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Bug Repère des Rossignols


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salut quelqu'un a une solution dans repère des Rossignols avec la grille qui s'ouvre pas et Karliah qui part j'ai tester  avec la commande prid 00058f1a  pour conaitre son id et en suite moveto player pour téléporter  Karliah mes rien a faire elle touche même pas a la chaîne .


si la Kaliah ouvre pas la porte  faite cette Command dans la console  setstage TG08B 10 pour aller a la scène suivante  vous pourrez continuer la quette. 





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Effectivement t'es pas le seul :






Deux trois solutions intéressantes :



This quest still doesn't work as of July 2014....

If Karliah has walked away and you cannot find her there is a somewhat simple fix for this. This was mentioned above but let me make it a little more clear. Also, I'm playing on the PC so I don't know about the console versions.

First off, go to the gate that is shut and open the console (press ~). Click the gate and type "disable" and hit enter. Open the console again and type,
"setstage tg08a 52" and Brynjolff will head to his designated spot. Now to spawn Karliah you will open the console and type "prid 00058f1a", then push enter (you should notice that this "targets" her in the console) and now you can enter the console command "moveto player" and hit enter. This will move Karliah to your location and she should automatically start to move toward the center platform and you are free to continue with the Nightingale initiation. Just go stand on your designated spot and Karliah should start to speak with Nocturnal.



I had the same prob, solved it by doing this

after you equip the nightingale armour let brynjorf and karliah have their little chat. Karliah then talks to you asks if you are ready reply yes then just as she starts to walk zap her with the "kill npc" spell from cheat room mod. Wait for brynjorf to walk up to the gate then zap the now dead karliah with "resurrect npc" spell from cheat room mod. Karliah will now walk up to the gate and open it (hopefully lol).

Hope this works for you, worked first time for me.



I managed to get the quest to complete by looking AWAY from Karliah throughout the chat she gives and spam the Activate/Use key/button so that the dialogue options would go by fast


She proceeded to open the gate like normal BUT would quickly close it before Brynjolf got through. To prevent this, keep bumping into Karliah or talk to her to keep her from pulling the chain again. Do this until Brynjolf walks into the room then immediately run in.


The quest will finish like normal


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