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Strange Riften CTD :( help?


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I am encountering a really consistent CTD crash just outside Riften. I am fairly secure in almost all other places but i can almost bet money that everytime i am just slightly south west of the main Riften gates i crash. I am trying to find the quill in the Thieves Guild Missions and its in a boat wreck under the water towards Goldenglow estate. 


BUt every single time i go down to the water, swim out just past the docks, BAM i CTD. 


I have noticed this happens even when i leave Riften and head down past the watch towers. Once i pass them i am fine. Its almost a sort of cell area just between the Riften gates and that small farm and obviously out over the water. 


Has anyone else found this specific location to be an issue or does anyone know whats causing it? I do not have a papyrus log as to be honest they tell me nothing at all other than what mods was running at time of crash, not what caused it. They seem useless in identifying the cause of a CTD.


help anyone?

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Your CTD is localized.


It's probably a mesh. Just a single mesh can crash your game.


So, you need to find which meshes.


Check what you can find in this area.

- trees

- trolls

- spiders

- grasses

- dead bodies

- watchtowers


Ah ok thank you. :) Yes its as if something in a small area is crashing me. I dont get this issue anywhere else in skyrim. 


So how do i identify the culprit mesh? What i mean is, how will i know its that one and not another? Also if i am able to identify what mesh object it is, what do i do then to fix the issue please?

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A few things you can do is go through your mods that could effect the riften area.

Followers, npcs, landscape etc...

If you use hdt, make sure all custom npcs and followers are using XPMSE or compatible skeleton.

load these mods with tesvedit and see where conflicts arise in the cell edits.

read through their posts and main pages for compatibility warnings.


The solution is to remove your choice of the mods you can live without that will effect this area.  

you can also make a new game test save and test the riften with fast travel or COC travel until you find the offending mods.


It will require a bit of investigating on your part.

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Your CTD is localized.


It's probably a mesh. Just a single mesh can crash your game.


So, you need to find which meshes.


Check what you can find in this area.

- trees

- trolls

- spiders

- grasses

- dead bodies

- watchtowers


Ah ok thank you. :) Yes its as if something in a small area is crashing me. I dont get this issue anywhere else in skyrim. 


So how do i identify the culprit mesh? What i mean is, how will i know its that one and not another? Also if i am able to identify what mesh object it is, what do i do then to fix the issue please?



Long time ago, i had a localized ctd. It was a tree......a branch....lol.That's true. I took some time to find this bad mesh. So, i just changed the tree and it was ok.


well, you need to do some simple tests and find the guilty.


First, try to know what is active in this small cell (armors, trees, npc, maybe a dragon, everything)

Then, test the content in other parts of the game, simply.


For example, You have maybe a troll in this small area. So, go to another part of the map and find a troll. If your game don't ctd, that means the troll is safe (meshes, skeleton)


Test every elements of this small area in another cell. You 'll find the bad mesh when you'll have the exact same crach in another cell.



I think a simple test like this one allows you to correct precisely your ctd without changing or desinstalling everything.

This is how i do to localized a bad mesh.


On my own experience, famous localized CTD can be:

- A beast skeleton (troll, sabrecat, wolf, etc)

- A head (from a beheaded body)

- an armor


Of course, you may also have 2 incompatible mods....that's possible.


I agree with Lodakai, you must investigate. I'm sure the solution is easy.

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First, try to know what is active in this small cell (armors, trees, npc, maybe a dragon, everything)

Then, test the content in other parts of the game, simply.


strange way to fix a ctd zone

if you use mo, you put skyrim mesh bsa in overwrite and go to your ctd zone


if you no longer ctd, you just unzip that bsa to go back to your ctd zone with less folders from it, to identify the one that is no good in your file order, and check the mods that have conflicts with that folder


if you still ctd, you copy your profile as ctd profile, disable half your load order, and go back to your ctd zone

if that no longer ctd, you put back half the disabled mods, until you identify one of the esp that need a patch with another mod (to either get rid of one of them, or make that patch)

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wow thank you everyone. I will go back and test it maybe with a test playthrough/game. Its such an odd location too as there is next to nothing there. The best way to describe as close to the exact location is this. You leave the main Riften gate by the stables. walk down the hill slope a bit to where the Khajiit camp usually is. then head towards the lake, kind of with the little farm ahead of you and facing the lake and Goldenglow estate. as you get the waters edge, BAM CTD. If i come at that area from the other side ( from the Goldenglow estate) and walk along the lake edge and get level with that small farm, BAM CTD. I cant see anything in the farm, no dead chickens or cows or people. Everything looks fine from a distance. But its something in that lake edge/farm area thats predicatively crashing me. I can walk in a wide circle around the farm and fine. i can swim out wide around golden glow estate fine. Even come at Riften from the Dawnguard castle direction and around the wall of Riften to the main gates totally fine no CTD. But dare i even approach that small farm and lake edge i CTD. LOL


I dont use any NPC mods. no intersting NPC, inconsequestial, only follower mod is Inigo and he is fine and happy in his Riften cell. no CTD there. I dont use any animal mods ( no skyTest and no creature framework or any beast sex mods.) 

I guess i will start a vanilla unmodded game and add the mesh mods and any i feel could be it one at a time to find the culprit, even if to be able to let you all know what it is so others never have to have this issue. :) 

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