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About bleeb

  • Birthday 09/10/1985

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  1. Is this mod still being worked on? or have you moved on to other things Kazyn?
  2. Yeah I don't think that's really on topic here.
  3. Yeah I get crashes with it now with Death Alternative now, or it flat out doesn't work once bleedout is entered. several times I've gone into bleedout, and then recovered, and the spiders are no longer hostile. So I can run around past them, or stand next to them without any threat. That's when it doesn't crash during bleedout.
  4. I still say this mod could eventually involve rescue quests and cocooned npcs, something that would put the PC directly at risk of joining them. (I bring this up because you said you're not sure where to go with this mod again kazyn)
  5. Thanks for responding! I might try my novice hand at messing with the cocoon models. I would love for a form fitting opaque cocoon, and lots of mmmphing I wish I knew of a way to help you continue developing this amazing mod, but all I can do now is heap praise onto you, and try to learn the ropes. If you don't mind me asking, what are you currently tweaking, if anything? I would love the form fitting cocoon too, the mmphing could be nice as well.
  6. Lmao I noticed that myself. Thanks for the patch! I'm not sure about the one that spawns normally, but the one I spawned through the console (With the baseid of this mod's spider) can impregnate, or at least parasite via defeat, which would probably have the same result with however it's triggered in this mod. I think this might cause an issue in making the spider(s) non-hostile and thus prevent continuation of this quest - I'm not sure if it's because of defeat, ES+ or both. I'll test it out. Anyway for what it's worth, after loading the 0.4 save from the starting point in the caves with 0.5 active, I had no issues I wasn't already having - that currently being either not understanding when to use the fly anamita or whatever it's meant to trigger just not happening. Oh, and the absence of Hjorik's dialog which I'll check for with this patch just in case. Now for suggestions: Speaking of speeding things up though, imo the struggling minigame should be much faster. I feel like it's too easy once you know the mechanics behind it, but regardless of the difficulty it's extremely tedious unless you manage to escape in the first window. More decorations like webs and sacs would be nice and help distinguish each room from the next. Cocooned NPCs would also be a nice detail instead of the (single) static body. Agreed on the suggestions, especially the decorations bit. I've been saying on the Arachnophobia thread that cocooned NPCs would be a great addition to any of the spider lairs too, even if its just simple randoms that are there as 'scenery', but no one seems to pick up on that. From the inception of the spider mods, I've thought that it would be awesome to include cocooned NPCs, not only to set the tone of the spidery locations, but also maybe to add in quests if you rescue the NPC.. in terms of this mod, one 'freed NPC' quest could have them help you try to escape the lair in some way, or maybe you could use them to distract the spiders while you escape. Just some ideas to add on there. But yeah, I love the look of the spider lair in the Arachnophobia mod, with plenty of egg sacs, and webbing about, though from what I've seen from this mod, some of the lairs seem a bit bare for spider lairs. As I said, adding in sacs, webbing and maybe other cocoons could amp up that feeling there. And captured NPCs in the lair could also aid in the belief that the place is a lot more sinister, trapping more than just the player character. That said, this may have been asked before, but I haven't seen it; Is there any plan to deal with followers joining the player in the caves? or is this meant as a solo experience?
  7. I posted the only idea I've had so far if you're looking for scenarios. Like, you could be introduced to the Draugr wrapping via finding someone wrapped that way, or maybe triggering a trap that wraps you. But tbh, a mummy wrapping probably should look pretty similar to the cocoon shape-wise, "realistically" speaking. Though you might be asking for that, how the wrapping could look different.
  8. Seconded, I'd like a samey type scene with the Draugr too, though like Essedess said, variety is better.
  9. Just a suggestion but, ever thought about adding in quests to relate to it? like, some damsel (a noble woman), or even a caravan of people got captured and cocooned by spiders, so you get a mission to go save them, and risk getting caught yourself? just something I thought I'd throw out there.
  10. Interesting, I'd love to see your take on this mod as well. any idea what you'd include?
  11. great update! works well, except my follower also went down but she wasn't in the cave afterward. just me Hmmm... did you check your DA settings to "None" on the follower tab? if you leave it with the default setting it might kill your follower if its not essential. As of feedback I just tested it, it seems rock solid so far. Tested on a fresh save and had 0 issues whatsoever. The only thing that popped to me is that the struggle mini game seems that its always the same rotation, I thought the direction of the rotation was going to change randomly as it happens with the escape minigame of DA. Awesome update man! no I didn't check that, didn't know that mattered. will check it out next time I try it out. that said, is there supposed to be prompts that say like: "W A S D" on screen or arrows or something to tell me what I'm supposed to hit during the struggling? because if so I wasn't seeing that at all. that said I did press those buttons in a repeated sequence and I did work my way out a bit. fell to the ground and managed to get one layer of the cocoon off before I quit playing. but yeah, other than that it works pretty good for me. paralyzed dropping like a board (did have an issue with the bleed out at first but fixed that), blacking out, cutscene of spooling in the cave playing, then 'waking up' in the cocoon hanging upside down. but with no follower, will try out the 'none' thing next time I play it though. ty.
  12. great update! works well, except my follower also went down but she wasn't in the cave afterward. just me
  13. Ahh gotcha.. not sure what all of those commands would be atm anyhow tho.. I'll probably see if I can download and get DA working though.
  14. sounds interesting. I might need to get moving on picking up that new mod dependency lol.
  15. gotcha! sounds awesome. I eagerly await it
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