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[Stellaris] Space Elves! :-)


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Space Elves!


Elven supremacy is the only truth!! Erm... I mean...for people who want normal elfies in their Stellaris game! laugh.png



  • 12 phenotypes for girls (eye and lipstick variations), 8 phenotypes for guys (eye and lipstick laugh.pnglaugh.png  Ok just eyes!)
  • An "elfy" ship style. It's kind of mismatch of various ships in vanilla all retextured to look quicksilverish.
  • A new elf city style. For once, not just a simple retexture of an existing one!
  • 51 outfits for girls, 39 for guys. All the clothes are mine at this point. There is some outfit overlap with Space Drow currently but eventually the clothes will be totally different for each mod.
  • New hairstyles for girls (with elf ears), new hairstyles for guys (no-idiot man bun and all hairstyles adjusted for elf ears!)
  • Ruler hairstyles with crowns.
  • Elven name list. Uses a variety of: Sindarin, Quenya, Altmer, Bosmer and... Ayleid names to make it complete.
  • Elven trait: leaders live +750 years.
  • New Elven specific world type: Avari worlds. Ideal planets with shiny artificial rings for maximum elfy bling. laugh.png
  • 2 prescripted races. One civ follows the "Sidh" philosophy that I made up out of thin air. Basically, they're peaceful and don't bother with clothes. (Oddly, I feel this makes more sense than the Eilistraee thing. laugh.png laugh.png laugh.png) The others are basically Ayleid. Be wary of that whole "peace" thing. wink.png
  • 2 new elf solar system start: A blue star that feeds a black hole and a puslar fed by... another star. (Stellaris is really lacking in interesting star systems...) Both homeworlds have "planetary rings".







Get here: ElvesOfStellaris(1.62).7z


The Ubiquitous Mini FAQ


  • Which version is this compatible with?
    Currently 1.2.*!
  • Can this work together with Space Drow?
  • Will this conflict with X mod?
    It should not! Probably. laugh.png

Version History

  • 1.62 - Added pre-ftl civs to system initializers; additional clothing tweaks; "savage" elves randomly show up on Pre-FTL worlds and sometimes as full on civs.
  • 1.6T - Clothing tweaks; added neighboring systems to startups; add new color option for one of the battleships; TEST: randomization is off, 1/4 chance of fallen empire elves, currently 100% chance a new savage type Elven nation pops up.
  • 1.5 - Crowns for everyone; major rework of guys: all clothes now look more masculine, no space suits, ugly big nosed guys got a nose job, bunch of new guy only outfits; fixed typos for AI planets; added new system start with elven specific planet type; tweaked existing starting system.
  • 1.1 - Bunch of new girl outfits; Fixed ship/city styles selection highlighting; fixed typos (Elven city instead of Ilythiiri LOL); guy hair: real black color added, all hairs adjusted to fit elf ears; fixed (hopefully) rulers having random clothes; Fixed mask issue with long
    female hair; First experiment with crown/jewelry.
  • 1.0 - Fixed ship emitters, fixed errors with men's hair, updated Elven name list to actually be Elven (oops), updated to work with 1.2, fixed insults.
  • 0.90 - Initial Release



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And... here are the elfies!


As mentioned, there are some overlapping outfits with Space Drow at the moment. Eventually both mods will diverge completely on clothes.


The Sidh civ is really just there for nutters blush.gifblush.gif  err.. people who want their entire civ "without apparel". (Actually, I admit: it's hilarious running into them in a game!! laugh.pnglaugh.png) I achieved this by creating a special trait that removes civ clothes -IF- they are elves. So no, you can't grab the Sidh trait as a human (or wonky alien) and expect it to work.


The ship style utilizes some of the nicer looking vanilla "event" ships as well as a few Fallen ships all retextured. Currently not real happy with the science ship but I got tired of my indecision and just used a Fallen civilian ship for it. In areas where I didn't care very much (colony ship, transport ship, fighters, etc.) I just used Avian. (Retextured of course!)


Caveat: Yes, I know some of the ships either have pink exhaust or none at all. I'll probably get around to changing them to white. At the moment, the idea of jumping into the emitters and ship files sounds worse than root canal. Perhaps when I've had a bit of a break from that aspect of Stellaris, I'll fix things up.


Caveat 2: When designing a ship, the various designs are all located in the STERN section. This is for destoyers, cruisers, and battleships. At present there are only 3 battleship styles, that's why the Homeworld looking ship is repeated twice.


Caveat 3: Yes. Some of the women are smirking. I get the feeling the reason is because they know they're elves and the rest of us aren't. biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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OK, some good news! It appears 1.2.0 is compatibly. So you can (I think) safely ignore the "outdated mod" warning for now. I'm about to play a new 1.2 game with both Space Elves and Drow so we'll see if anything pops up. Hopefully.

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They did me too actually. biggrin.png


The ships in Stellaris are pretty bad though. If I really was going to get into this, I should make my own. But... that would mean navigating YET ANOTHER exporter. Maybe some "other" day! wink.png

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Maya and *_entity files I believe (from a quick search).


Probably best left alone then. There is an official exporter though I hope it's better then any of the Beth Official exporters have ever been. Maybe at least as good as the Civ4 or FF ones?

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Actually, it probably is a decent exporter. Really I'm just being... slightly lazy. wink.png I have been getting used to Maya (kind of). It seems my time spent in Blender had a detrimental effect on my Max skills. Early last year before real life went bonkers, I tried opening max again to do a few things. I had to keep a tutorial page up just to make a simple shape! laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png I could still do texture mapping at least. (I still say Blender is horrid for that. Well, OLD Blender 2.whatever that is. The new one might be a lot better. angel.gif )

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  • Ship emitters are all white now and matching.
  • Updated the survey scan color to -not- be evil Drow red.
  • Fixed insults as well as updating the Elven name list. (Turns out I accidentally used an old name list!)
  • Should now work fine with 1.2!

