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  1. Thank you very much for your reply! I noticed that in the encyclopedia the player is, as it were, listed in two clans: the old and the new. Or comrades, family, children, remain in the old clan. There is a mod for marriage and with it you could go to another clan by marrying the clan leader.
  2. When a player joins another kingdom to a clan through captivity, a crash occurs. crashcampaignEvent.htm
  3. Yes, I downloaded the latest version of the mod. Specifically specifying the download date. The error occurs if you are caught and impregnated. And the child was born when the character was in captivity. Ok I'll reinstall and check this point again. So far, I can draw your attention to the fact that the prisoners' escape modifier does not work and they still escape. That is, even activating the cheat mode disabling the escape does not help to avoid the prisoner escape event.
  4. Game ver: 1.6.0 Version 1029 Date uploaded 22 Jul 2021, 2:34AM Crash when a child is born from a captive. ChildAgeStateEvent.htm
  5. CrashEvent.htm CrashEventarena.htm CrashPointEvent.htm 1.6.0 1029 and also:
  6. Of course, TW redesigned the locations of some cities, updated the position of taverns and workshops as well. We just have to wait when update 1029 is released not earlier than the 15th аnd then, rather, you need to expect a carry over to a later date. Considering how many things need to be changed and checked in fashion by the author... In the meantime, you can collect error logs and send along with messages using BetterExceptionWindow or dnSpy debug mode. So we wish the author of BadListener a good time before the 15th and return as soon as possible!
  7. One of the problems since 1.5.10 has remained when you go on a mission to protect a friend. Then after it the game does not see the mouse. In the sense that you cannot enter any settlement or attack the enemy, but simply run after them in circles. To get rid of this bug, you need to surrender every time. Lose the battle. I almost forgot and the prisoner's clothes cannot be changed, the player's bag opens instead of the prisoner.
  8. Looking forward to 1029 for 1.6.0. The game is incomplete without Captivity Events. Thank you very much!
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