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  1. Been banging my head against a wall trying to decompile Nisa's python code. It worked for most of it, but not the prostitution.pyc file which is the important one. But I learned the answer to one of my big questions. Prostitution payouts do not increase with sexpertise. The list of rates in the global_settings are for different sex acts.
  2. Mod Idea: Transform the social media features in the base game into a porn career. I really like the idea of sims setting up their own little porn career using Photography and Social Media. In the base game you can upload photos to a social media account for followers. I'm thinking that you could set it up so you generate passive income based on how many followers you have. You probably couldn't check that the photos are actually pornographic, but you could just trust the player to use it immersively. Alternatively, it would be great if you could detect when photos are being taken and check for active WW sex animations. You probably can't mark the photos as pornographic, but you can just award social media followers directly instead. If you can hook into the type of animation being played you could award more points for different sex acts. This could also be used to set up whims. Maybe after you get enough followers you can unlock more features. You set up your own porn site which generates more money. Fans send you random stuff in the mail. You start selling your bathwater to weirdos. Use the parties feature to set up a photo shoot with goals for sex acts and photographs. Thoughts? I've barely dipped my toe into Sims 4 modding, but someone might like this idea and run with it. I think it has a lot of potential. It could be as small as adding passive payments for social media followers or it could be a big career path with lots of features. It would mesh well with other mods, and it encourages the player to take lots of spicy photos which is fun by itself.
  3. Definitely not true for me. I get a wide range of payouts from around $300 to $2500. Didn't know about the global_settings file. Based on the pros_rates entry in there I'm guessing payouts do scale with sexpertise. It has 6 different rates which would seem to coincide with 5 levels of sexpertise and one extra for if you have 0 sexpertise. Although this could be a coincidence. And I did confirm that prostitution does level sexpertise. It's just really slow. Like 3% per fuck at level 1. I'll have to do some more testing to see if tips are working as intended. Hardly seems worth raising their social for a 10% tip.
  4. I'm trying to do a prostitution-only run. How much do people tip? I got someone to 50% friendship 50% relationship and I was only seeing 10% tips rather than the 50% the guide claims is the average. Do payouts increase with Sexpertise skill? Does prostitution level the Sexpertise skill? My whores have been fucking for a while and they're still all at level 1. When you meet a client at a venue do you get a higher reward than if you tell them to visit you at home?
  5. Dungeons are randomly generated. There is no coordinate for it. You'll have to search planets that haven't already been generated. Although I'm not sure when that actually happens.
  6. That is theoretically possible. Since the monsters are technically vehicles they can read player inputs. It would be possible to add some kind of struggle system. Although I wouldn't want players to get stuck because they don't know how to struggle.
  7. The new monster spawners work through wire signals You wire up a button or whatever to a spawner to spawn tentacle monsters. In the future we'll probably add new spawner types and include them in dungeons so you can encounter them naturally in the world. They can't actually hurt you, but they will chase you around and fuck you. Watch out for their ranged attack. It will slow you down and block your tech abilities so you're easier to catch.
  8. I already solved that one. Now when you get captured your tech abilities are disabled.
  9. If you ever change your mind on this being an unintentional feature I know what causes it and how to fix it. The slide status effect sets your vertical velocity to max( yVelocity, maxFallSpeed ). This is all well and good except maxFallSpeed is set to 1. Falling velocity should be negative. So the script is repeatedly setting your vertical velocity to send you upwards. So why are you still falling down? Because the update delta is set to 5. Meaning the update function that sets your velocity to +1 is only happening every 5 frames. You go up for 1 frame and then gravity pulls you down for 4. Causing you to flicker between the jump and fall animations. The fix is to set maxFallSpeed to 0. You will still fall because of the update delta thing, but without the animation bug.
  10. We've been doing a lot of work on improving the traps. The one trap in the game right now was like a proof of concept. Here are some screenshots from some new traps we've come up with. These new traps also come with some new features. Traps no longer destroy themselves on use. They now work on a cooldown. Traps can now cycle through multiple animation stages. For example, the above 3 traps all have a capture stage where the player is first entangled. NPC support. Throw these around your colony and watch your residents get caught. Wiring support. You get a wire output when someone is caught in a trap, and a wire input will release them. I've also been working on adding traps that act like monsters. This tentacle monster is actually a vehicle with some simple AI. It can chase nearby players and grab them. It also shoots projectiles that slow you down making it harder to escape.
  11. That's just default villager behavior. They become hireable if you do some of their dumb fetch quests. I came up with a script that makes it instant. When you interact with the npc they will instantly convert into a random crewmember with a random role (keeping their existing appearance). Then you can hire them right away. It also has the side effect of putting clothes on them. So it's like you rescued the victim from the tentacles, helped them get dressed, and now they want to join your crew.
  12. Nice idea. That shouldn't be too hard to do. Just have to copy some stuff over from one of the vanilla "crewmember" npc types to the victim npc types.
  13. There is also a line like this "self.proximityProbability = 0.4". This is the probability that a character will deliver proximity dialogue when you walk by them. You can reduce it to make people talk to you less.
  14. I must be getting really unlucky because I searched 10 forest planets and still haven't found a dungeon. Ended up spawning one just to check it out. I like the people stuck in the walls with tally marks over them. The glow flesh is a nice addition. Never considered making glowing blocks. That's gonna make lighting a lot easier. I hope there's no performance loss if you use a ton of it. Is the tentacle platform supposed to have a green outline? I was excited by the slippery slope object, but it seems a bit janky. Like I'll slide up it if I hit it in a certain way. And I couldn't get them to work with just 1 of them. I had to use 2.
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