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On this day in 1964...


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Before I go on, I beg, I appeal, I humbly asking all visitors of this thread: if you want to post a comment, do it in friendly spirit. Please, do not insult me or my memory on my father whom I miss a lot. Please, do not post offensive, sarcastic and/or hostile comments. If you can't do that, please, leave this thread before continue reading. Thank you.


On this day 1th of October in 1964 my father, (R.I.P.) germanicus was born. The man whom, I believe many kids would love to have as their father. I was the lucky one that he was mine. His joyful spirit, mature wisdom and friendly attitude had a great impact on my life.






Although he didn't celebrate his birthdays (he would pull into solitary) I always organized some small surprise for him. And this firework from LOTR, the movie you love the most, is for you, always loved and never forgotten - my King of elfs. Happy birthday wherever you are.



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I've lost my father as well, last year, i know how much it hurts.

I wish yours a happy birthday, and a peaceful afterlife (if you believe in such things)

I'm sure he has immense pride and joy in his ever-loving son.

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