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portraits in narrative events


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Does anyone know what triggers the portraits appearing in a narrative screen? I have an event chain of three narrative events which are scripted identically. In the first two screens both character portraits ( slaver and slave )  show up, in the last screen only the slaver's (player character) portrait shows up. I have a scope problem with the whole event in that the event chain sends the wrong scope (the slaver) to  the following character event. But does that also influence the portraits?  If this is the case then why is it only the third screen that is impacted?


If anyone  is interested the code is in my previous post (event .2)

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IIRC, the left corner portrait is ROOT and the right hand is FROM by default, but this can be changes in a number of ways:

-if a new character is created in the immediate clause and hide_new = yes is not used in the root of the event, the left portrait will be the new character and the right portrait will be ROOT

-you can use hide_from/show_fromfrom/show_fromfromfrom = yes with obvious results

-as of 2.8.x, you can also use portrait = <scope> to override the behaviour and make ROOT the left portrait and <scope> the right portrait.

-Obviously, if the scope you've told the event to show is not defined, then only the left ROOT portrait will be shown.

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So the reason that my third screen shows only one portrait is that both ROOT and FROM are one and the same character (this is the case).


If I want to have the second character to show up I need to use ( in this case ) show_fromfromfrom. However this will not change the scope of the event.


I will try this.


Thank you for your answer!

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I tried the show command and it worked. Thanks again. However I noticed that my second event shows two pictures left picture is ROOT and right picture is FROMFROM

So why does it show the second picture without me using the show command? It should also be empty just as the third event screen was.


In all events the scope is the slaver. At least THIS  is slaver in all cases.

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Open up the console (usually the ` on your keyboard) and type "charinfo".

When the event pops up, just put the mouse over the dialog box and it will tell you the ROOT, FROM, PREV and any other scope (including event_target) you have access to.


This allows you to easily debug complex event chain. For hidden events that apply to you, simply unhide them to debug.

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