Whew! angel.gif

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Actually, I sure don't. I haven't tried any of those out yet. I believe they'd have to duplicate existing ships. So, dreadnaught for instance would be a larger instance of whatever the battleship is. But I'm just guessing. Perhaps there's a more elegant method that would allow more compatibility.

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I love it. I had them spawn just next to my Human start. We lived in coexistence and harmony, until advanced start tentacled aliens came and conquered them. Though I doubt Elves will mind it much :P


I also borrowed some of the clothing for humans, so planet views are more diverse. Though now I wish you also made some ebony elves, the rest of the population is quick to undress on a planet with aphrodisiac modifer, but Africans remain modest :P

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I could make "without apparel" resources for all the base vanilla humans actually. The only one I never did was african women but that wouldn't be hard to do a copy/paste/hue thing to finish up. I don't really have an interest in human stuff but somebody else could use the resources at least. laugh.png



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Heh, I keep spamming my own threads....



  • Yes, I've already fixed the instances of "Ilythiiri" in the next update. I noticed the name for the Elven city as well as a few insult/dialog things are all acting like elves are drow. (That happens when you have two mods that are almost the same. Oops!)
  • Got some odd errors on Elven cruisers I'm still trying to track down. (You can see errors in the log file located in your Paradox Interactive folder. Careful though, lots of mods generate errors like crazy! laugh.png) They only seem to show up while a game is in process. Still, I'd like -no- errors period.
  • Somehow (still don't know how), when choosing a city or ship style, the Drow seem to be working properly (being selectable, etc) and are at the top. Elves are on the bottom. (Let's just gloss over how that's probably in keeping with the two groups, AHEM. biggrin.png) Elven selections don't highlight, while the Drow do. This CANNOT be! laugh.png I'll try and figure out how I accidentally did this and get elves up there too.
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  • Yet more new girl outfits. (Plus points if anybody recognizes a few! A couple new ones are in the screenies.)
  • Fixed the whole selection business for Elven cities and ships. They're on top, and they're highlighting.
  • Guy hairs revamped, now with more elf ear. biggrin.png
  • All rulers should have random clothing now.
  • Fixed the alpha issue with female long hair.
  • First experiment with crowns and jewlery. (Pics in the screenies section.)

What's next??

  • Guys, guys, and guys. Guy clothes are lagging behind really bad so instead of doing any new outfits for girls I'm going to concentrate on getting guys up to speed. The first thing to go will be those horrid "star trek" like outfits for admirals. Yuck! biggrin.png  From there, more and varied clothes. (And yes, I have a backlog of outfits for girls I still haven't done yet.)
  • Crowns for guys! Assuming things work out ok for girls that is. The idea (for both drow and elves) is going to be that crowns are chosen for rulers of certain government types -instead- of normal hair. So now you can really be a ruler instead of just some common rube without a crown! wink.png
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Well... since the all the latest posts were zonked, (kind of) I was talking about doing a planetary ring for a special elven world start.


So....this was what I was originally thinking of:






However, I was playing around with it trying to get it to work as a nuked planet and accidentally did this:





I prefer the angled one myself. blush.gif Granted, the other one probably is better. (Equatorial orbits and all... but then maybe the "angled" planet is just tilted a bunch. Yes, that could work!! laugh.png)


As far as planets go, it's not too hard to set up. I just need to remember to add the appropriate tags to the localization file. And of course, thanks to 1.2, I'm going to have to do the event thing to get it to work as a starting planet. dodgy.gif  Fortunately that seems to be working pretty well for the Drow mod.

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According to the events, something (I haven't cross referenced what exactly) happens as soon as you try and survey a shielded planet.


I haven't really managed to conquer OR get involved with any of the fallen empires.... except when they wipe me out. laugh.png  I'm not really playing vanilla Stellaris either. I think Crystallis (or some other mod I have) makes them a lot harder. In the few vanilla games I played, I remember them being hard but not impossible. In my current setup, even if you've got a 15,000 power fleet, pray if you get into a fight with them. wink.png


Now then... some news! laugh.png


It took quite a bit of fudging around (mainly because the reference mods weren't quite set up properly) but I have a whole set of elven themed ring planets ready to go. I also have a script at startup that not only makes it possible to start on one of them... but it will match whatever world preference you pick for your civ. So tropical preferences get a ring with a tropical world, etc..


Naturally custom elfy-ish sounds as well. wink.png


Only caveat I can think of at present are the... bio invader crisis things. (I've only seen them once.) When one of them takes over a system with a ring planet I -think- the planet just gets changed into an infested one. Meaning you lose the ring. I thought you could reclaim those worlds but if so, it would just be a default planet. (Or do they turn into barren? Something is supposed to happen but so far I can't find the right script.) So, if you live on one of these things and the bio-invader-things take over, you'll lose the ring once you retake the planet. I -can- fix this but it would mean overriding a rather important vanilla script which of course means conflicts.


I like the rings so much, I'm giving both elven starts a ring. One will match your civ's world preference and the other will be a gaia world. (What's with the naked people all living on gaia worlds? Wacky! laugh.png)


And since probably nobody was interested in any of that.... laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png






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By the way, has anybody actually encountered a shielded planet in the game? I was digging through the events and I think something happens... or is supposed to.


Yes, I encountered a shielded planet after conquering a Fallen Empire. The planet was within their borders, and I saved just before completing the anomaly that I found after surveying it. Various outcomes can happen from the event: you can find a pretty good Admiral who joins your empire, you can find some hostile aliens that immediately attack you, or you can find some mothballed ships that you can commandeer. There might be other outcomes that I'm forgetting.

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