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Converted BNB armor wrongly textured & stretching mesh


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I tried to convert the pre war suit in Blender. Yeah I though by using an already modeled armor piece for type 3 would easly work with anotger type 3 BNB armor pieces bone weights. Which may be true for the BNB actually worked but the arms were another color, only a half of it, but the worst thing was there were these "wing" like stretching meshes upwards on each shoulder. Sort of like if you were hanging and the shoulders were glued stuck and the weight of the body made it stretch. Awful analogy probably. O


I successfully converted another armor piece and did the exact same thing here with exception of an error when I tried to export saying "some faces are not assigned to any body parts." I then tried to assign through Link and Materials and eventually assigned everything just in case, did that break it?


Edit: Not a very helpful forum. I managed to fix it, don't really understand how. Possibly due to only selecting a select few vertex groups to assign to, only the logial ones, say arms to torso instead of feet or whatever I took last time.

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Woah, after few hours you are already annoyed? ...


Anyway, yes that's something that happens during this type of operations, you can solve manually assigning it to a partition like BP_TORSO. It's good that you realized it in so little, I had a very hard time to understand that part, especially because I had to repeat the same operation twice to make it work (which still doesn't make sense to me, but anyway...)


I also would like to mention that there are some scripts that allow to copy only the weights you want, so for example to make a BnB armor you can only choose breast.R and breast.L, keeping the original weight of the outfit, which usually is not bad. I use scripts made by Gerra, these ones

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