne-Marie and Cain coming around either, I guess. They're a pair of fraternal twins that their grandpa would absolutely NOT be delighted to see. Ever. Initially, it was simply because they don't agree with the family ways but after reading that comment about what he said to Bubba about the saw, I don't even think he'd be happy if he woke up one day and heard a pair of wailings coming from the work room. I'd wager that the only reason they get to stick around would be due to Rosette suddenly hitting fierce mama bear mode. I mean FIERCE.


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