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[SEARCH] Braided hairstyle

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   What I search for:

Essentially I search for a hairstyle as close as possible to following reference:




The attributes can be boiled down into the following list; the more of them an already existing hairstyle fulfils the more likely it will look close enough to the reference (and by that obviously be what I am hoping to find through your help!):

  • Straight hair
  • Reaches over the entire back of the torso
  • Parted bangs
  • A single braid behind the left ear


   A bit of background information:

Recently - as in a few days ago - I have downloaded Skyrim once more, and along came the project of re-creating/playing as Medea from the VN Fate/Stay Night. Gameplay aside the appearance is very important, so naturally that's what I put my focus on for now.

The hairstyle often is one of the most recognizable features of a character, so the closer I can get there, the better..after all at some point I want to be able to show the Skyrim version I made to someone who then easily can recognize who she is.

Unfortunately I have not been able so far to find anything that resembles Medea's hairstyle to a satisfying extend. I may have missed some good options while looking through KS Hairdos and ApachiiSkyHair, after all those have a massive selection. If there is something in either of those it surely would make everything a whole lot easier, that's for sure!


In theory finding an armour or a piece of clothing that resembles her dress also would be quite swell, but it's nothing I'd ask anyone to search for for now. Her face takes priority!

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Not sure how much help this'll be since it doesn't exactly meet the stated criteria, but NUHairstyles does have a style that sorta-kinda matches your given description. It's a long hairstyle with a braid on the left side. Unfortunately it's not as long as you want, the left-hand braid is in front of the left ear, it has an extra braid in the back right, and the bangs are lopsided in their front part. The textures also aren't very good, sadly.


Here's some old screenshots of it. I used to use it on my main. Pardon the shit-tier quality, my rig wasn't super great back then.







The mod itself is right here near the bottom of the page. The Mega and Mediafire links are still good, I just checked.

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- SNIP -


Realizing that that the file is exactly where you said it is took way too long. Geez, I must be too tired to properly read right now!

I frankly doubt that there is any existing mod that would fit all the criteria..so like mentioned before getting close is the best choice. The only other alternative would be to actually ask/hire someone to create a hairstyle specifically modelled after the references.

Overall your input was rather helpful nevertheless; there certainly are quite a lot of differences, but given the circumstances this remains a strong option I definitely will consider using.


So thank you a lot already! The search may not be over yet, but you certainly gave me something to work with already!

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