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Why did this asshole kicked me out the bus? Where am I? Never been here before.

Red sand everywhere, some tiny houses, and a burning heat.

Speaking of heat, my head feels like it'll explode any moment and my whole body is shaking.



I need a shot, that'll make me feel better.

Need to find the local dealer. There must be one...


Becci is experienced enough to know what to look for if she wants to find the local drug scene.

So, even in her bad condition it was easy to find the dealer near an old, crashed airplane.



I need a shot, please give me something, only a small line, that's all I need.”

Yeah, and who are you?”

Only a small line, please, I need it.”

I don't know what you are talking about. Shove off.”

Common, we both know, what you are doing out here. So, please...”

How much money do you have?”

I... I don't have money with me. I can pay later, I promise.”

Yeah, do I look like a fool?”

Please, I need it.”



Yeah, and I need you to get your ass back where it came from. Shove off!”



You... you can have me if you give me something.”

Crazy bitch, I am married. Now shove off or I will get really mad. And you don't want to see me really mad.”


Becci had no other choice then leaving the dealer alone.

It's so hot in this red sand hell. I need to find a cool place. Maybe I will feel better after a nap.

On her way back to the village, a man stood in front of her as if he were waiting for her.



Hey, you there. You tried buying drugs from James.”

No question, he knows. That fucking idiot has told someone to come after me. But why? Better say nothing.

Look, there is no reason for you to deny. I have an offer for you.”



My name is Joseph Turner, I am a local business man and I want you to work for me.”

Why should someone offer work to a stranger he just met? What's the catch?”



Look, I heard you asked for drugs without being able to afford them. You must be in trouble and I want to help. Take it or leave.”



Ah, fuck, he has a point there.

Ok, what's your offer?”

I will give you a home and everything you need including the drugs you want so bad. In exchange you will welcome some of my clients and be kind to them.”

You are asking me to be your whore!”

Do I have another choice? I need that drugs so badly.

Call it what you like. The most important part is that I said you will have everything you need if you would work for me.”



Fuck, ok. What exactly I am supposed to do with your “clients”?”

Everything they ask for, that's the deal. But be assured, they'll not damage my property.”

I did not say “yes” finally, but I am already his “property”...

Ok, show me that room you have for me.”

It's not exactly a room, it's a house. Small, old and fucked-up, but still livable. By the way, what's your name?”



Becci Evans”

Nice to meet you, Becci Evans. Let's go.”


They way to the house was short. James offered Becci a cigarette and as she said “yes”, he gave her the whole pack and a lighter.



Here we are, that's your new home.”



What... about the... drugs?”

I heard you ask for cocaine. That's hard stuff, be patient. I don't want the police to find a girl with an overdose in this house. Here you have a pack. But, seriously, take only one little dose at once.”

Thanks. Is that all?”

I have some loyal clients, who are always burning for new ware. I will send one over in a couple of hours. Be ready for him, get a shower and do not take too much of the stuff.”


With that words, he left, not waiting for an answer. “No” seemed not to be an option for him.


Ok, first have a look inside and then take one line.







Lovely place, but at least a place for me to stay for some days. But not for longer. After I made my first money, I will return to the city and try my luck there again.


So, now, get prepared for this “client”.





And there he is. I hope his wishes are not too crazy...



Hi Becci, Joseph sent me over. Let's go inside.”


Ok, what do you like?”

First, I would like to taste some Becci. And then let's see what comes to our minds.”

Ok, let's go to this couch here.”

No, I want you to lie down on this desk. Help me getting rid of this TV.”

Ha, a freak, who saw this coming...









Now I sit down and you give me a handjob.”





Now lay down you fucking bitch.”



Ok, finally, he wants to put it inside...

What's he doing now? He is finishing it himself and cuming on my back...


Some moments later...



What about my money?”

Money? Haha, didn't Joseph tell you? You belong to him now, that means, your money also belongs to him. Haha, she thought, she will get some money here, hahahaha.”


He left after that words, still laughing.


I was really naive thinking I will get some profit out of this, wasn't I? Fuck, I should have known better...

I need a shower now.




I need to find a way out of this...

I could run away...

But I still don't know were I am...

I think, for the moment it's better to stay and learn more about this place. Then I can plan for returning to the city.




Joseph does not seem to be a man that does simply let you go. I think if I can't offer anything in return, he won't accept me leaving his “services”. So, what would that be...



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