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14 hours ago, calamityfortune11 said:

Hi! I'm not a very experienced moder, but I tried to install twink race mod, and I get the same result. What can I do wrong? I originally planned to play SE, but I found problems with SoS, so I chose oldrim


As I could remember twink race mod is for SE

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

This may have been asked or discussed before, but I figured I would make my own post outlining the stuff I've tried. I'll preface by saying that I play SE/AE.

I really want to play as a Devious Devices compatible Khajiit femboy. I first tried the Femboy Race Reborn mod with DD compatibility, but the mod hasn't been supported for a long time and is no longer compatible with the most current version of DD. Gags wouldn't fit right, and some devices wouldn't fit or wouldn't appear.

I tried to download various meshes and textures, alongside using bodyslide and using SOS to create a femboy body. However, my character's chest tended to look odd, and there seems to be a lack of khajiit shclong textures and meshes that work with the body meshes and textures I've tried. Some devices also didn't work right (like attaching boobs to my character) since they were made for the female model. I could overlook this since most the devices I actually cared about worked fine. 

I also ran into the problem where the body type I created would be used by every female npc in the game. I tried using Unique Character, which posed it's own hassles as I did my best to navigate the files and make sure everything was placed correctly, but I also learned that if I wanted to use Unique Character, I would have to make new armors in the Creation Kit specifically meant for my character to my character. 

Finally, I also tried incorporating Vivi's Cockages. But that ended up in missing textures, needing to download and convert Equipable Schlongs, non khajiit cock textures showing up, and some cages just not working.

I just want to know if this is feasible, if I've overcomplicated the task, or if anyone has any guidance they can give me.

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On 1/25/2024 at 2:05 PM, herpdiderpy said:

This may have been asked or discussed before, but I figured I would make my own post outlining the stuff I've tried. I'll preface by saying that I play SE/AE.

I really want to play as a Devious Devices compatible Khajiit femboy. I first tried the Femboy Race Reborn mod with DD compatibility, but the mod hasn't been supported for a long time and is no longer compatible with the most current version of DD. Gags wouldn't fit right, and some devices wouldn't fit or wouldn't appear.

I tried to download various meshes and textures, alongside using bodyslide and using SOS to create a femboy body. However, my character's chest tended to look odd, and there seems to be a lack of khajiit shclong textures and meshes that work with the body meshes and textures I've tried. Some devices also didn't work right (like attaching boobs to my character) since they were made for the female model. I could overlook this since most the devices I actually cared about worked fine. 

I also ran into the problem where the body type I created would be used by every female npc in the game. I tried using Unique Character, which posed it's own hassles as I did my best to navigate the files and make sure everything was placed correctly, but I also learned that if I wanted to use Unique Character, I would have to make new armors in the Creation Kit specifically meant for my character to my character. 

Finally, I also tried incorporating Vivi's Cockages. But that ended up in missing textures, needing to download and convert Equipable Schlongs, non khajiit cock textures showing up, and some cages just not working.

I just want to know if this is feasible, if I've overcomplicated the task, or if anyone has any guidance they can give me.


Well, i try to explain for you how it's works.


First, you should understand that body skin and your character armors/clothing practically same thing. All of this in CK named as Armor (ARMO). 


Second, all ARMO has 2 importants lists - body slots and Armor Addons (ARMA). Body slots defines on which part of body it's equipped and standard skin has 4 slots - Body, Head, Hands, Feet. But ARMO record has no concrete skin/body model in it. Specificall models stored in ARMA, which contain male/female model, list of supported races, list of slots that should be replaced, and weight/layer value.


Next - mesh layers and slots. As i said, skin and your armos is the same thing. But game replace your body meshes when you equipping some armor. Why? It's all work thorugh assigned slots and layer weights. Body/skin has lowest weight - 0, armor/clothing practically always has greater value. So when you equip something, that have slot 32 (Body) in ARMA/ARMO, it hides body meshes, and show clothing meshes. 


So actually you can equip any body on your character/NPC as armor, because if it have slot 32, it replace main body. Other part of this - skimpy/revealed outfits, that have open skin parts and have assigned slot 32, can change your character's bodyshape when you equpping them. And it's reason for Bodyslide usage - with this tools you easily can make outfit fits your custom body.


Game standartly apply same skin/body on all characters. Because by default we have only 2 variants - for male and for female. Each game race (playable or not) has property Skin, that actually is ARMA record. But by default - it's uses one body model/texture for all races (with some changes for Khajiits/Argonians). 


But how can we have so many mods with custom body followers or vanilla NPC's replacers? That explained simply - each NPC record in CK  can have it's own property for skin/body. So mods'author create for this NPCs custom ARMA/ARMO records, assign path to body meshes, and custom textures, and then apply it to concrete NPC.

