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Another animation problem?


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Hi all, I know you guys have encountered the same question ( characters inside each other and facing opposite)but its happening to me now.


I have nvse extender and prideslayer's nvse custom extender too.


Here is my load order:













The Mod Configuration Menu.esp







Didnt dare to download anymore plugins until this problem is settled.

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Please verify that you have the modified NVSE AND the NVSE Extender in the proper places. Please follow these instructions:


For NVSE Extender:

1) The NVSE Extender is installed automatically through the Core.fomod. To verify that it is installed, go to the folder "../data/nvse/plugins/" and there should be 2 files: "nvse_extender.dll" and "nvse_extender_ng.dll".

1.5) If these files are not there, reinstall the sexoutng Core.fomod. If the files are still not there, then go to the next step.

2) If these files are not there, go to "http://www.loverslab.com/showthread.php?tid=5965" and download the current extender version (v11).

3) Unzip the folder, and place the 2 files in the "../data/nvse/plugins/" (create that folder path if necessary).


For the modified NVSE:

1) Go to "http://www.loverslab.com/showthread.php?tid=5965" and download the current modified NVSE (b13).

2) Unzip the folder. There are 5 files in the unzipped folder. Copy all 5 of the files into the Fallout New Vegas folder. This is the folder where the FONV executable (FONV.exe, FalloutNV.exe, or whatever) file is. This is NOT the Data folder. I repeat, NOT the Data folder (this is where a lot of people go wrong, they use a mod mgr to try to install, and that ALWAYS starts at the Data folder). If windows ask if you want to overwrite existing files, you say Yes (or OK or whatever).


Finally, launch the game using the nvse_loader.exe that you just copied over.

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Hi yeah checked my folders and all NVSE Extender and Custom files are all in the right folders. Relaunched the game using nvse loader.exe but still had the same effect except that now it only shows the end of the sex animations. The characters themselves are still standing inside each other....

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Hi yeah checked my folders and all NVSE Extender and Custom files are all in the right folders. Relaunched the game using nvse loader.exe but still had the same effect except that now it only shows the end of the sex animations. The characters themselves are still standing inside each other....


Have you tried to start a new game? I get that problem with my old savegame, and solved by starting a new game.

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