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Clean Install?


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I've actually asked these questions in a thread about the mod in question, but I'm not getting a timely answer and I'm bored, so apologies all around for doubling up here as it were.  I'm attempting to update Skykids.  I haven't played in a few years, and after updating MO and the rest of my mods I just have that one left before I can get back to gaming.  However, the modder specifically warns that upgrading requires a clean install (and he also goes into specifics about certain files that have to be removed) but I'm not sure exactly what that means.  The core SK archive comes with about a dozen folders, most of which I already have from years ago.  Can I go into MO, and then 'remove mod' on each applicable mod name and that's sufficient?  Or will it be necessary to delete the folders themselves from ...skyrim/modorganizer/mods?


I'm a bit confused because he has the following instruction listed under his warning about upgrading the mod - [remove] The entire SkyProc armor patcher directory "Data\SkyProc Patchers\SKArmorPatcher\" and that seems to be located as a folder inside the core Skykids base folder which I would have thought would need to be deleted.  So it makes me think perhaps I shouldn't be deleting all these files, but only specific ones, which goes back to confusing me as to what constitutes a clean install.

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Clean install is a "clean install".


As far as the game is concerned there can't be other mods installed (or previous mods etc). Imagine it as a fresh clean install of the game, the tools, Mod manager, mods and then the mods themselves with patches. Just as if you were starting from scratch. When Skykids is ran and SkyProc on a system like that nothing is left over from before therefore it is clean. At least that is the way I understand it. and what I did when I used Skykids and when back to reinstall.


(with MO it was easy as there was nothing there in the data folder and the manager / profile was clean and fresh when starting over. ;). I just had to make sure that there wasn't any saves that had data from before (and other part of the clean part . )))


Hopefully that helps. I have a "clean install" ever time I start a new Skyrim game ;). The base safes I have that I use have no mods installed not even SKSE so when I start the first time it is as if it is fresh and clean and the files do their things and all seems to work just fine ... so far.

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Everything seems to be working fine.  Only issue I'm having has nothing to do with Skykids, but rather SkyUI.  It keeps telling me my SKSE scripts are out of date.  I just upgraded SKSE yesterday.  I used the new option to do it through Steam.  Do you think that's the issue?

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Everything seems to be working fine.  Only issue I'm having has nothing to do with Skykids, but rather SkyUI.  It keeps telling me my SKSE scripts are out of date.  I just upgraded SKSE yesterday.  I used the new option to do it through Steam.  Do you think that's the issue?


I wouldn't think so, but as the Steam Workshop can be wonky, this may be too.

To be safe, install it manually. Optionally install the data-folder files into MO, if some badly written mod overwrites SKSE files you can spot it easily.

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Everything seems to be working fine.  Only issue I'm having has nothing to do with Skykids, but rather SkyUI.  It keeps telling me my SKSE scripts are out of date.  I just upgraded SKSE yesterday.  I used the new option to do it through Steam.  Do you think that's the issue?


I wouldn't think so, but as the Steam Workshop can be wonky, this may be too.

To be safe, install it manually. Optionally install the data-folder files into MO, if some badly written mod overwrites SKSE files you can spot it easily.


If it is the scripts (not the main core) then open and check the entry (explore) in MO. Make sure the structure is correct. I don't use Steam to install SKSE or anything for that matter with MO. It drops the files into the main folder defeating the purpose of MO unless you go the round about way. There are instructions for MO and Steam if you do use it often so I would check on those as well.


As for the solution until you are sure. I'd remove the Steam option, download it manually and follow the procudure you know works. Make sure everything works properly then at an later time experiment with Steam downloads and setups with MO once you are sure you have your new setup perfect and the only problems could be related to Steam.


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I ended up doing the manual download and still had the same issue.  Then I noticed a mod on the left side called SKSE Scripts.  So I deleted that and when I restarted Skyrim everything worked fine.  Perhaps I could bug you guys for one last small issue tho...  When I launch Skyrim, or exit MO, I get an error msg -  'Failed to set up proxy-dll loading'  ...common/Skyrim/ModOrganizer/proxy.dll not found.

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