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crashing at vault

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Did you add any mod?


Try to remove them before you start the game.


(The only one I consider safe is CBBE and the replacers that do not come with a esp/esm.)

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My dear, you have too many "unsafe" mods.


Many of these mods are create with the "not told" disclaimer: "Not use together with other mods because we cannot test".

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 First verify cache just in case some core file got corrupted. Test again. If that don't work then try removing one mod at a time until you don't crash anymore. Focus on any mod that changes that location first then move from those.


Don't use that mod until passing that part of the game. Might just be specific to that part. This is the same process you use for any other glitch or problem with mods.


Basic mod problem solving.

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Guest Mogie56

Having the same problem, no idea what's causing it, I've started 4 new characters each one with less mods. now all I have left "is" CBBE with no other .esp's no enb's no texture mods nothing and it still wants to crash heading down into the vault. My older saves are fine, I can go in no problem it's just new Characters.

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Any lab coat will cause the game to crash. It could be a material or object problem ATM. For those having problems, try running the game without the meshes, textures and materials from CBBE. In other words, run the game as stock as you can. Then when you defrost and escape the vault, install back the mods.

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Any lab coat will cause the game to crash. It could be a material or object problem ATM. For those having problems, try running the game without the meshes, textures and materials from CBBE. In other words, run the game as stock as you can. Then when you defrost and escape the vault, install back the mods.


I deleted the meshes from the lab coat and left the textures/materials in place fyi.  That solved a ctd on entering vault81.

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Guest Mogie56

Yes it does seem to be only the Vaulttec Scientist outfits, I didn't delete them just gave them a .bak (backup) extension and let the vanilla meshes load instead and entering Vault 111 went as it should, no ctd.

Don't know what it is about those meshes although loading them up in "Outfit studio" throws a ton of errors (not something I understand). no errors in Nifscope though weird.

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NifSkope is really tolerant about NIF errors, because it supports a huge amount of different NIF versions.

Outfit studio is (and has to be) less tolerant, because the NIF version has to be exactly the one supported by the game.


And the game wants exactly its own NIF version. Sometimes a single miss-placed value gives a CDT.

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  • 1 year later...

While this is a bump it may help other people as well.  The mod Enhanced Lights and FX also causes a crash at Vault 81, it doesn't edit world spaces, rather it edits light sources.  Disabling the mod, allows you to enter.  Strangely enough re-enabling after entering is fine too.  It's simply the transition between the worldspace and interior cell the very first time that has a crash. 

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Yes it does seem to be only the Vaulttec Scientist outfits, I didn't delete them just gave them a .bak (backup) extension and let the vanilla meshes load instead and entering Vault 111 went as it should, no ctd.

Don't know what it is about those meshes although loading them up in "Outfit studio" throws a ton of errors (not something I understand). no errors in Nifscope though weird.


Curious, doesn't the Lazman sexy outfits have one of those? Not sure 'cuz they're numbered vs having names. I didn't install 2pac's mod this time and I didn't have any 111 problems.


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