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Arrogant politician



We bought small electric motorcycle for Mikey and hid it in the garage until his birthday. It is totally harmless and low speed toy for the children of his age. But it looks awesome. We are sure he’d like it. Since our moms couldn’t find leather jacket for him, my mom will saw one. Mikey was cute; he was asking members of our family what will they will give him for his birthday. My Prince didn’t like it and he forbid him to do that. But Mikey was smart. He would ask to be taken into person’s lap and then, when he saw that his dad is not around, he whispered that question to person’s ear. Nobody resented him for doing it since he is very cute little boy and it was funny. If my Prince found it out, Mikey will be in trouble for being disobedient. My Ivy and I told Mikey afterwards, that it is not nice to disobey his father and do forbidden things behind his back. Mikey was soooooo cute. He made very worried face and after very short deep thinking he said: “OK”. Then he asked me and my Ivy:

- Will you ask Lidija what she will give me for my birthday, please?

Oh, my …… My Ivy and I blasted in laughter and we showered him with kisses. He is very smart kid. By the way, Mikey still can’t pronounce certain words and letters that I corrected so I don’t waste my space and time in LL diary quoting his childish language and explaining to you what he said.



I told you earlier that my luvs’ job isn’t easy and it requires a lot of wisdom in various situations. They found themselves in very difficult situation yesterday that involved even Antonio. Namely, there are local elections campaign all over the country for various city and district political positions. So, almost every political candidate hired bodyguards during their meetings, symposiums and confrontations. Well, my Prince and Ivy were hired last Monday from one very influential politician from higher political league. He was satisfied with their service and he exhorted them to join his political party. My Prince decently told him that he is apolitical and he will never support any political party or idea. My Ivy said the same. Well, that politician was very persistent. My Prince talked to Antonio first who spoke with that politician. When it didn’t help, my Prince asked for transfer but he couldn’t be transferred because of the agreement; he and Ivy has to be his bodyguards until campaign is over. Harassing them again made my Prince losing his patience yesterday and telling him to get off of his back. The politician didn’t like it and he threatened that he’ll make sure my Prince and Ivy lost their jobs and that he will personally make sure that Antonio’s agency close down. That was terrible mistake. When my Prince told that to Antonio, he was very furious. He and my Prince (plus two eye witnesses who recorded everything on their smartphones) paid the visit to him in his hotel. Antonio tried to culturally reason with him, but unsuccessfully. The man was too proud to pull back. Then Antonio gave green light to my Prince who kindly asked him to change his mind. When he refused demanding them to leave his room my Prince approached him and grabbed him for his shirt. Lifting him into the air he told him:

- You are one fucking piece of shit! We tried to be nice but you behaved like arrogant bastard! …… Let me tell you one more and last thing: If you do anything against us and our agency, I swear, I’m gonna make you afraid of the night. I will get you and you will never know when and where! You will leave us alone from now! You understand?

My Prince also told him that this incident was recorded on two smart phones and they will send it to all news TV stations if he continues his run against them. My Ivy told me that the man was very scared and he said he will stop harassing them. They work for him today and it is their last day of the work for him. I will tell you honestly; my Prince always tries every polite and cultural reasoning. When it fails, he uses the side nobody wants to see and he doesn’t care about the consequences. Most of the time it works and I believe it will work this time too.


Recommended Comments

Mikey is getting to be quite sneaky :sweat_smile: But he seems to be learning well what is good or bad. ;)

It's a shame too many people mistake kindness for weakness. :|


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On 5/1/2021 at 8:28 AM, Jayomms said:

Mikey is getting to be quite sneaky :sweat_smile: But he seems to be learning well what is good or bad. ;)

It's a shame too many people mistake kindness for weakness. :|



> Yes, he does. :)  The way he understand things and respond to them is very funny sometimes :)

> That politician was bad politician. I didn't resent my Prince for his reaction, but to Antonio for letting him do it. I was afraid about my Prince's public exposure but Antonio told me that he bluffed for he will never jeopardize my Prince by publishing the video.

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