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Custom Head Texture in Creation Kit


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Hello, everyone!


I've decided to create follower mods out of my many characters. However my progress was swiftly impeded by the fact that despite all efforts, the follower's head texture is the one I have installed for my game, and not the one I used in CK while creating the npc. All other textures are alright.


I've created the head texture set post-139833-0-97499700-1450970323_thumb.png


the headpart with femalehead.nif I extracted from meshes.bsa and all (3) tri files post-139833-0-60502400-1450970332_thumb.png


and I set the created headpart with assigned custom textures to the npc in actor character gen parts post-139833-0-83251900-1450970337_thumb.png


I use a recemenu preset for the npc, so naturally NifMerge is involved, along with GIMP for texture export over the CK one. Is there something I have to untick before merging the nifs?


I am at a complete loss here. Can anyone see the error in what I'm doing? 

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That seems ok in the CK to me so far.  Did you do the Ctrl-F4 trick to correct the fact tint?  Maybe you are seeing a darker version of what you have placed and coincidentally the normal face is just a tad darker?  Strange thought yes, but I'm taking a guess.

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Guest endgameaddiction

I might be able to help but I need some info.


is this based off a preset of a regular Skyrim race? If yes. I could help. If it's based off a custom race that uses a custom headmesh, I may not be able to help since I only have created follower based off my presets from vanilla races from ECE to RM.

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I might be able to help but I need some info.


is this based off a preset of a regular Skyrim race? If yes. I could help. If it's based off a custom race that uses a custom headmesh, I may not be able to help since I only have created follower based off my presets from vanilla races from ECE to RM.


It's a simple vanilla nord. I use no race mods whatsoever, in fact. I made a nord character, tweaked the face, exported from racemenu. I did CTRL+F4, yes. The result is that the body (also hands and feet) correctly use the custom texture I put into the mod, but the face texture remains unchanged. Barbarian Beauty body and Fair Skin Sweaty face. If anything the face is actually lighter in color. Anyway, I just don't see what I am doing wrong here. According to every tutorial the steps I've taken should've resulted in head textures being the ones I specified, yet that is simply not happening for some reason.

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Guest endgameaddiction

He means provide your follower mod to download to take a look at it.


My guess is the facegendata isn't recognizing your custom textures. Are you opening the exported head from CK and even the one from RaceMenu and applying the custom textures through nifskope?


Also, are you using NPC Nif Merge? You don't use it, but keep it near by, you may need to use it. I do use it for every time I create a follower mod. I can't remember if I had read that it doesn't matter and you still need to import the values over to the original export or not. But I would have this as your last resort in case.

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You should double check the exported head mesh. It's in meshes/actors/character/facegendata/facegeom/plugin.esp/FollowerID.NIF.


All the CK stuff you showed is only there to setup that mesh correctly because that's what the game reads. What really matters is the textures paths that are set on the head mesh. Open it up in Nifskope, look at the shader texture under the lighting shader and change them directly if need be.

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