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Oblivion Crash on Startup - might be because of load order, might not


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Hi all, as thread title. I'm fairly certain I either borked something's installation (MBP, likely), but I figured I'd ask here before doing the drastic thing and reinstalling the whole mess.


Here's my load order:



Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm
Lovers with PK.esm
Toaster Says Share v3.esm
Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed Block with no damage or durability changes.esp
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp
Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp
My Voice Extender.esp
P1DseeYouSleep - DLCVileLair.esp
CSR - Golden Saint.esp
P1DseeYouSleep - VVAdvanced.esp
CSR - Fine Iron.esp
Plate Armor Plus - Woman's Move Edition.esp
HUD Status Bars.esp
Lovers with PK.esp
Quest Award Leveller.esp
Quest Award Leveller - Knights of the Nine.esp
Unequip Broken Armor.esp
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Disable BandBlindMask.esp
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race.esp
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Hair Modules.esp
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Eye Modules.esp
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed MS Elves - NoSc.esp
Beautiful PeopleV22 - MaleReplacerV4.esp
DeadlyReflex 6 - Combat Moves.esp



This is a fresh install, but I used to have roughly the same set of mods as I have listed here. What could be causing a crash on startup?

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P1DseeYouSleep - DLCVileLair.esp <-----


You have this enabled but I don't see the vile lair dlc which would be its master. That will result in an automatic CTD everytime.


If you have not already done so I recommend you run boss and then hand sort your lovers files.

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Is it giving you an error message or just CTD?


Just a straight up CTD. Although sometimes it gets to the 'B' in Bethesda before blowing up.



P1DseeYouSleep - DLCVileLair.esp <-----


You have this enabled but I don't see the vile lair dlc which would be its master. That will result in an automatic CTD everytime.


If you have not already done so I recommend you run boss and then hand sort your lovers files.


It isn't just that .esp, since I've disabled it and the crashes still happen. I'm going to retry disabling mods one-by-one and wait until it works - trial and error is always a safe bet.

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I'm having the same problem' date=' CTD right as it gets to the Bethesda screen. I have no mods installed though.



Kuroso@ if you have tes4edit you can run that and it will tell you what mod is interfering.


queenbee57@ I ran into that once after a new install if you have no mods and your downloadable content(if you have any )is auto sorted with boss. then if you have a steam version go under your games library and right click oblivion, local files, verify game integrity and steam will patch it up, if its not a steam version go into mydocuments/mygames/oblivion and move the oblivion ini out on your desktop or somewhere(in case it doesnt fix it you still have it)and when you start the game it should rebuild it.If that fixes it you will have to redo all your settings.


only happened to me once I don't know how that got scewed up but it fixed mine. and if you have steam the steam fix should take care of it for sure. /edit I still had to take the obivion ini out to fix after i patched it with steam forgot that was like two months ago I didnt come up with that on my own either ended up finding on google after a lot of searching.

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Kuroso, do you have Oblivion Mod Manager installed? It has a conflict detector (in the utilities section) that when run, will tell you if you are missing any masters for the active plugins. Though if you are able to see the logo screen, even briefly, I don't think you're missing anything, but check anyway.


Queen, should what shane suggested not work, PM me and I will walk you through gathering some information to see if we can rule out whether outside programs are interfering. In the mean time, I am going to go searching for the guide(s) I found for optimizing your computer for Oblivion and see if they're worth it or not. I was partially asleep when I read one or two :/

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Kuroso' date=' do you have Oblivion Mod Manager installed? It has a conflict detector (in the utilities section) that when run, will tell you if you are missing any masters for the active plugins. Though if you are able to see the logo screen, even briefly, I don't think you're missing anything, but check anyway.[/quote']


Yeah, I have OBMM. It doesn't say anything about conflicts, though. I do recall having this error the last time I had Oblivion (almost a year ago) and I can't remember what I did to fix it.


I have a sneaking suspicion it's one of the official plugins, like Knights of the Nine, that's borking the whole thing.


EDIT: Whoops, nope, Gregathit had it right in the first place. It WAS one of the SeeYouSleep plugins - the Vim and Vigor one, specifically. Tes4Edit helpfully pointed it out by throwing a shitfit. Thanks everyone, problem solved!

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Guest Lady Luck

Here's A full solution to your problem



A) Could be load order " Check if you load it wrong way"

B) Could be some of the mods conflict

C) Use WyRe bash to fix that solution


What " Really Causing CTDS on oblivion" ?


