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sometimes 3 voices during 2-person sex


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I play a male character and frequently rape female NPC's with the mod Defeat. Occasionally (I think, less than 1 time out of 20) one can hear two female voices during sex, the other one very soft like a subtle background singer or something. It occurs toward the end of the copulation. Between the normal-volume wails of the rapee, another female voice moans very softly "yeah". In other words, one can clearly distinguish three voices: the male voice, the first female voice sounding believably like a woman being raped, and the very soft second female voice who sounds like she's enjoying it. The soft moans of pleasure occur between the wails of the rapee, during the time when she is actually supposed to breathe in.


I don't know which mod might be causing this. That soft background moaner can also occur when initiating sex with MCM > SexLab > Animation Editor > Play Animation. That is why it doesn't seem to be Defeat's fault. I don't use anything like Fuz Ro D'oh.


The second female voice definitely doesn't belong there. One person is not supposed to make sounds with two different voices. Any ideas as to the possible reason and ways of avoiding it?


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