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Getting Fresh Install Skyrim/CK to build Sexlab and DD scripts for making mods.


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I don't want this to read as a guide to setting up how to Mod with Devious Devices and Sexlab in the CK.




But I have some pretty annoying problems getting the CK to build from scratch so I'm going to write down what I did from a fresh install. Can anyone check in with me and just confirm this is "standard procedure" so to speak, it's quite painful and I wouldn't like to mislead anyone if theres an easy method, this is quite frustrating to do. I might be doing several things wrong but here is what I did. Basically it seems like DD/Zadlibs is the main culprit of build errors.


I'll clarify details where I can if there's anyone wondering what madness I'm a part of.


My steps to being able to use Sexlab and Devious Devices in a new mod. (basically get them building)


1. Fresh install of Skyrim and Creation Kit.


2. Unpack Scripts.rar from the data folder.


3. Install SKSE on top of that, overwrite everything if it asks.


4. In SkyrimEditor.ini (Skyrim folder) under [General]  set  bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1


5. To utilise the functionality of Sexlab and Devious Devices load up the following mods when creating your mod.











and finally 

"YourMod.esp" (or whatever it is)


Upon attempting to add Sexlab or Zadlibs properties to your script or compiling the following errors may come up not necessarily in this order.


Build error: "scripts: cannot open store for class sexlab slautilscr"

Fixed by: Use BSA Browser or similar to extract the scripts inside the BSAs of Sexlab Aroused Redux(v17 + overwrite with v18) and dump them in the scripts folder. Sexlab Aroused Redux is on Loverslab.


Build Error: zadLibs.psc(0,0): unable to locate script MfgConsoleFunc

Fixed by: Download some script called MfgConsoleFunc that is supposed to be in SKSE or something, or used to be in Sexlab but isn't anymore because redundancy. You can get it on NexusMods

www.nexus mods. com/skyrim/mods/44596/?


Build error: "SKI_ConfigBase" is undefined

Fix: download SkyUI master from the "Download Zip" button and dump the scripts in your scripts folder


Build Error: zadlibs: XPMSELib is undefined

Install XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended from Loverslab to make DD Integration build because I have no idea what happened.


Build Error: XPMSELib.psc(10,8): variable NiOverride is undefined

Add the scripts from this mod i've never touched before "NetImmerse Override" because XPMSELib wasn't building

http://www.nexusmods. com/skyrim/mods/37481/?

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  • 8 months later...

Hi DoNotBugMe,

Thanks for the info.  I found it helpful in getting one of the Mods I am using to compile.

I know you mention it in the post but I just wanted to re-iterate that the XP32 Maximum Skeleton is the "Extended" version from Lover's Lab Not the standard version.

Both versions can be found on Nexus.  Just make sure you are using the "Extended" version.




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Yes, Legume is correct, you need the latest version of the skeleton, v3.86 is the latest version on the Nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000/?. I have 3.84 installed and it works with no issues with DD Integration. ZadLibs is the main script in Integration and runs most everything, you will be referencing it quite a bit. In case you have not seen it here is the wiki page for DD: https://github.com/DeviousDevices/Docs/wiki

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