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enb + dense grass = low fps


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i have been trying to discover why my fps is so low in some areas, after 2 hours of disabling and enabling mods in mod organizer i tracked down the reason: enb + dense grass together eat 20 fps from me... but why only together? because if i have only enable the dense grass mod i get constant 50 fps as soon as i enable any enb the fps goes down to 30 or even 22 in some areas, BUT if i disable the dense grass mod and leave the enb there the fps goes up again to 50 fps

i have been using this mod to increase the grass densite http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25370, i'm using the vanilla textures without any mod like verdant or something like that, i tried Grass On Steroids but the fps went down to 15

so i ended up stop using any grass mods and tweaked the ini files which made the grass really apart from one another and just looks silly






now i dont know, leave the grass mod and the enb but live with the bad fps or have silly grass and good fps






truth is i want both a good looking game and good fps so thats why i'm here, if anyone know a solution for these or at least something to give me a little bit more fps, like how is your ini file configuration or which mod do you guys use to improve the grass... i would be very grateful

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Try Dreamer - Real Performance,



or PerformanceXP.



I get 40-44 fps using Dreamer, Verdant Grasses, and Renthal's parallax groundcovering.  It's when I replace Dreamer with Elder Blood or Kountervibe Northern Light (both are my favorite power hungary ENBs) that I hit 10-15 fps (with Verdant Grasses and parallax groundcovering).


You mentioned editing 'iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure= " in Skyrim.ini did not make the grass 'look' nice, but did it have any impact on performance.

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today i started messing arround with everything, changing settings from the enb to the lowest quality possible (which looks the same for me at least) and i also changed lots of setting from the inis from shadow to grass tweaks, truth is everything looks the same for me BUT the fps is really good now for some reason so i'm happy



(20 fps before, 45 fps now in the exact same place)NkIFtPWwb.jpg


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this is just a wild guess but could it be that enb handles grass differently from vanilla? in vanilla maybe it uses less shadows or calculates stuff less when it comes to grass but with enb it tries to make the little grass skyrim normally has much better looking so when you add tons of grass it makes all of those much better than the dense grass mod originally intended. 


not that i know but that could be the reason why both at the same time have extra hit on fps

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this is just a wild guess but could it be that enb handles grass differently from vanilla? in vanilla maybe it uses less shadows or calculates stuff less when it comes to grass but with enb it tries to make the little grass skyrim normally has much better looking so when you add tons of grass it makes all of those much better than the dense grass mod originally intended. 


not that i know but that could be the reason why both at the same time have extra hit on fps


it's probably something like that, and i might have changed this setting by pure luck and it fixed my problem kek

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