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[WHAT IS?] Does anyone know what lip texture this is?

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I came across a mod with presets the other day and downloaded all necessary files for the preset, however when I loaded it I noticed that the lip texture was not the same as the picture. I made a comment about it and the mod author posted another mod they may have forgotten for tintmasks, however after downloading that it still wasn't the same. Does anyone know what mod this is?


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Kinda hard to tell without links to the source of the picture. A link would help.

If hes sure he posted all requirements? Or maybe you need to install it in some special order from the requirements to get the lips?

Maybe its just his ENB that makes the lips look different?

Who knows.

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Screenshot is taken from this mod.


The color of the lips can change based on:

-the tintmask used (but it seems like you already have Fair Skin Complexion and the right tintmask)

-the lightning

-the ENB

And maybe something else, but these are the major impacts. If you use the same makeup texture (tintmask), you already have the same lips. If the lips of your character don't look like the lips of the character on that picture, it will most likely be because of your ENB.

By the way, I'm using Fair Skin Complexion for UNP and I'm pretty sure that the lips texture is from that mod.

If you still think that you don't get the correct lips color, please upload a screenshot of your character as a comparison.

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Screenshot is taken from this mod.


The color of the lips can change based on:

-the tintmask used (but it seems like you already have Fair Skin Complexion and the right tintmask)

-the lightning

-the ENB

And maybe something else, but these are the major impacts. If you use the same makeup texture (tintmask), you already have the same lips. If the lips of your character don't look like the lips of the character on that picture, it will most likely be because of your ENB.

By the way, I'm using Fair Skin Complexion for UNP and I'm pretty sure that the lips texture is from that mod.

If you still think that you don't get the correct lips color, please upload a screenshot of your character as a comparison.


I also used the ENB and went to the same place that they took the picture to get the same lighting (Alternate Start dungeon) and it is for sure not the ENB causing the lips to look like that. They are glossy while mine are nearly there, but they don't have the same shine. It doesn't seem to be a lip color per say, but a texture of some sort. This is a picture of me using everything installed. 


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What face textures / ENB / head mesh are you using? Those suggested at the mod's page (i.e. Fair Skin, Vivid Rampage ENB, ECE files)? Out of curiosity, I have installed them to check whether I can get the same result and the lip gloss is there in my game (although it doesn't seem to be as strong as on original screenshots). Check pictures below:


That's a screenshot with the Fair Skin's original tintmasks:




And that's a screenshot with those korean tintmasks:




The lip gloss is there, although for some reason a color of those lips is different... (and so are cheeks, my nose and the shape of eyes' out edges - Skyrim truly amuse me sometimes).


Anyway, aside from the mods above, there are a few other things that could affect your results:

  • The place you are standing at (there is a torch in the ASLAL dungeon - were you standing in front of it or was it not affecting you at all?)
  • Lighting mods - my results were exactly the same with and without ELFX, but perhaps you are using a different lightning mod?
  • Do you installed any mods that change specular maps of textures (e.g. Sweaty Body)? If so are you sure they do not overwrite Fair Skin's textures?
  • There are probably a few more that do not come to my mind or I just don't know about them.
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You're right it's not as glossy but you still get it a little at least... I'm using everything the mod author has in the description, Vivid Rampage ENB, Fair Skin, All the ECE files. The Mod Author is standing infront of the torch in her picture but I couldn't do the same because the light was too yellow and bright. I also have ELFX, I'm not using any wet/sweaty bodies and Fair Skin's textures aren't being overwritten. I even tried brightening the lips like you would with a wet body texture to make it shinier and it didn't do anything. Even your nose is shiny, I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Can you tell me what options you chose to install Fair Skin texture maybe? I'm also using Mod Organizer if maybe that makes a difference.

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I am rather sure that MO does not make any difference (except that it is so much easier to test everything with it). Regarding the Fair Skin, I am using:

  • Specular Maps - Silky (default)
  • Subsurface Textures (default)
  • Makeup Tweaks
  • Diffuse / Normal maps shouldn't matter as those options do not affect face (the same goes for the remaining optional files).

Also, regarding that yellow light. My screenshots were taken right after the game has begun. I did not exit race menu and did not move my character (so it should stand in front of torch). If you do the same then is your light too yellow / bright? If so then something may be affecting your lighting after all and change the result.


Lastly, I probably should have mentioned that earlier, but my screenshots were taken with Fair Skin textures ver. 8. Previous versions of Fair Skin did not differ from each other that much (that's why I ignored it at first), but I have noticed that version 9 is quite bit different from the one I have used. I am not sure which version was used by mod creator.

I will install the new textures and check whether it affects the result significantly (I will edit this post / create a new one with screenshots once I will install it)


Edit: Ok, I have just tested it and the lip gloss is still there so it is not affected by the version of textures at all (however, my screenshot now reminds the original one much more):



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Hello~ I was able to get it working, it was a mistake on my end. I had installed Fair Skin Texture with the Sweaty Body to see if I could make this work, and instead of reinstalling Fair Skin, I simply deleted the the files that contained the Sweaty Body, taking away the Silky (Default) Specular Maps which give the lips a bit of gloss. However, I was able to realize this because you successfully got it working and caused me to reinstall Fair Skin, so I really appreciate you! Thank you very much c: Sorry for my stupidity.
This is what it looks like now that I've gotten it to work, I went in to the files and edited the gloss of the lips so that it's a bit brighter like the picture. (I still have no idea how they got that gray-white lighting while standing infront of a torch)
Edit: I just went back in to Skyrim to get a picture for you of me in racemenu right after the game starts, the torch is super yellow as you can see, another problem, but it's alright.


(I can't find the spoiler button I'm sorry)

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I am glad that you got it working! And don't worry, I have forgotten about my personal edits at least a few dozen times as well. ;)

Regarding the light, I am not sure why it is like that. There are several profiles in that ENB that you can switch by going to ENB menu and changing the "TECHNIQUE" option in enbeffect.fx, some of which are much more desaturated, but even the default option does not look like that in my game. Do you use ELFX Enhancer (that one can have an especially strong effect), ELE or anything else that could affect the lighting aside from the core ELFX? If so then I would start with turning those off and checking whether it changes anything. ;)

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I am glad that you got it working! And don't worry, I have forgotten about my personal edits at least a few dozen times as well. ;)

Regarding the light, I am not sure why it is like that. There are several profiles in that ENB that you can switch by going to ENB menu and changing the "TECHNIQUE" option in enbeffect.fx, some of which are much more desaturated, but even the default option does not look like that in my game. Do you use ELFX Enhancer (that one can have an especially strong effect), ELE or anything else that could affect the lighting aside from the core ELFX? If so then I would start with turning those off and checking whether it changes anything. ;)


can you send me or upload korean tnt mask because i can't found it

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Oh, my game has looked like this before the ENB. Perhaps I am using ELFX Enhancer. 

And it seems that I am! 



I'm not sure which one I like better but thank you again haha. I'll run around and test this new lighting. 

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can you send me or upload korean tnt mask because i can't found it




Here is the page with the tintmask.

Click the blue text to download it.




another question if possible

now you use default map for fair skin or seweet or wet

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The map used on those screenshots is a default one - silky. Wet map will probably give you some some gloss as well, but it will affect your entire face, not just the lips. The third option from Fair Skin ("goosebumps") affect only body and not the face.

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