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Named enemies

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I have a fun idea for a mod if anyone would like to tackle it. I'd love to do it myself, but sadly, I not only don't know the first thing about making a mod, I don't even know how to get started learning how... But I digress. I went online looking for this idea to see if there was a mod that might make things a little more interesting. It gets boring killing the same raiders all the time. "Psycho raider, Raider Survivalist, Random Raider With Pasties, you know them all by heart, I'm sure. And you constantly see... LEGENDARIES!~!~!~! Really? That's it? You're an exceptional Psycho Raider, but the best name you can make for yourself is Psycho Legendary? Seriously? Why is he/she Legendary Survivalist? Why isn't it Greg the Chopper? Why isn't it Bullseye Betty? Or Hawkeye Sheila? Violent Vinny? Basically... Why is it with all these brilliant modders, no one's made a mod that makes legendaries... wait for it... legendary? Anyone else think this sounds cool too?


This mods does exist for Skyrim, but bear in mind that FO4 hasn't been near as successful as Skyrim. I honestly don't think such a mod will be done, especially because the Skyrim version had all the lore behind it, while FO4 characters use real names.


Be still, my broken heart! If I knew how, I'd make the mod myself. It feels like it would be such a fun idea. I didn't know it existed for Skyrim though. Do you know what the mod is called? I wouldn't mind adding it to my already perilously overbloated list.


Be still, my broken heart! If I knew how, I'd make the mod myself. It feels like it would be such a fun idea. I didn't know it existed for Skyrim though. Do you know what the mod is called? I wouldn't mind adding it to my already perilously overbloated list.


Here you go, though I just removed it from my load order, large numbers of npc's tend to make the game stutter like hell using it, http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71464/?



God help you if you are in combat when it starts doing its thing, slow is the word, though that was on my old pc, not used it with my new rig.


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