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Issues and solutions - FO4 patch 1.10


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It seems like lots of people have extreme problems just running the game since patch 1.10, which i personally can absolutely not confirm.

I suspect this may have something to do with not having the INI files set to read-only, using the Bethesda game launcher and/or the ingame mod browser.




Mods that need a manual fix:

  • Full Dialogue Interface - needs an update of the strings file, see guide by Crimsomrider in the comments
  • Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - seems like the game always loads ESP after ESM since version 1.10, you have to change the UFO4P file extension to ESM to prevent critical conflicts (Arthmoor clearly states NOT to do this on a running savegame, so decide yourself what's more important - bugged game now or theoretically bugged game later)


Crash on start-up:

  • if you run any mods related to ultra-widescreen, check if there is a mainmenu.swf in your \interface folder. Try to update these mods or delete this file.


Otherwise i have only noticed this one issue which i have no fix for:

  • camera always jumps to 3rd person when exiting workshop mode
If any of you have more bugs with precise description and perhaps also solutions, post them here. Reports like "it doesn't work" won't help anyone though.
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My game crashed on start in the Mainmenu, because I had a MainMenu.swf in the Interface derectory, cant remeber where it came from, deleting it fixed the CTD.

The obvious guess would be - do you have any main menu replacers installed?

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Nothing like that. Realy i have no idea witch mod installt it.

Just stumbled across a comment on CBBE saying that this may have something to do with ultra-widescreen game/mods. Might be a lead, i run on good old 1080p myself.

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I was just killing some stuff last night, suddenly it goes *poof* and i saw this






That's like... 1000% damage boost or something?


No idea if this is a new bug from patch 1.10, i only drank a beer to boost carry weight and installed the "Storm Trooper" modification for the X-02 Tesla legs. Also got the perks from Pack + Disciples a few days ago.

Never saw anything like this this before.

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Not sure if i'm merely posting old news now, but i just figured out that the game apparently always loads ESP files after ESMs since patch 1.10, independent from your actual load order.


This affects any mods that use an ESP marked as ESM in their header, most notable the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch in combination with ESM-based mods like AWKCR.


You can also read the details how i figured this out in the comments for UFO4P and Valdacil's Item Sorting, for now the hotfix is to change the file extension from ESP to ESM.


There will definitely be more bugs due to this which you might not be able to notice or even track down by standard bugfind procedures, so if anything is acting weird or you start getting CTDs under circumstances where you didn't get any before 1.10 - check those ESP-masters because they might override stuff they shouldn't.

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Not sure if i'm merely posting old news now, but i just figured out that the game apparently always loads ESP files after ESMs since patch 1.10, independent from your actual load order.


This affects any mods that use an ESP marked as ESM in their header, most notable the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch in combination with ESM-based mods like AWKCR.


You can also read the details how i figured this out in the comments for UFO4P and Valdacil's Item Sorting, for now the hotfix is to change the file extension from ESP to ESM.


There will definitely be more bugs due to this which you might not be able to notice or even track down by standard bugfind procedures, so if anything is acting weird or you start getting CTDs under circumstances where you didn't get any before 1.10 - check those ESP-masters because they might override stuff they shouldn't.



So, the best action is to revert back to the previous patch and always lanch this game with F4SE (and set Steam to update only at launch).

Yep according to Arthmoor there could theorectically be bugs when changing the master-ESPs to ESMs, so the best course right now would be to keep playing with 1.94 at least until this bug is fixed by Bethesda.


Edited the OP with a red warning about Arthmoor's statement.

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