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Torn from Earth and brought to a bizarre land filled with swords, magic, dragons, and over-zealous slavers, Sian Elizabeth Fraser faces a destiny she could only have imagined in her deepest, darkest fever dreams.

Entries in this blog

Sian's Story part 16 - Forging Ahead

What is it about some people that makes them refuse to take a hint? Or even a direct statement?   "Why do you always wear this thing?" Demming asked me, flipping the hood of my robe.   I scowled at him. "You know why. I have a big, ugly scar."   "So you say. Prove it. Show me yours and I'll show you mine." He grinned and pushed his hips forward. Jesus.   "Go away, Demming. I'm trying to work."   Three months of this shit. I had to remind myself t


jfraser in Sian's Story

Sian's Story part 15 - Free At Last! Sort Of...

I spent some time with the Julian monks that rescued me but left as soon as I felt able since they clearly felt uncomfortable having a woman in their midst. It had been a few weeks since the death of my former master, and I still harbored mixed feelings about the entire affair. It was like when I took a trip to Paraguay before my junior year of college - after three months, coming home to "normal" was almost as big of a culture shock as when I had arrived in Asunción. Likewise, having freedom to


jfraser in Sian's Story

Sian's Story part 14 - Enter the Daedra

When I woke up, my arms and legs were bound together behind me and a log gag was pressed between my teeth. I felt a thrill of contradicting emotions.   The first was fear. I hadn't tasted the whip in months. I was not looking forward to its sting.   The second, and stronger, was shame; clearly I had done something very wrong. It had been a very long time since my master had bound me so restrictively. I must have overslept! My poor master! No wonder he was punishing me! I dese


jfraser in Sian's Story

Sian's Story part 13 - Emptiness is an Emotion

What happened next was completely my fault. I should have known he would be in a bad mood because he always was when he met with one of the commanders. I waited until he had had a few drinks - my second mistake - before I told him. He went apoplectic and gave me the worst beating I have ever had. I tried to cower, but he yanked on my chain to drag me up to meet his fists over and over. I spent the night huddled in my own blood and had difficulty even standing the next morning. But I had to stand


jfraser in Sian's Story

Sian's Story part 12 - A Lost Year

I spent roughly a year as Oron Piour's personal slave. He was some sort of Imperial army courier superintendent. His job was to make sure the courier lines in the southern holds of Skyrim remained working, to replace couriers that had been killed, to kill those that had tried to go AWOL, and just to keep everything running smoothly. My job was to carry stuff, set up and tear down his camp, and get fucked whenever he felt the need. If we came across Imperial encampments and spent the night there,


jfraser in Sian's Story

Sian's story part 11 - Let's Talk About Slavery, Shall We?

Slaves are a common sight around Skyrim. Almost always completely naked, save for various implements of duress and the ubiquitous collars, you can find them everywhere, in every town, city, inn, farm, camp...slavery is so prevalent that even questioning someone about it brings about confused looks. I bring this up because we’re about to the point of my first year of enslavement. I don’t want to spend a lot of time on it – the painful parts are too painful and the other parts are just a lot of wa


jfraser in Sian's Story

Sian's Story part 10 - Fourteen Days

What happens next is pretty well known by now. Hell, you've probably heard it so much that you feel like you have done the exact same thing yourself several times. So I won't bore you with the details – I’ll just highlight a few things since rumor has already begun to fester into fact. Also, I’d like to remind you that all of this happened in a mere fourteen days. My entire life changed in just two weeks. A fucking fortnight, if you prefer.   Helgen   I got to Helgen about fi


jfraser in Sian's Story

Sian's Story part 1 - This Party Sucks

Greetings. No one from my old life would believe the things written in this journal, but that’s quite beside the point, seeing as how none of them will ever read it. I don’t even know why I’m writing it, save to remind myself from time to time that I was once someone else, and that my former life was not a dream.   My name is Sian Elizabeth Fraser. I was a pharmacy student at the Ohio State University, once upon a time, and once upon a different world. It was near the end of the winter


jfraser in Sian's Story

1365 - Out of Time and Place (Sian’s story)

The pickaxe digs into the crevice, then sticks. I curse under my breath as I struggle to yank it back out. Finally it comes free, along with a tiny sliver of what looks like possibly useable ore. I pick it up and examine it, then set it on the meager pile I have managed to accumulate while trying to ignore the larger piles of those around me.   I sigh and begin the process again, but then the horn sounds. I drop the pickaxe and bend to gather my ore. It does not take long. The mine sup


jfraser in Sian's Story

1365 - Out of Time and Place (Sian’s story)

The pickaxe digs into the crevice. With a practiced twist, I remove the axe while widening the hole. After two more strikes, a chunk of ore two handspans long tumbles to the ground at my feet. I absently push it to one side with my foot, already locking my eyes on the next spot.   Just as I start the downswing, the horn blares. I drop the pickaxe and bend to gather my ore. It makes a knee high stack - master will be pleased. He moves along the line now, stopping at each worker, countin


jfraser in Sian's Story

1365 - Out of Time and Place (Sian’s story)

The pickaxe digs into the crevice. I try to twist it but it is so heavy. My breathing comes in wheezes as the dusty air fills my lungs breath after breath. It takes five more strikes for a small chunk of ore to tumble to the ground at my feet. I absently push it to one side with my foot but have to take a moment to try to catch my breath before locking my eyes on the next spot. Just as I start the downswing, the horn blares. I drop the pickaxe and bend to gather my ore.   It is a small

1365 - Out of Time and Place (Sian’s story)

The pickaxe digs into the crevice. I twist it back and forth until it comes out. Finally it comes free, along with a small chunk of ore. I pick it up and examine it, then try to set it on my pile, only to discover I no longer have a pile. Someone has stolen my ore.   I look around and note the slave next to me, 957, has a suspiciously large amount of ore. But then the horn sounds and I cannot do anything about it. I drop the pickaxe and bend to gather my single chunk. The mine superint


jfraser in Sian's Story

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