If you detaily checking any custom tsandalone follower mod, you will see that it contains meshes and texturess for body, head, hands, feets, hairstyles and other body parts. Also it can contain bodyslide files or refitted clothing. In ESP you can find separate records for followers'body assigned to its NPC record. So that things describes for game them appearance.



So we basically have 2 ways to apply custom body - through custom RACE record, or through NPC property Worn Armor/Skin.


So when game engine load NPC to view, it checks NPC race and get skin record for race if NPC has no custom skin. Then game check inventory for worn armor/clothing, and replace meshes of body with armor meshes. Very simple.

Some mods allow you use different body/texture for each race - you can find it on Nexus. But actually you can use any variant of bodyshape by conditions. for example, you can find template of all bandits NPCs, modify this record and have another body for bandits. Or make all inkeepers/tavern girls as Futanari. Or add to all Dremora horns and tailes that them looks like succubus. 


So you can use custom race for your character to provide custom body. But in this case - you should add your race to ARMA records of all ARMO, that you want to be compatible with your character. It's easily can be done with xEdit/TES5Edit. Of course you should use compatible with your body armor/clothing meshes.


Or you can do some 'trick' with you character CK record. Information about your character stored in game with record 0x07 (base NPC record) and 0x14 (instance reference). You actually can add custom skin/body in record 0x7, and this should be applied only for you character, and not for any NPC. 



Standard way to make femboy character - use flatless/breastless female body with female sos addon. You can use any body model (CBBE/UNP) and textures as your taste. Main problem - outfits/armor. Simpliest way - use any outfits with supported bodyslide. So you can create you body with bodyslide and refit all clothing that you need for your body.  So you create BodySlide preset for your character, apply it for body, copy meshes to other folder, create custom race and assign path to this meshes, refit any outfit with your preset, copy meshes and edit esp of clothing mod to assign your race and custom mesh for it. Of course, you should backup original body and clothing meshes, and restore it that NPCs looks as usual.


Also more about slots and outfits.


Slots/priority can be used for modular clothing - various outfit parts can be worn at same time. For example, you can wear at the same time panties, nipple piercing, bra and armor. But when you equip all - you see only armor. When you unequip armor - you see bra/panties, but no piercing/accessory. Take off bra and you'll see nipple piercing. It's work assigning different slots on ARMO for each part of clothing, and combinations of slots in ARMA and layer priorities/weights.


If different ARMO has same slots, when you equip second, first automatically unequips. Practially all vanilla body armors has slot 32 on ARMO record. Installed SOS also add slot 52 (genitals) to all not reveleated ARMO. So when you equip any armor - your penis hides. SOS_Revelaing keyword on ARMO suppress this behavior, it describe for SOS that armor has space for schlong meshes, and it's should not be replaced.


So if you wanna use some outfit/accessories with revealed/not hided penis - cock rings, piercings, cock cages, crotchless panties - them should have SOS_Revealed keyword and not use 52 slot, or should contain penis mesh.  


So actually yes, it's hard work. If you see any shots of @SavrenX 's femboys - it's a lot of work. Manual body sculpting, texturing, fitting outfits and creating its own. Hours, days, weeks. 











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Another good example of femboy characters - @FutaNemesislol followers, based on CBBE 3BA Vaginaless body (dw's Vaginaless CBBE 3BA - Adult Mods - LoversLab)

So you build cbbe body with  @FutaNemesislol preset, changes skin textures as you wish, create race that uses this body, build outfits with this sliders preset, and modify outfit esp with xEdit to assign support for your race.




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@private_johny Thanks for taking the time to make such a detailed response. I'll have to read it over a few time, I'm just unfamiliar with a lot of this. By your description on the standard method, it doesn't seem all that complicated, but I am playing with tools I just haven't used very much, if at all. So this is a bit of a learning curve for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Luka9470 said:

Awesome! when will it be released?


Can't tell exactly, working on the "male" versions now, and after that I still have a lot of art stuff to do like a new logo, screenshots etc. If I would have to guess, maybe between 1 and 2 weeks.


Meanwhile I am going to leave this here :P


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2 hours ago, Vivi said:


Can't tell exactly, working on the "male" versions now, and after that I still have a lot of art stuff to do like a new logo, screenshots etc. If I would have to guess, maybe between 1 and 2 weeks.


Meanwhile I am going to leave this here :P


My gosh that Femboy is adorable! Only wish I could see him without a PP-cage 🤭

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9 hours ago, Vivi said:


Can't tell exactly, working on the "male" versions now, and after that I still have a lot of art stuff to do like a new logo, screenshots etc. If I would have to guess, maybe between 1 and 2 weeks.


Meanwhile I am going to leave this here :P


Thanks, it's exciting to know there's a new release coming!😆

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