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Mister X

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  • Master Of Disguise
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  1. Nope, the SL frameowrk itself has a max capacity of 5 participants per scene. The point with relationship ranks is that they're stubborn for testing. If you could activate Papyrus logging and send me those whenever you encounter a scene with non-fitting ranks, please send the log to me.
  2. Mister X

    Site Feedback

    I think you misunderstood my point for payment cards: we do have those in Germany, too, and they rapidly grow in popularity. We even have three types: one debit card, called a girocard, a mix of debit and credit card that's linked with the bank account and works the same way as the debit card on the user side but identifies as credit card on the merchant side (for whatever reason that might be useful) and the pure credit cards. I think when it comes to "credit" cards, the mixed card is the most popular one, as most banks in Germany nowadays take a fee for pure debit or credit cards. What we DON'T have are anonymous prepaid credit cards. If I remember correctly, those are legally forbidden as anti-money laundering measure. You can ask banks for personal prepaid credit cards, eg for teenagers, but the banks then have to gather your personal information. Now back on track: I don't want to imagine the vast mountain of data trash that's floating around on the site's servers. If that's technically possible (and I think it should be), I like the idea to track where an attachment is linked/embedded and if that source gets deleted or over a certain age (eg 3 years for a normal post), then the attachment gets deleted after 30 days or something like that. Or maybe go the route that Discord was taking: make certain exclusions (like blog posts and file descriptions) but anything that's only linked in normal posts or PMs gets automatically deleted after x months. That way, if somebody has an important patch for a certain, unmaintained mod, they can upload it as normal mod file. That way, it can be found more easily as well.
  3. Mister X

    Site Feedback

    That may be true in the US, but I can definitely tell you that you won't find such cards in any store in Germany. At least I have never seen them in any European country, but there I'm not that sure.
  4. Heyho, Most of the time I play Skyrim, but like many others, I'm considering getting back into FO4 because of the Amazon series. I'm familiar with modding in Skyrim, I've also created a few mods myself. I'm mainly hoping to learn the differences between Skyrim and FO4 here. For this reason, I've been browsing both LL and the Nexus for successful mods and came across the Native Animation Framework (NAF), which sounds like the successor to the Advanced Animation Framework (AAF). My question: is it really the successor/descendant/follow-up? To what extent do the two differ? Can I simply replace the AAF from this manual with the NAF? And more general: Which mods other than those described in this manual are essential or recommended? Bug Fixes, F4SE plugins, UI changes, mandatory Gameplay enhancements both SFW and NSFW... I know of the STEP Guide for FO4, but since it's from mid '23, is it still usable or sufficiently up-to-date?
  5. Is Sound Record Distributor usable to get multiple sound files to play?
  6. I have to admit, it might be possible that it was my mod. I mainly tested it in inns or big bandit camps, so there always seemed to be enough potential partners there. I had a second look at the partner search though and indeed it might happen that no valid partner is found. The mod only fails though, if no participant at all was found, so a single actor might get through if it wasn't meant to be an orgy ^^ So yes, it might have been my mod for the solo anim
  7. The script already checks whether a bed is usable in general, which is the case if there's no SL scene and nobody's sleeping in it. Sometimes it might happen that this mod chooses a bed and then another mod starts a scene there, or somebody goes to sleep after the bed was chosen. In that case the participants go there, register the occupation and leave again. I can try to find a way to identify and exclude rentable beds. The problem with this though is, I first have to check if you're in an inn, then I have to identify all the innkeepers and then I can find the rentable bed. That's quite some script load for a minor inconvenience tbh.
  8. The "heaviest" part of the mod is the scanning, as it checks every NPC nearby. If there are many of them, it takes longer. I tried to easen the stress by using native condition checks as much as possible, so the most impactful part of this is the precise arousal check. As for this, there's an MCM setting, to use a more lightweight but less precise arousal check. Precise = re-calculate the current arousal for every found actor and use those values afterwards. Lightweight = don't recalculate their arousal, only use their latest values During daytime, only lightweight checks for the location happen. After the actors are found, only script fragments run for the participants of the scene (2 most of the time), which aren't that heavy either. Basically, if you choose the more lightweight arousal check, it should be managable. Additionally, even if you had hundreds of people around, the mod only takes 50 at most
  9. Glad to hear. Just for your info though: this mod works with both, ingame and RL time. It tries to start scenes only during in-game night, but during in-game nighttime the scan frequency is RL time intervals. Eg. every 60s RL time during in-game nights it scans for suitable participants
  10. The problem is, that I don't own VR, so I can't really support it.
  11. I have to admit, I don't really get your problem 😅 Basically, you have scenes with actors, even though their relationship rank doesn't meet your settings? Just for clarification, as it's described in the MCM: the higher the relationship rank, the closer those actors are. 4 is the highest rank, "Lovers". However, if two actors are in a set romantic relationship, eg. Adrianne and Ulfberth from Warmaiden's, that's more important. So you could set the min rank to 4, and even though those two might have a rank of 3 (doesn't mean it is), they still got coupled as they're married. For your example, as I can't remember right now: Sinmir and Sadia aren't in a relationship? BTW, do you have a Papyrus log for me?
  12. self-made by PDXL with Concept Art style Lora
  13. Thanks for the report, I've added a check to prevent finding the actor themselves as their own partner, that should fix this.
  14. I'll have a look at it, but I'm not sure if that's an issue of this mod. All this mod does is to gather actors and send them to SL for the actual scene. I can try if I can define any sorting or "roles" beforehand, but no promises EDIT: I added in a sorting function provided by SL, maybe this helps
  15. Nope, this mod only creates paired (or group) animations, consensual and in fitting environments. I don't get what you want to ask 😅
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