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About hitachi2007

  • Birthday 09/17/1960

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  1. As someone who is completely hopeless at creating and adding more to the customizer, I thank you greatly for releasing yours for us! ❤️
  2. Hey everyone/anyone I used to be able to play this with no problem but lately I just can't get it to work.. The usual process goes like this: 1. Open it up and get this message.. (note I can't read what it says} 2. Begins to download a huge amount and it takes a long time! 3. It 'extracts' all of the downloaded files 4. I get this error message and the game closes.. If I open it up again it just does the 4 steps again, replacing all the already downloaded files but I get no further. I have tried completely uninstalling/removing all files of the game and the DMM launcher and installing elsewhere but nothing has worked. I would be very grateful if anyone had any idea what the problem could be and how it can be fixed. Thank you!
  3. I personally think it's fantastic not to mention the variety it would bring and would love to see it come to life, but hey I may be the only one!
  4. OK here goes! Some Helena C9, C7 and C6!
  5. Thank you! Let me know if you want more!
  6. Next silly request! Hitomi C8! Thanks!
  7. Wow you work so fast! How long does each one take to do?? I'll post more requests soon Thank you!
  8. I don't sorry, if i can create them i will send them to you! Honoka is fine for now If nobody else requests anything i will pick more later! Thank you!
  9. I'll bite! Sometimes it can get quiet in here but I will always be around! I'm not sure if you've done these already but i'll have a look! Honoka C4 Helena C38 Falcom Helena C40 Strikers Mila C52 High Society I'm very sorry i don't know how to better put pictures into my post But thank you Guacha!
  10. Good to see you again! I'll take this chance to stick my hand in but i will say i think i speak for us all when i say ALL of your work is fantastic and i thank you much for it! Onto business if i had to pick one, it would also be the futa works! But i will add one extra detail that is more personal, but i REALLY like when the futa is integrated into existing clothing like the school and cheer outfits ect, but thats just me! Thanks again!
  11. Nice to see you again Mr. Duck! I may not be much of a voice but I think i can speak for most parties interested that we don't mind at all if it isn't considered 'perfect', it really is a one of a kind mod and it looks really fantastic! PS. The BBW Futa from ages back looks amazing too
  12. Someone else needs to put in their votes too! I can't win all the time! The usual choice for my vote
  13. Yeah vote hanging for me Don't get me wrong though, both of them are fantastic and I cant praise you enough on the great works going on here!
  14. Personally a fan of the hanging one, i would likely get outvoted on that one though. The one standing at attention would get in the way for me
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