Remember some Mods uses high resolution textures and other drastic graphic enhancement ,if you download that kind of mod it require tweaking inside INI files.


Check your graphic card memory and hardrive see if the memory able to handle the mods, if you got simple mod with minor enhancement it could be the DLC, remember load order on oblivion are important you have to separate DLC and mod how?


" adjusting load order by using wyre bash" if all goes green than it's ok to use.



Common threat on oblivion game " Anti virus?!"


yeah that one will cause ctds too , disable it if you want to play the game.


uhmm i run 64 bit machine and only dlc loaded , no mods?


if you use only vanilla dlc and main files , right click compatibility settings and change into windows xp sp 3 on windows 7/vista



ok i did all above but it's still ctd damnit!


relax , if all above don't work check if your game already patch to its latest versions, usually some mod require patches.



i did patch my game! and it's still ctd?!


* facepalm * oh yeah i forgot some mods require other junction files

for example if you downloaded " armor mods" by reading the description carefully some will require dlc to load some will require other files to load so it's a bit tedious when you got there , your problem is fixed





do not use unofficial patch from oblivion , if want to use it though after you felt the game infected by bugs or glitches , usually unofficial patch the one that cause ctds.

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do not use unofficial patch from oblivion ' date=' if want to use it though after you felt the game infected by bugs or glitches , usually unofficial patch the one that cause ctds.



Vanilla Oblivion is totally full of bugs. Unless you're using major overhauls e.g., OOO, that include fixes, UOP, USIP and UOMP are mandatory (and they are the last ones I'd blame for a CTD).

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I am with mrpouit on the unofficial patches domgar. The UOP and USIP are VERY helpful. They solved a recurring problem with my installation that actually prevented me from continuing to play one of my saves. Grumpf was the one that pushed for me to go ahead and install them, and once I did I immediately noticed at least 5-6 bugs gone, just with my inventory alone. Other bugs like stat glitches disappeared as well.


But, on to other things you have said that hold merit:


1) Disable your anti-virus

This I have seen mentioned many places, and after testing it myself I agree. Even though I have PLENTY of RAM (16GB) for my usual activities on the computer (multi-tasking) and have yet to reach the full RAM installed and used, running Oblivion with your anti-virus enabled will significantly increase your RAM being used at the time, especially if it scans files accessed in real time. Not only will it increase the RAM being used, but also use up CPU resources too. Both of those on their own will slow down Oblivion, and combined together... you get the point I hope.


2) Check load order

Yup, that has caused many people headaches. Using software like BOSS to sort it out is a must. I think we all can vouch for that. Also, checking against a posted load order list to make adjustments after running BOSS is a great idea. There are several posted on here that I know of. If you cannot find one, ask Gregathit and he/she (sorry Greg, not sure what sex you are lol) will provide the link to a great one to use.


3) Check conflicts (including missing masters/parents)

First rule of thumb before you add ANY mod: if there is a readme for it, READ IT! Many of the problems with CTDs on loading are caused by this. No matter how perfect your load order is, if something is missing that's needed by another mod, the game either won't load at all, or will be VERY unstable if it loads at all. OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) has a conflict detector that will notify you if a required plugin file (.esp/.esm) is missing. Tes4Edit apparently does too (not used it myself so I cannot verify that). It is a strong recommendation to use at least one of those, if not both.


4) Check hardware requirements

Definitely. systemrequirementslab.com is a great place to check. Its not perfect though. Sometimes it does mark something as not meeting the requirements but will still work perfectly fine (it tried to tell me my audio wouldn't work with the game yet I still have sound in game). If you feel like comparing everything yourself, use a program like CPU-Z (freeware, so no worries there) to gather your hardware information in a convenient place (very helpful for those who do not know where to find it themselves) and then check it against the minimum/recommended specs from the company of the game.


As for compatibility mode, that one is unfamiliar to me so I cannot say yea or nay on it. As such, I would list it as up to the user to try at their discretion. Another I have come across is the 4GB patch (for 64 bit OS users), and personally I have not seen any benefit from it yet. Another I would leave up to the user's discretion, but one word of warning before using it: It modifies the oblivion.exe file, so make a backup of it before using the patch. Copy the oblivion.exe file somewhere outside of the installation folder first just in case it does not work as intended.

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