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Animation State Machine issues.

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Heya Guys!


So been working on a well "SimRubate" mod for Sims 4 and WW :)

So far it all went smooth, planned it all out. What to implement, how to do it, BUT I ran into some issues. So was hoping some creative minds here might have an idea.


I made a SFW mod first (YouSimTube) where your sim can earn money from home by livestreaming games, and well playing games, without the TechGuru career, and just well "Just do it" :)


So changed it all into SimRubate, since well we need an adult streaming mod, and since nobody is making one, thought I would dive into it my self.


Anyhow here are the issues that arose from this venture...


I have the Interaction Tuning set up for when using a Computer which then links to an Animation Tuning:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<I c="MixerInteraction" i="interaction" m="interactions.base.mixer_interaction" n="Computer_Use_Interaction_Mastrubate_Intense" s="16862307596651302243">
  <V t="participant" n="_icon">
    <U n="participant">
      <L n="participant_type">
  <T n="allow_user_directed">False</T>
  <V t="one_shot" n="basic_content">
    <U n="one_shot">
      <U n="animation_ref">
        <T n="factory">12144725304475992628<!--Computer_Use_Mastrubate_Intense--></T>
  <V t="disable_focus" n="basic_focus" />
  <U n="display_name_text_tokens">
    <L n="tokens">
      <V t="participant_type">
        <U n="participant_type">
          <E n="participant">Actor</E>
      <V t="participant_type">
        <U n="participant_type">
          <E n="participant">Object</E>
  <L n="interaction_category_tags">
  <U n="sub_action">
    <T n="base_weight">4</T>
  <E n="target_type">OBJECT</E>
  <L n="test_globals"/>
  <T n="visible">False</T>

Then this Animation Tuning is refering to the Animation State Machine that I took appart from "Computer_Use_PlayGame" Animation State Machine (Jazz file) which then I opened up in Notepad++ and added my own Animation State Machine in Sims4Studio, and copied it all over then modified it all and added the Clip+Clip Header as well with an animation from R-Lo to use at the desk ;) (Thanks R-Lo!)

Now I just get lastException errors, referring to the ASM Key not being of Instance str or ResourceKey, and thats where my head just goes "Eh?" Might have overlooked something, I don't know, but thought I would ask here..

Keep in mind its all in a rough stage etc. but so far nailed the basics and got the workflow planned out on whats to be added, done etc. :)

But now, whenever I use the interaction, it just insta stops, resets the sim and well lastException goes nuts ;) 

Attached the package, images and lastException, to anyone who has experienced anything like this or could point me in the right direction, would be awesome! :)


//Oddafar aka Octanen
P.S. A huge thanks to R-Lo and TURBODRIVER so far! :D







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Well I'm by no means an expert on animations but in a Maxis game animationElement definition they have this:

02d5df13:00000000:647c7ff6ab2a1561 as an asm_key, yet in your file you use:



As you may notice the difference (aside from the exact id):

1. (probably irrelevant) caps vs no caps

2. : vs - as separator


I suspect number 2 is relevant.

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Oh my god... you might be right, shit how did I miss this... its the seperators, the caps dont matter (I think) but might do it right, and yeah... how could I have missed this... must be lack of sleep and too much coffee combi...


Coding experience out the window! :D Haha, thanks a dozen will check it out asap!

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Ye now it spews out a new error hm... I have no clue if I am right, since im a utter noob still in Python, 

but the scripts should inject the interactions, not the ASM (Animation State Machine) right?

Since the error spews out this now instead:


[manus] Exception in <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.Computer_Use_Interaction_Mastrubate_Intense'>._tuning_loaded_callback. 
(ValueError: Failed to find the requested state machine resource. Key: 02d5df13:00000000:a60a24c37eda9158)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\utils.py", line 195, in wrapper
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 148, in c_api_server_init_tick
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\core_services.py", line 149, in start_service_tick
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\service_manager.py", line 327, in start_single_service
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\tuning\instance_manager.py", line 104, in update_incremental_start
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\tuning\instance_manager.py", line 149, in _execute_gen
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\tuning\instance_manager.py", line 475, in invoke_registered_callbacks_gen
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\base\interaction.py", line 2093, in _tuning_loaded_callback
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\base\interaction.py", line 3606, in _define_supported_postures
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\asm.py", line 107, in create_asm
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\asm.py", line 272, in __init__
Failed to find the requested state machine resource. Key: 02d5df13:00000000:a60a24c37eda9158

Edited it for viewing pleasure so its not one long string of error code. :)
Will have to poke around it some more, since there has to be something I am missing... which is more than likely.


Edit: So I managed to find the issue and sort it out! YEY! and its embaressing :P I made a typo in the damn ASM.

ANYHOW... its working... sort of ;) Since now I get errors from my Python script, BUT its not related to the animations, but the computer interactions, so gotta get better at Python Scripting :)

So here is a picture of it in action :) (Need to figure out how to attach my sim to the Chair instead of Computer/Desk, but think its just one parameter that needs changing)




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Thanks R-Lo and thanks for pushing me in the right direction AND for the animations ;) Thats for sure.

I am about to load the game now with the changes, and hopefully I made the changes right so well... Lola Testsubject here will actually rub her self in the chair, and not ontop of the computer ;) 

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Thanks Afterlifesims! 

I mean so far its going good, just need to figure out how to rotate the sim, since "sitTemplate" doenst do the job, or I missed something,

but its going good so far with a few days of work on and off on it. Wanna get all that working before I start implementing skills and buffs from WickedWhims

and adding my custom "video loop" to play instead of "Tetris" :P

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