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I have only males in my sims game. I'm even reworking all the NPCs into males.

I have only a few active households, all are either my own OCs or mine and friends that are coupled together.


This guy is called Roderich Alexander, he's Austrian in his late 20s and works as an alternative model. (The horns are fake, simply props he sometimes glues to his head for photo shoots or walking around town)




This next guy is called Ghanak, he is a halfbreed. His age hasn't been set yet, possibly 30? His mother was of royalty, she was Queen, she was also an elf. His father was an ordinary human that his mother took a great deal of pleasure in "playing with", as a result, we've got his slightly arrogant, tall halfbreed. Ghanak has no iris or pupils, he was blinded in a magic accident. So he has a personal assistant to be his guide.




Next up, Kuldo Skullbattle. His age hasn't been set yet. He's an orc, he also helps his "master" Ghanak around the town as well as the mansion, previously he was a slave for the household However, since the king and queen's passing, Kuldo is now left to care for their arrogant son who is more submissive than he seems to be.




Next up is possibly one of my favourite (and oldest) OCs.  His name is Ingelbert Jakob Lange. (Though his nicknames are; Giant, Burch(after the tree, yes). He is 42 years old, a gigantic stoner and works as a biologist. He also has a bionic hand which he hand stitched fresh human skin onto.(I'm working on adding the scars/actual bionics to him, just can't find them) He is German and currently spends 80% of his time experimenting in some way. I could honestly ramble about him for HOURS. I love him- I also need to fix the scar on his face, it's so red.




Up next is Vincent Lange! (Used to be Vincent Druitd a struggling author. He has heterochromia which causes one eye to be blue and one to be brown. He was previously highly self-conscious about it and went as far as to wear contact lenses or blacked out glasses all the time, Ingelbert eventually persuaded him and helped him realise his eyes are gorgeous.




Now for Klaus Strappmunn! He's my shortest OC at only 5ft tall, poor boy. He is 24, currently working as a florist and is sort of a "housewife" at the end of the day. Due to many people confusing him for a girl, he recently started to build up some muscle just to look more masculine, though he still enjoys embracing his femininity. 




I have more, but I'm tired- ?

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he's part of my main-legacy and I think he's one of the most beautiful Sims in my game. He's buff and hairy, he died once but he's kind of a crazy scientist so I brought him back and gave him those cool Frankenstein-scars all over his body, so technically he's undead lol




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I made a post for my female sims, why don't make one for the male ones?


Here we go :



Mat Frost :



Anthony Colins :



Simon Roudier :



Denis Carpenter :



Mike Hakerman :



Erik Miller :




Ps : if someone wanna ask me about a cc in partucular >> PM me <<, i'll try to say witch one it is but not sure i'll find it, got nearly 18Go of CC. I won't share any of my sim coz there are tons of mods and none of these are mine. Sorry about that.

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5 hours ago, moanforme said:

he's part of my main-legacy and I think he's one of the most beautiful Sims in my game. He's buff and hairy, he died once but he's kind of a crazy scientist so I brought him back and gave him those cool Frankenstein-scars all over his body, so technically he's undead lol




I need him  for my game omg

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