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What mod is causing this?

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This seemed like the most appropriate place for this question, since it's sort of a request, but more a backward one.

I'm trying to figure out what mod is causing the following event to occur...

After a SL encounter, I get a modal dialog box that says "Before you finish, someone grabs you."

With the options, "Submit" or "Resist".

Submit will lead to another NPC, including followers, taking advantage of the PC. The NPC also always seems to be assigned a male role despite whatever gender they actually are.


Resist continues on with normal play.


I'm not seeing anything in my mod preferences that would seem to relate to this.

I was thinking it was TDF SexLab Aroused Rape, however I actually don't have that mod installed, plus by the description, that mod initiates a conversation, not just a yes/no box.


Because of my on/off way of playing Skyrim, I'm not really sure what mods I installed with respect to when this dialog started popping up. I'm also not particularly eager to start turning chunks of mods on or off to see if it vanishes. So I'm hoping someone might just recognize what mod this behavior belongs to?

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