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[Request] Operator's Bullet Belt

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I have been looking *eeeverywhere* for someone who may have taken the Bullet Belt from the operator's light chest piece and made it into an actual *Belt* accessory, but I haven't found anything :frown: I was wondering if anyone out there with the know-how could maybe extend a hand with that? D: And then if that can be done (much appreciation in advance of course :P) how difficult would it be to make the Belt *alone* be Bodyslide compatible, so it can actually match any body preset?


Thank you Very much to anyone who might be able to help with this :smile:/


For reference

Here's a picture of the armor piece itself:



And here's the name it's under when you open BodySlide and check through the default CBBE conversions:


CBBE Nuka World - Operators - Torso Light (2)


(Yes there's *2* "Torso Light" pieces, the one with the bullet belt is (2) :P)

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Oh, I didn't know that pack contained that belt :open_mouth: I always overlook it because I never installed Armorsmith Extended, it seems like it would modify vanilla stuff in a way that would create conflicts with other mods, so I just steered clear of that... Do you know if there's a way to use this *without* AE?

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A.E. is a hard requirement for Crimsom Rider's mod mentioned above.  You could, in theory, download that mod - extract the assets you wanted and create your own .esp plugin containing only the things you wanted.  You'd still also need to modify the records such that the don't require AWKCR and can be created at the chem station.  (it's a tedious job)


A.E on the other hand is the path of least resistence - it generally does edit quite a few records, but not in game breaking ways.  Mostly it adds keywords so that they can be used at the A.E and AWKCR stations, adjusts weights (for ex. ammo = weightless) and other minor things.


But it's entirely up to you.  Some people like A.E, some do not prefer it.

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12 hours ago, MonaBabii said:

Oh, I didn't know that pack contained that belt :open_mouth: I always overlook it because I never installed Armorsmith Extended, it seems like it would modify vanilla stuff in a way that would create conflicts with other mods, so I just steered clear of that... Do you know if there's a way to use this *without* AE?

Nope, AE is fine

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