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4k femalebody_s.dds Goosebump skin texture?

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AIO animated pussy mod offers a really low res goosebump texture, is there a 4k version of this?


and can someone explain how skin textures work?


i kinda have a vague idea of how all these files work i.e. Femalebody_1.dds = surface texture, Femalebody_msn.dds=Bumps/parallax?

have no idea what _s and _sk files do exactly.... something to do with subsurface scatter? 

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AIO animated pussy mod offers a really low res goosebump texture, is there a 4k version of this?


and can someone explain how skin textures work?


i kinda have a vague idea of how all these files work i.e. Femalebody_1.dds = surface texture, Femalebody_msn.dds=Bumps/parallax?

have no idea what _s and _sk files do exactly.... something to do with subsurface scatter? 


1.) This is the non-adult area!  ;)

2.) _s.dds affects whether the skin texture shines or not.

Dry Skin by Svarog



3.) _sk.dds affects the light reflection some textures tend to show a bronze effect on the skin, very unpleasant. :P

Ugly Bronze Shine Remover by MayheM7


You can try demoniac http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70834/? . Install demoniac and then just install AIO, but without skin textures (just choose 4k textures,dont choose player texture and diffuse maps and you can still use the bijin replacers with animated pussy). 


Not suitable for all body types.  :P

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